"Tell me! Where's Freddy's body? Mark it out for me!"

... The standard vicious and vicious, there is no sign of wanting to criticize at all.

Chapter 76 The Church and the Priest

In the black BMW car, facing Lin Yuanfei's ferocious questioning, Mr. Takagi seemed a little flustered.

It seems that Lin Yuanfei's appearance covered in blood is still very intimidating.

He looked down at the map that Lin Yuanfei handed over, and said a place name.

Yuki took the map and pointed to a place on it. After being confirmed by Mr. Takagi, Yuki marked a point on the map with a marker.

Then handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

"This is where Takagi-sensei said, Hayashihara-kun, let's go," Yuki said.

Lin Yuanfei looked down at the map and found that the place was in the suburbs.

"Uh... outside the city?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "And it seems to be on a mountain? Can traffic be opened there? Shouldn't you have to walk?"

I was in a hurry, but if I had to walk again, it would be even more troublesome.

After all, they kidnapped a man and a woman beside them...

Yuki explained, "Don't worry, Hayashi Yuan-kun, the roads to Mt. Qiuming are clear and the roads are sparsely populated. Don't worry, you can drive up directly."

Qiu Mingshan... Forget it, I'll just pretend I didn't hear the place name.

Lin Yuanfei put his head down and pretended to be dead, he didn't want to continue the side plot at all.

He said, "Then let's go, Yuki, if you know the way, please show me the way. I'm not very familiar with the road conditions in Raccoon City."

Yuki smiled gently, "Okay, I will try my best to help Lin Yuan-kun guide the way."

Beside, Yuno's eyes seem to be even colder...

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, pretending not to see Yuno's colder expression, he started the car, then kicked the accelerator, and the black BMW drove out.

But Lin Yuanfei immediately thought of one thing.

"By the way, Yuki, is there any church in Raccoon City? The one with a cross and holy water."

In the third part of the original book, the main character killed Freddy because of the holy water and the cross in the church. Lin Yuanfei felt that he needed to prepare.

Yuki tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "There seems to be a church in the suburbs... on our way there, and I will remind Lin Yuan-kun of you. But I don't know if there is holy water and a cross in it." gone."

Yuki said apologetically, "I haven't been to a church, so I don't know the specifics inside. I only know that there is such a church there, and it's quite big...Maybe there may be what Lin Yuan-kun you're looking for."

Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Anyway, let's try our luck first. Since it's a church, there should be all these things."

Anyway, there must be a cross. If the priest refuses to sell it, it’s a big deal to steal it... Uh cough cough... No, we can’t continue to go further on the villain’s criminal path. We have to reason with the priest and believe that he will definitely Those who are willing to support our great cause of eliminating demons.

Lin Yuanfei drove the car and drove quickly in the city.

Fortunately, Raccoon City is just a small town in the countryside, the urban area is not big, and the roads will not be congested.

In addition, they were going to the suburbs, the more they drove to the suburbs, the fewer cars on the road.

It's just that there seems to be the sound of police sirens in the city behind, which sounds very lively.

Lin Yuanfei was a little confused, "Did something happen in the city? Why did the police come out?"

Yuki tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Could it be that they came to arrest us?"

Lin Yuanfei laughed, "How is it possible, we didn't hurt anyone, we didn't fight, we didn't make trouble, and we didn't commit a crime, how could we be arrested. Yuki, your joke is not funny at all."

Mr. Gao Mu, who was tied up in the co-pilot, looked dumb...

Fifteen minutes later, the black BMW parked outside a suburban church.

Here, it can be said that it has left the urban area. There are green fields on both sides of the road, and there are not many people in sight.

A little farther away, the winding mountain road of Qiuming Mountain circles back and forth like a silver chain hanging on the mountain.

Not far from the church is a cemetery.

In the setting sun, many tombstones can be seen dragging long shadows, looking deserted and desolate.

Here is the church that Yuki mentioned.

Indeed, the area is quite large, but it is quite desolate.

Lin Yuanfei opened the door and got out of the car, and looked back at Yuno inside the car.

"Yuno, protect your sister well."

"Also, watch over these two guys and don't let them escape."

What Lin Yuanfei said was the kidnapped Mr. Tomie and Takagi, "I'll go in for a while, and I'll be back soon."

Yuno gave him a cold look, her eyes were piercing, "You don't need to worry about my sister's safety!"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, didn't bother to argue with her, and closed the car door directly.

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