No fuck to say!

Gan!You better go back and buy a few green hats and wear them at home!I can't afford to offend you!

Lin Yuanfei felt that being charmed and obsessed to such an extent really had no dignity at all.

He turned his head and glared at Fu Jiang viciously, "Sooner or later, you, a monster who plays with people's hearts, will pay the price!"

Fu Jiang said with a grin, "I'm looking forward to it~~~"

Yuno said coldly, "If you have time to chat with this bitch, why don't you urge Teacher Takagi to find the corpse hiding place as soon as possible. What is there to say to this kind of woman? Go back and buy some cement and concrete, and just put her body in the basement!" "

Lin Yuanfei sighed as he walked, "It's rare to reach a consensus with you... Hey... It seems that this is the only way to deal with Fu Jiang, a monster."

The five people spoke and came to a slope.

Here, there are overgrown branches and bushes everywhere, and there are many dense low trees.

It seems that almost no one will come here for a walk, and there are no traces left by humans in the mountains and forests.

Teacher Gao Mu looked at the slope in front of him, then looked at the surrounding environment under the light of the torch, and pointed to one of the directions.

"Freddie's body seems to be hiding over there."

Under the light of the torch that Lin Yuanfei raised, Mr. Gao Mu's face turned pale, "Ten years ago, several other parents and I personally buried the corpse of that monster under a tree over there."

Lin Yuanfei curled his lips, "Then lead the way."

The five continued to walk into the forest.

This time they didn't go far, and they finally saw the tree Mr. Gao Mu said.

It was a very weird tree.

Twisted trunks, overgrown branches, bare branches, without any leaves, stand like a monster's claws in the lush green forest.

It contrasts sharply with the lush trees around it.

What's even more weird is that the ground under the tree is also bare, without any weeds or shrubs, which looks extremely abrupt in the dense forest of weeds and shrubs.

It looked like a rotten cake that had been bitten off by something.

Twisted trunks, thin and curved, like black blood vessels exposed to the air.

The color of the bark is also strangely dark black, and the lines on the surface of the bark are even more disgustingly disordered.

The moment they saw the tree, several people couldn't help frowning.

Lin Yuanfei snorted, "It looks like this is the place where Freddy's body is buried. There is an evil spirit everywhere."

He glared at Mr. Takagi, who was tied up all over, and said, "But that's what I said, but if you can't dig up Freddy's body here, you can wait for me to die!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei led Mr. Gao Mu to a tree beside him and tied him up.

As for Fu Jiang, he was also tied to another tree.

However, in order to prevent the two from messing around, Lin Yuanfei tied the two of them far away.

While tied up, they also gagged their mouths with cloth.

This is to prevent the two people from doing things that affect them during the excavation process.

After all, the next thing to do is to face Freddy directly...

After tying up both Fu Jiang and Mr. Gao Mu, Lin Yuanfei returned to the front of the strange black tree.

Behind him are Yuki and Yuno.

In the dark forest, the two sisters held flashlights in their hands, and Yuki was holding a shovel.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, then looked back at Yuki.

"Well, Yuki, hold a flashlight for us next to us," Lin Yuanfei said, "I'll do the excavation."

Lin Yuanfei mainly wanted Yuki to stay far away, so that if something unexpected happened when Freddy's bones were being excavated, it would not be easy to hurt Yuki.

In the darkness, Yuki nodded obediently, and did not say that she wanted to be together obediently, but obediently retreated three meters away according to Lin Yuanfei's request, and illuminated the place with a flashlight from a distance.

As for Yuno, with a fire ax in his right hand and a water gun filled with holy water in his left, he stood beside Lin Yuanfei with a cold expression.

That posture, if the water gun is replaced by m416, it will be a sick and murderous maniac.

But at a time like this, Lin Yuanfei was inexplicably relieved to be standing next to such a sick and murderous maniac...

Wow!Could it be that I stayed with Yuno for too long, and my sexuality was affected?

He raised the shovel and said, "Yuno, you have to be careful. When Freddy's body is dug up later, that guy will definitely find a way to attack us, don't be attacked by him."

Lin Yuanfei doesn't know what kind of sneak attack Freddy in this world will use, but in the original book, after the protagonist group dug up Freddy's corpse, Freddy appeared directly in reality, and his soul possessed the corpse. The group destroyed the protagonist group.

Lin Yuanfei had to be careful about such things happening.

After all, with his knees, he knew that Freddy would never sit still.

He had already told Yuno the general precautions before, so this time he just reminded Yuno subconsciously.

Finally, he glanced at Yuno at the side, under the gloomy gaze of the other party, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and raised the shovel.

He dug fiercely into the soil under his feet...

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