As for Lin Yuanfei's confusion, Fu Jiang solved it very thoughtfully.

"Are you confused? My cute little man?" Fu Jiang said with a smile, "You don't really think that you can make me give up by piercing my heart once? That is absolutely impossible."

Fu Jiang smiled and said, "When you went to the basement with that little girl named Yuki yesterday, in fact, I cut the rope off your body as soon as you left the garage."

"Don't ask me how I cut it, girls, isn't it normal to have some sharp jewelry rings on your body?"

"After that, your time in the basement has been delayed for so long. Isn't it very simple for me to put some condiments in your water glasses, and then install a miniature bug in the house by the way?"

Fu Jiang teased Lin Yuanfei with a smile, "Lin Yuanjun, you lost because you didn't search me at the time... But Lin Yuanjun is such a cautious person, why would he make such a mistake? You shouldn't have missed this point, right? ? Was it really an accidental omission? Or..."

Fu Jiang licked his lips, "...Did Mr. Lin Yuan dare not search me at that time?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, and unconsciously held the dagger in his trouser pocket with his left hand, planning to open Wushuang in order to escape.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be a snake with Fu Jiang.

"It's just a body search, why don't you dare?" Lin Yuanfei stiffened his mouth, "Can you still eat me?"

Fu Jiang looked at Lin Yuanfei with a smile, and said, "Since Mr. Lin Yuan is not afraid, why don't you prove your courage now?"

Fu Jiang smiled, with his left hand gently and seductively stroking his collarbone, chest, and that plump, upright and elastic...

The shameless seductive action in front of everyone seems to be intentional - well, no, Fu Jiang is deliberately seducing Lin Yuanfei.

Her charming and confused eyes, ambiguous movements, and soft panting can make any man in the world lose his mind.

"Come on~~ Lin Yuan-jun, I'll just stand here and let you touch it~~~"

All the men in the bar suddenly breathed heavily.

It's just that Lin Yuanfei lowered his head tightly and didn't dare to look at Fu Jiang at all, so he didn't see this seductive scene.

He just sneered and said, "If I dare to approach, the group of devils and muscular people around you won't tear me alive in an instant? Only stupid [beep] will approach you."

But Fu Jiang said with a smile, "Then I can come here. If I come here alone, Lin Yuanjun, you are not afraid, are you?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless.

It seems that Fu Jiang is determined to let Lin Yuanfei touch her today.

emmm... In other words, is this situation considered a crisis?

How can a group of muscular men surround each other and force others to touch her?Isn't this really the plot in the book?

But if it's really in the book, I'm going to Queen's Blade!

Chapter 72 For the Glory of the God of the North

In the Devil's Eye bar, Lin Yuanfei was leaning against the locked gate, with a dagger in his left hand and a wooden knife in his right.

He lowered his head firmly, he could only see the feet of the people present, and he didn't even dare to look up at the woman in the crowd.

It's not that Lin Yuanfei is cowardly, but he understands that the ability to charm is really unreasonable.

Take Director Ken's brain-dead wife for example, she can rely on magic power to be immune to the charm of Brother Gun, but she does not believe in evil and insists on taking the initiative to withdraw the magic power of defense, and then directly be charmed by Brother Gun.

In the end, not only did she kill herself in the Holy Grail War, but she also killed Director Ken who loved her deeply—although that woman may not feel guilty about Director Ken.

Lin Yuanfei didn't want to be like Director Ken's brain-damaged wife, insisting on dying to challenge his self-control and then being seduced by others.

Once this woman Fu Jiang is charmed by her, she will be cold.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, pretending not to hear Fu Jiang's coquettish words, and changed the subject on his own.

"So you overheard our plan through the bug installed in Yuki's house, right?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "You knew about Mr. Takagi, so you seduced Mr. Takagi before we acted, and asked Mr. Takagi to lead us here. These muscular men are also the unlucky ones who fell under your charm, you Are you going to rely on them to catch me?"

Lin Yuanfei activated the skill [Change the topic], and the effect was outstanding.

Fu Jiang smiled slightly, temporarily letting go of seducing Lin Yuanfei.

She laughed and said, "After all, Mr. Lin Yuan is so powerful. He can jump off the second floor with a person on his back without any injuries. He is very powerful. I am a weak woman, no matter how I think about it, I am no match for you."

Lin Yuanfei clenched the dagger in his pocket and the wooden knife in his hand, swallowed, "But you won't get good results if you force me like this! Fu Jiang, twisted melons are not sweet, why don't you understand this truth Woolen cloth?"

Then, before Fu Jiang could speak, he aimed at the group of muscular men in the bar and fired his mouth.

"Also, you group of muscular men like Fu Jiang and are obsessed with Fu Jiang, right? Is she your goddess? Are you all willing to give everything for her?"

Lin Yuanfei said loudly, "But do you know what she is using you for? She wants to use you to capture me and then rape me!"

"Since Fu Jiang is the woman you like, can you just watch the woman you like have sex with other men? And you also take the initiative to help her do it? And tie up that man and send it to her? Don't you think this is very wrong? You can bear this kind of thing? Are you still men?"

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, and activated the skill [Instigation].

"Since you like her, go and own her! Own her! How can there be any reason to tie up another man and give it to her? Are you all cuckolds?!"

"If you like her, go fuck her! What's the failure of confession? Go straight to rape! Then take x pictures! Locked up in the basement, she will be your meat x weapon every day! You are all alone from inside to outside The shape of her! You can do whatever you want her to do! She belongs to you, wholeheartedly!"

"Don't talk to me about laws and morals. You don't even dare to rape the woman you love. What do you love her for?"

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, but obviously, these muscular men still looked at him indifferently, indifferent to his provocation.

On the contrary, Fu Jiang couldn't help laughing.

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