Did Gayako give up after one failure?

Obviously impossible.

Lin Yuanfei suspected that Jiayako was waiting for him to take care of Freddy. After all, Freddy used Dreamland's home field advantage to defeat Jiayako once before, and it is possible that Jiayako threw the mouse.

——Although Lin Yuanfei is not sure whether this female ghost has wisdom or not.

But if he was Gacoko, he would definitely wait and observe, waiting for Lin Yuanfei and the others to kill Freddy before appearing. That would be the safest way.

emmmmm... So after I have dealt with Freddy, maybe I will open the skeleton-level boss Jiaya coconut soon?Brush two bosses in a row?

Eh... the future seems a bit bleak.

Hope my guess is wrong.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and dragged Fu Jiang to the place mentioned by the muscular man who offered the car before. Sure enough, he saw a black BMW on the side of the road.

Lin Yuanfei opened the cab and got into the car.

Mr. Takagi sat in the co-pilot.

Of course, in order to prevent Mr. Gao Mu from causing trouble temporarily, Lin Yuanfei tied up Mr. Gao Mu's hands and feet.

Don't ask where Lin Yuanfei got the rope to tie people up, Lin Yuanfei also wants to ask why there is such a thing in Yuno's schoolbag.

As for Yuno and Yuki, they sat in the back seat, with Tomie who was also tied up between them.

This time, Lin Yuanfei learned his lesson and asked Yuno to search Fu Jiang's body and take away all the sharp objects from Fu Jiang's body.

And if Fu Jiang let Yuno watch, Lin Yuanfei was very relieved, not afraid of what Fu Jiang would do.

After all, Fu Jiang's seductive power has been discounted a lot for women, and now that he is covering his face with a hood, his charming power is even more discounted. Yuno can stare at Fu Jiang to death by himself.

After the five of them got into the car, Yuki suddenly asked.

"Uh... By the way... Where is our destination? Going home?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Mr. Takagi on the co-pilot and said, "Where is the destination? Then we have to ask Mr. Takagi."

Looking at Mr. Gao Mu in the passenger seat, Lin Yuanfei had a bright smile on his face, "Mr. Gao Mu, do you still remember the name Freddy?"

The originally docile teacher Takagi was stunned for a second, and suddenly began to struggle, a little panicked.

"What... what Freddie? I never heard of it!"

Lin Yuanfei glared at him, and slapped him without saying a word, "I'm not discussing with you now! I ask, you answer! Do you understand?"

Uh...why do you feel like you are bursting with villainy?

Lin Yuanfei sighed in his heart, and said to himself that life is at stake, Mr. Gao Mu, I don't want to hit you either.

But since you are willing to be Fu Jiang's dog, then you definitely don't mind being slapped twice by me—at worst, after Freddy is dealt with, I will let you slap him back.

Lin Yuanfei glared fiercely at Teacher Takagi, and asked forcefully, "Say! After Freddy was burned to death by you ten years ago, where did you hide his body?"

Teacher Gao Mu looked horrified, "You... are you here to avenge Freddy? Or are you the police who came to investigate this matter?"

Lin Yuanfei looked helpless, "Have you ever seen a policeman who hasn't graduated from high school? Teacher Gao Mu, please tell me where the corpse is hidden. Don't delay, okay? It's getting dark, you know? I tm I'm so flustered now!"

The sky outside is indeed a bit gloomy, but it's not yet dark yet.

It's just that after they find the place where the corpse is hidden, they don't know if it will be dark or not...

Lin Yuanfei was a little anxious, "Tell me! Where is Freddy's body hidden?"

Teacher Takagi opened his mouth, "I...I..."

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally looked away guiltily, "I don't know."

Lin Yuanfei looked at this guy who didn't cry without seeing the coffin, and held his forehead speechlessly.

"I really don't want to be a bad guy who tortures you to extract a confession...Takagi-sensei, you forced me to do this."

As he said that, Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at Yuno in the back seat, and said, "Yuno, from now on, every time Mr. Gao Mu said that he didn't know, you should slash Fu Jiang's body. Be careful not to stab him to death."

Lin Yuanfei said terrible things, but Fu Jiang said with a smile, "Lin Yuanjun, are you worried about me? Don't worry, he won't die so easily."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, of course I know that you don't die so easily, if you die so easily, that's fine.

But Takagi-sensei doesn't know.

Lin Yuanfei looked directly at Mr. Takagi in the passenger seat, "Tell me, Mr. Takagi, now I will give you another chance."

Lin Yuanfei wiped the blood from his face and said with a smirk, "Where is Freddy's body hidden?"

Teacher Takagi looked at him in panic, and then at Tomie in the back seat.

At this time, Yuno raised a short knife with a gloomy face, aiming the blade at Fu Jiang in the back seat, as if ready to stab at any time.

Teacher Takagi panicked even more.

"No...don't! Don't hurt her! I tell you, I tell you all, please don't hurt her!"

Lin Yuanfei sighed.

"My tm sense of sight is so strong... As expected, I have gone farther and farther on the road of villains."

That's what he said, but Lin Yuanfei took out the Raccoon City map he had prepared before without hesitation, and asked directly.

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