"Open the cordon! Let the people with the umbrella come in, they have collection tasks to perform!"

While talking, Akagi Xianzheng looked at the smiling Daniel coldly, and snorted coldly, "I hope you have a good time!"

He fiercely opened the door of the police car, and Akagi Xianzheng got in.

A few minutes later, all the police cars drove away from here, heading out of the city amidst the sound of flashing sirens.

In front of the Devil's Eye bar, the man with glasses in a white coat smiled slightly, and stood among the group of black-clothed sunglasses with a relaxed expression on his face.

Just smiling and watching the police leave...



"By the way, is Freddy's body really buried here?"

Lin Yuanfei walked in the dark mountain forest, the cold wind gusts.

In front of him is Mr. Gao Mu who is tied up and led by him, responsible for guiding the way.

And behind him, Yuki and Yuno followed.

The two sisters walked with Fu Jiang on the left and right.

Of course, Lin Yuanfei mainly asked Yuno to monitor Fu Jiang's movements.

And he is beside him, even if Fu Jiang wants to run, he can react at any time.

Although the strength of this body is inferior to Kayako's head-on anus, and even Junxiong can fly him four or five meters, but it is not a big problem to deal with a mere Fu Jiang.

As for the black BMW, they parked it on the side of the road.

Because if you walk in and out, it is obviously not a road that cars can pass.

The five people headed deep into the forest in such a strange combination, looking like kidnappers and kidnapped victims.

Fu Jiang wore the black skull hood on his head, which looked inexplicably scary in this dark forest.

But she herself was not conscious at all, she hummed a happy song relaxedly, without the consciousness of being kidnapped at all.

As for Mr. Gao Mu, although he was tied up and kidnapped by Lin Yuanfei, and forced to drill into the dark forest at night, it seems that as long as Fu Jiang is still by his side, it is enough.

The blissful look on his face made Lin Yuanfei feel sick for a while.

Yuki couldn't help but marvel, "Wow! Teacher Takagi really likes Miss Tomie... so obsessed."

Takagi, who had been walking in front without looking back, suddenly shouted seriously, "Everything about me belongs to Ms. Tomie! She is my goddess!"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "What about howling ghosts at night? You are not afraid of attracting wolves... Hurry up! Don't dawdle, our time is very precious."

Teacher Gao Mu glared at Lin Yuanfei angrily, "Student Lin Yuan, how dare you talk to me like that? When I go back to school..."

"Yuno! Take out the knife," Lin Yuanfei looked at Takagi helplessly, and said, "Next, if Mr. Takagi makes nonsense, you will stab Tomie. Don't you know that the time is urgent? You keep talking about it Words take up space, Mr. Gao Mu, if you continue like this, you will be dragged out to sacrifice the flag sooner or later!"

Teacher Takagi immediately kept silent, for fear that Yuno would really stab Tomie.

This guy, he doesn't work if he's dangerous, but when it comes to Fu Jiang, he's more obedient than anyone else... Hey... When will Fu Jiang's charm be lifted?

This Takagi Heijiro will not be like this all his life, will he?

Lin Yuanfei was a little tired, "Hurry up! I'll give you another ten minutes, and if I don't find Freddy's corpse, I'll kill Fu Jiang in front of you!"

Chapter 81 Confronting the Evil Ghosts ([-])

"Hurry up! I'll give you another ten minutes, and if I don't find Freddy's hiding place, I'll kill Fu Jiang in front of you!"

In the dark forest, Lin Yuanfei spoke very evil words.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like an NTR plot, and Mr. Gao Mu is the sufferer, and Lin Yuanfei is the evil villain.

However, the heroine who was threatened in this plot was not only not afraid, but nodded excitedly.

"Okay, okay, dear, come and change people into your shape."

Under the black horned skull mask, Fu Jiang whispered softly and charmingly, "It's super comfortable there~~~ My dear, you will fall in love with that feeling after experiencing it once. Come on~~ Anyway, it's still time now Good morning, let's try it first~~~I really want it~~~ Come to satisfy me~~~ How about it, my dear~~~"

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and looked away guiltily.

Oh my god... this Fu Jiang... is terrible!

Covering their heads, just looking at the body and listening to the voice can make people almost uncontrollable... scary.

Lin Yuanfei felt that it wasn't that his self-control ability was too poor, but that Fu Jiang was really terrifying.

In order to cover up his guilty conscience, Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glared at Teacher Gao Mu in front of him, and said.

"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm joking? Find out where Freddy's body is hidden! If you can't find it, I'll really kill your goddess!"

Teacher Gao Mu's face was a little pale, but after looking back at Fu Jiang, he swallowed hard, as if he had made a very painful decision.

"You...you do it!" Teacher Gao Mu said with a painful face, "As long as the goddess likes it, I don't have any opinions!"

"..." Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent.

What does that make him say?

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