Hey... the evil capitalist society.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, then looked at the group of muscular men gathered at the door, "Okay, you can get out now."

Lin Yuanfei said, "I will treat your goddess well. When she turns into my shape... Bah! When she repents, I will send her back."

Lin Yuanfei almost slipped into a line that villains often say, so these days, read less in the book, it is easy to affect people's three views!

Lin Yuanfei said, "Now, you can go to the corner and squat. Remember, throw away all the weapons in your hand, and then squat with your hands on your head... Yes, just like that, lower your head to look at the ground, hold your head ...Well, you are very familiar with it, it seems that you are often caught by the police, right?"

Seeing a group of muscular men obediently throwing away the weapons in their hands, then squatting in the corner with their heads in their hands, as if giving up resistance, Lin Yuanfei walked out.

But just as he took a step, he suddenly thought of one thing.

"By the way, since this is a bar, there should be some cool things like masks? Does anyone have a mask? Bring me one."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, no one questioned him why the bar was tied with the mask. Someone really took out a mask from behind the bar and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

Well, a goat skull mask headgear that looks like a hippie demon headgear.

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei put Fu Jiang's mask on from behind.

So standing in front of him was a girl with a hot and charming body, but a skull mask on her head.

Live like a demon.

Even so, Fu Jiang's charm is still exciting, but not being able to see her face directly reduces the probability of being charmed.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the muscular man present again, and said.

"Which one of you has a car? I want a private car with four wheels. Don't give me a Harley motorcycle... Do you have any?"

So someone obediently handed over the car keys, and told Lin Yuanfei the license plate number and where the car was parked.

Attentive service is worth a horse.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but glanced at Fu Jiang who was pinched in his hand, "Tsk tsk... your charm is really... easy to use."

He sighed, and had a deeper understanding of Fu Jiang's charm.

This Fu Jiang is so terrifying, I guess you don't need to pay for tickets to go anywhere, right?Just throw a wink and pass with a face.

Eh...I'm desperate for this face-seeking world.

Lin Yuanfei finally turned his head and glared at the group of muscular men in the bar, then kicked open the locked gate and dragged Fu Jiang out.

Behind him, followed by Mr. Gao Mu who followed suit.

Although this guy is obviously following Fu Jiang.

In the alley outside the hotel, my wife and sisters were shocked when they saw Lin Yuanfei look like this.

Yuki ran over directly, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Lin Yuan-jun, your head...your head is bleeding again."

Yuki quickly wiped the blood on Lin Yuanfei's face with a tissue.

And Yuno looked at Fu Jiang who was being held hostage by Lin Yuanfei, and Mr. Gao Mu who was following behind the two of them, and said expressionlessly.

"Is this woman Fu Jiang?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised, "I'll go, can you recognize even wearing such a headgear? Yuno, you are amazing."

Yuno snorted coldly, "Even if you don't show your head, just looking at your figure can make people's heartbeat... Who else can it be except that monster in Fu Jiang? The only thing I like is my sister, but this monster wants to twist my love... Disgusting! "

Chapter 75 On the way of the villain gradually drifting away

"The only thing I like is my sister, this monster actually wants to twist my love...disgusting!"

Regarding Yuno's disgust, Lin Yuanfei shrugged and did not speak.

However, Fu Jiang's recognition is indeed very high.

Even just a back view and a few soft whispers can make people's blood boil. Such a woman is no longer a monster, but a monster.

So what is the mode of operation of Fu Jiang's charming ability?Is it a passive mode or an active skill?

If Fu Jiang exudes this kind of terrifying charm all the time, then wherever she goes, there will be confusion, right?

This guy's charm ability should be the kind of controllable type that can control the strength...

emmmmm... I always feel that this seems to be more dangerous.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, pushed away Yuki's hand that wiped the blood on his face, and said, "Let's not delay here, let's go quickly. If you delay for a long time, be careful of problems."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky and said, "As the saying goes, when the sky gets dark, a hundred ghosts walk at night. We have to find Freddy's body before dark, and then get rid of it. The probability of Kayako coming out after dark is even greater. "

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei now has a more terrifying conjecture, that is the reason why Jiaye didn't appear for a long time.

——Ga Coconut couldn't wait to chase Lin Yuanfei before, but he ran into a wall with Freddy.

And then it didn't show up after such a long time, which is very wrong.

After all, when it attacked Lin Yuanfei for the first time, she caught up with him less than ten hours after Lin Yuanfei left her haunted house, making him a hungry wife.

But now more than [-] hours have passed since the last attack, Jiaye still didn't do anything, but sent a little ghost Junxiong to follow Lin Yuanfei.

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