"Hee hee... Lin Yuan-jun, since you are so desperately thinking about everyone, why don't you listen to everyone's thoughts."

As he said that, Fu Jiang glanced at the muscular men in the bar, and said, "Tell Lin Yuanjun what you really think."

In an instant, the muscular men in the bar looked at each other.

Then, as if they had rehearsed countless times, these tall, big and fierce muscular men all said loudly in unison.

"As long as it is the goddess' request, that is our program of action! We will do our best to meet all the requirements of the goddess! Even if we are smashed to pieces! No matter what!"

Oh, these silly birds seem to be really all charmed.

And it's still the kind of deep charm, and the reason is gone.

... By the way, is Fu Jiang's charm so strong?Can even interfere with the most basic thinking of human beings?

Or is her charm actually controllable by herself?Otherwise, if this woman casually walks on the street, wouldn't there be cult members meeting on the spot wherever she goes?

Lin Yuanfei had a toothache.

Looking at the group of idiots who had lost their minds in front of him, he took a deep breath.

"Fu Jiang, what are you going to do? Let me warn you first, don't think that you are great because you have a lot of people. No matter how many sheep you have, can you still push a tiger? With my strength, if I open Wushuang, you muscular men One will die!"

Lin Yuanfei loudly encouraged himself, "Don't force me to kill!"

Fu Jiang looked at him and smiled slightly, "Then let others see how powerful Mr. Lin Yuan is~~"

After finishing speaking, Fu Jiang curled his lips, "Catch him... remember, don't hurt him."

Fu Jiang also made a special request, which seems to be very caring no matter how you look at it.

But Lin Yuanfei obviously didn't want to accept the favor.

Seeing that the muscular men in the whole bar started to become agitated following Fu Jiang's words, several strong men even surrounded him with grim smiles, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but let out a loud shout.

Then, he took out the dagger with his left hand, held the wooden knife tightly with his right hand, and yelled wildly at the group of muscular men in front of him.

——It looks like a dual-wielding berserker.

"Ahhhhhh! I am Thor! For the glory of the God of the North!"

Lin Yuanfei yelled, "Whoever dares to approach! I will blow his dog's head off!"

As soon as the words fell, he kicked a trash can beside him.

It really exploded with one kick.

The metal trash can was kicked out by Lin Yuanfei, and the metal trash can twisted into a strange shape in mid-air, which looked extremely horrifying.

Someone who can kick a metal trash can...

In an instant, the way everyone in the bar looked at Lin Yuanfei changed.

The muscular men who were about to approach also froze and stopped halfway.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Lin Yuanfei sneered, "I'm not kidding about my force value!"

The muscular men in the bar looked at each other, and then...

brush brush --

Everyone pulled out steel pipes, baseball bats and other murder weapons from their sides, and rushed over like a fanatic charging, while roaring in their mouths.

"For the goddess!"

Then, this group of muscular men rushed over like zombies coming out of cages.

A look of complete recklessness.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Gan!Are these muscular men really crazy?This is the Crusade Charge!

Chapter 73

In the bar, it became extremely noisy in an instant.

More than [-] or [-] burly and sturdy muscular men roared frantically, waved their weapons, and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei at the door frantically.

He didn't even consider that with Lin Yuanfei's strength in kicking the trash can, he could kick their heads in the same way.

This group of muscular men had obviously completely lost their minds.

Lin Yuanfei felt a toothache.

He really had no choice but to meet such a group of lunatics who were like fanatics.

Gritting his teeth, he waved the wooden knife in his hand and roared.

"Flying swordsmanship! Nine-headed dragon flash!"

Of course... just kidding.

He doesn't know Mao's swordsmanship at all, but with his super physical fitness, Lin Yuanfei's right wooden knife was chopped four or five times by him in a few seconds.

Every knife hit a muscular man viciously on the chest.

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