Lin Yuanfei recalled the days dominated by horror games...

Standing in front of the door of the Devil's Eye, listening to the loud music behind that door, and smelling the pungent smell of smoke and alcohol that is unique to bars, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath.

One last look at my wife and sister behind him, he pushed open the door like a martyr who died generously.

walked in.

In an instant, the whole bar was quiet.

All eyes were on him at the same time.

Even the music stopped.

Lin Yuanfei stood at the door in bewilderment, but he didn't react—swipe!With a soft sound, the door behind him was locked directly.

Depend on!Can this door lock be remote controlled?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a step back, leaning his back against the locked door, looking at the burly men in the bar who were looking at him coldly, he smiled embarrassingly.

"So what... is this the movie set of Detective Chinatown 2?"

This tm is indeed a new cutscene cg!

Looking at the burly men in the entire bar in front of him, Lin Yuanfei felt so uncomfortable that his stomach hurt.

Chapter 71

A dimly lit bar, flickering with blurred lights.

The originally noisy and noisy voices were all quiet the moment Lin Yuanfei entered the gate.

All the burly men in the bar turned their heads to look at the door, and looked at Lin Yuanfei at the door with expressionless faces.

In front of the bar, on the sofa, in the booth, on the stage... In this huge bar, there is not a single thin person.

Looking around, they are all muscular, muscular and well-built burly men—well, it might be a little out of character to say that.

Let's give a more vivid example. All the burly men in this bar are of Billy Herrington's big body, full of muscles, full of fierce oppression.

Many people still have fierce tattoos on their bodies, and the smoky environment looks like a negotiating scene for gangsters.

It would be scary to see one or two muscular men like this on the street, but there are muscular men from the entire bar gathered here... Damn! Is there a gathering of big guys in the gay circle?

Lin Yuanfei smiled mischievously, stepped back and pressed his back against the locked door, and subconsciously clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

It seemed that this would give him a sense of security.

"Then what... Brothers? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "Do I have any questions?"

Isn't this really a gay party?Then am I not very dangerous?

Lin Yuanfei clenched the wooden knife in his hand again, and decided that if any of these strong men dared to approach him, he would blow the dog's head off.

I just said that Takagi-sensei doesn't look like a good guy, but he's a gay guy!

Don't go home to rest after school, don't go drinking with colleagues, and go to this kind of gay bar to party secretly... Disgusting!

As a man, Lin Yuanfei couldn't accept and tolerate such dangerous things as gay.

His eyes wandered around the bar, trying to find Mr. Takagi among them.

Of course, the most important reason was the fear of being suddenly attacked by these strong men.

However, the two sides stalemate for half a minute, and the entire bar was still so quiet that a needle could be heard, and the strong men in the entire bar seemed to have no intention of doing anything to Lin Yuanfei.

They just looked at Lin Yuanfei coldly, although that kind of eyes obviously didn't have any kindness.

At this moment, the bar was as quiet as a morgue, no one even came out to answer Lin Yuanfei's question, which made Lin Yuanfei even more embarrassed.

He hesitated, thinking about what to do next, but suddenly there was a sound of tables and chairs moving behind the crowd.

The group of strong, vicious and muscular men stepped aside one after another, and a charming and charming figure walked out of the crowd with a smile.

The melodious and seductive voice makes people's bones crisp.

"Hey... Isn't this Mr. Lin Yuan? What a coincidence," Fu Jiang said with a smile while standing among a group of muscular men, "Why did I meet you here? We are really destined, this must be the God of Love The magic that allows us to meet again so soon."

In Fu Jiang's hand, he was holding a dog leash, and on the other end of the dog leash was a man.

And the man lying on the ground with four limbs, being led by Fu Jiang like a dog and still looking happy is——Takagi-sensei?

Fuck!Is this tm a bureau?

Lin Yuanfei's face turned blue.

The moment he saw Fu Jiang -- he didn't even need to see Fu Jiang's face, as long as he saw the blurry figure, Lin Yuanfei immediately lowered his head, only daring to look at the toes of everyone present.

He clenched the wooden knife in his hand, swallowed, "Fu Jiang, did you set up all this?"

But how did this woman know about Mr. Gao Mu?Ya's intelligence ability is too powerful, right?

Did you tm read the script?

Lin Yuanfei felt very painful, because no matter how he thought back, he couldn't imagine how Fu Jiang knew about Mr. Gao Mu, and he couldn't understand when Fu Jiang charmed Mr. Gao Mu.

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