However, if he only killed Lin Yuanfei, Yu Nao next to him would never hold back anything.

In the void, Freddy's weird laughter sounded.

"Hey hey hey hey...Little samurai, although you don't know how to use swords after losing your memory, you seem to be smarter! Uncle Freddy likes you even more."

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Since you like me, then crawl out of the ground and let me see what kind of virtue you are now!"

The wound on the calf was bleeding crazily, the huge amount of bleeding and pain made Lin Yuanfei's face pale.

He took out a piece of bandage from his pocket, and quickly bandaged the wound—the three of them had made sufficient preparations before coming.

Things like medical supplies must be carried.

Lin Yuanfei didn't believe that the three of them could kill a skeleton-level boss like Freddy and retreat without injury.

On the other side, Yuno stared coldly at the wasteland under his feet, and said, "Freddy, why don't you attack this guy? He's busy bandaging his wounds now, isn't it the most suitable time for a sneak attack?"

In the void, Freddy's hey laughter sounded.

"I think it's boring to kill you so quickly, can't you plan to play slowly?"

Lin Yuanfei frowned, and the moment he finished bandaging the wound, his left hand stuck to the ground.


Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Are you busy rebuilding your bones underground?"

When Lin Yuanfei's hand touched the ground, he felt a slight tremor.

Apparently, Freddy down there was doing something big.

Reminiscent of the previous attack, Lin Yuanfei said, "You can only control one piece of bone at a time, right? When you attacked Yuno, the bone that was caught on my left leg couldn't move...Look Come on, you can't precisely manipulate multiple separate bones, Freddy."

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "So you decided to reassemble all the bones so that you can kill us in a complete form?"

In the void, Freddy's weird and hoarse laughter sounded.

"Smart, little samurai! You have really become smarter! Before you lost your memory, although your swordsmanship was high, it was not interesting to play foolishly. Now, although you have lost your memory and forgot your swordsmanship and martial arts, you have become smarter and more fun. Already... Hahahahaha... I'm so excited!"

"Another fresh and interesting new toy, hahahaha!"

Freddy laughed and said hehe, "However, even if you guessed my intention and plan, what can you do? Can you dig out Uncle Freddy?! Hahahahaha..."

Amid Freddy's wild laughter, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, and exchanged glances with Yuno.

Indeed, even if they knew that Freddy was reassembling the corpse underground, they still had nothing to do with Freddy.

No matter how fast Lin Yuanfei dug the soil, it was impossible to hollow out the wasteland with a radius of three meters before Freddy reassembled the corpse.

Yuki behind couldn't help but screamed in panic, "Run, Hayashi Yuan-kun! Yuno! If you leave this wasteland, that monster won't be able to harm you!"

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head, looked at the ground coldly, and did not speak.

In the void, Freddy's voice chuckled.

"Don't call Yuki, don't you know that once you leave, I will never crawl out of the ground? Don't you have much time now? You can rest in school before, now? Weekend It's holiday, school is closed, where are you going to hide from Uncle Freddy?"

"There are still two days and three nights until the next class. Can you guarantee that you won't fall asleep once in such a long time?"

"As long as you feel even a little sleepy, Uncle Freddy will come to see you."

"This time, Uncle Freddy doesn't know how to play anymore, and he will definitely kill you at the first time. Your Mr. Lin Yuan understands this, so he refuses to retreat."

Freddy laughed and said, "And whether you can find my bones next time when you come here is another matter!"

Lin Yuanfei frowned, "So, besides us, do you have a target that can dream? And that target must be so terrified of you that you feel that you can coerce the other party to do anything, including transferring Your bones..."

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were cold, "The name of that hapless bastard you coerced and controlled is Rei Miyamoto, right?"

"The reason why I live on Elm Street is also her masterpiece?"

"No wonder you rejected my proposal repeatedly before, so you have a better goal..."

"Even if I die, Rei Miyamoto will continue to help you lure innocent people to Elm Street for you to kill..."

"Right? Freddy, am I right?"

Lin Yuanfei said coldly.

Chapter 84 Confronting the Evil Ghosts ([-])

"Freddie, am I right?"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking coldly, Freddy's crazy laughter resounded in the void.

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha... ha ha ha ha ha... that's right! That's right! That's right! That's right!"

"That's it! That's it! That's it!"

"Compared to a slippery kid like you who is full of tricks, a cute little girl like Rei Miyamoto is more to my liking!"

"Yes, that little girl is indeed my puppet. I killed all the cute children on Elm Street, but she was the only one left, because she was cuter and more valuable."

"Uncle Freddy likes that kind of selfish little girl."

"In order to survive, even my boyfriend and my classmates can give it to Uncle Freddy himself. Such a cute little girl, why did Uncle Freddy kill her so early?"

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