"Of course it's better to stay and play a few more times! Hahahahaha..."

In the dark, Freddy's laughter was wild and piercing.

"So little samurai, you only have one chance."

"If you run away now, the next time you come here, you will only see Uncle Freddy in your dreams!"

In the middle of the wasteland where evil corrupted no grass, Hayashi Yuanfei and Yuno looked at each other.

He saw the indifference in Yuno's eyes, and it was obvious that Yuno would never back down here.

For Yuno, Yuki's safety is the most important thing, she will definitely fight to the end to protect her sister and Freddy.

As for Lin Yuanfei himself...

"Hey..." Lin Yuanfei sighed softly, and threw away the shovel in his hand.

"Although the hope is slim, but as expected, we can only fight."

Lin Yuanfei muttered, and pulled out the wooden knife on his back.

This wooden knife has now become something he must carry with him.

He looked behind him, and through the cracks of his fingers, a pale child stood beside Yuki expressionlessly, looking at him coldly.

The two sides looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly.

"By the way, Freddy, haven't you noticed that we have something extra here?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "Guess how many people we have here?"

In the void, Freddy's hey sound sounded.

"How many people in total? It's not easy, five living people and one monster. I found that dead child a long time ago, but it's a pity that Uncle Freddy has no interest in this kind of unlovable dead child. How dare it step on it?" Can't you enter my territory?"

Lin Yuanfei's eyes narrowed.

Indeed, Toshio, who has been following Lin Yuanfei all this time, even dared to enter the church, but now he dare not step into this wasteland, just like Yuki, he stood as far away from the edge of the wasteland, among the overgrown weeds.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei in the wasteland from a distance.

Lin Yuanfei asked, "What will happen if this dead child steps into this wasteland? Can you still kill it?"

Lin Yuanfei tried to talk routinely, trying to provoke the general.

Too bad Freddy wasn't fooled.

"What will happen when it comes in, how does Uncle Freddy know? Why don't you tell it to come in, little samurai? Hehehe...does it dare to come in?"

Lin Yuanfei's heart sank slightly, Freddy's refusal to be fooled gave him an incomparable headache.

But he still kept his smile on his face and said, "He may not dare to come in, but his mother is very fierce. If his mother comes along, Freddy, what do you think things will turn out ? This time you are not in the home of the dream!"

In the void, Freddy's voice was a little confused.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to do?"

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and shouted, "Of course I'm giving you a big gift!"

After the words fell, Lin Yuanfei's body rushed out.

The distance of three meters is within seconds.

In the dark mountain forest, the pale child looked up at him coldly.

The old wooden knife drew a swift arc in midair.

This time, Lin Yuanfei almost used all his strength to make the fastest cut.

This time's slash was completely different from the last tentative slash, not only was it powerful, but also so fast that afterimages appeared.

Yuki on the side exclaimed, subconsciously took half a step back.

However, the pale little boy raised his head coldly, and raised his hands expressionlessly.


There was a muffled sound, and there was a piercing and low-pitched air explosion in the void.

Under the impact of two huge forces, Lin Yuanfei directly took half a step back, and the right hand holding the knife was numb from the shock.

The pale boy's palm also twisted abnormally, as if his bones had been broken.

But in the next second, the little boy shook his hand blankly, and the twisted palm returned to normal.

Lin Yuanfei snorted, and slashed again without hesitation.

However, this knife is very weak.

The little boy caught it easily.

The moment the wooden knife was held, the pale boy seemed a little confused, wondering why this guy's second knife was so weak.

But out of defense against the first cut, it subconsciously grasped tightly.

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth curled into a smile.


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