Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, and finally exerted his strength at this moment, frantically swiping the wooden knife behind him.

And with the swing of the wooden knife, Junxiong, who was holding the other end of the wooden knife tightly, also flew up, and was directly thrown into the wasteland by Lin Yuanfei together with the wooden knife.

"...a big gift for you!"

Lin Yuanfei laughed wildly.

The moment the voice fell, the indifferent Junxiong landed in the middle of the wasteland expressionlessly.

Time seemed to have come to a strange standstill.

The wind in the forest stopped flowing.

Freddy's laughter faded away.

The expressionless Junxiong stood in the middle of the wasteland, looked down at the soil under his feet, and then looked up at Lin Yuanfei who was not far away.

It stood indifferently for a few seconds before throwing away the wooden knife in its hand.

Then, open your mouth...

The ear-piercing screams of terror spread far and wide in the forest.

There was even a gust of wind on the nearby wasteland, both Yuno and Lin Yuanfei took half a step back with pale faces.

That kind of strange and piercing horror cry is a horror that human beings can't describe.

The moment they heard the ear-piercing screech, everyone's scalps went numb, and all the night birds in the entire Qiuming Mountain screamed and rose into the night sky, creating a terrifying scene of the end of the world.

In the darkness, Freddy roared crazily.

"Crazy, crazy! Brat, you are crazy!"

As he roared, the pale child's feet began to overflow with black dead air, and it spread to other directions of the soil, as if trying to erode it.

It also seemed that he had sensed the evil aura in the soil and made a reflexive self-protection behavior.

But no matter what, Freddy roared angrily when the black death energy began to spread from Toshio's feet.

"court death!"

The barren soil began to shake crazily, like an earthquake.

A pitch-black skeleton bone claw viciously protruded from the soil and pierced Junxiong's chest.

Freddy roared, "This is my home field! Damn kid! Didn't your mother teach you not to break into other people's homes?"

Chapter 85 Confronting the Evil Ghosts ([-])

In the dark forest, Freddy roared crazily.

The trembling ground was like an earthquake, but it only lasted in a barren three-meter radius.

There was no response in the grassland, mountains and forests outside the wasteland.

Lin Yuanfei watched helplessly as the mud in the middle of the wasteland shook wildly, and a disgusting black skeleton slowly crawled out of the mud.

Its five claw-like claws viciously pierced through the pale little boy, and lifted up the young boy's evil spirit.

In the empty eye sockets of the pitch-black skull, two blushing lights lit up, looking viciously at Lin Yuanfei who was not far away like the eyeballs of a devil.

"You brought that monster here! You are the first to die!"

Freddy roared, "You think you'll be safe if you lure him over? He'll be the first to kill you!"

Amidst Freddy's roar, a gloomy wind began to blow in the forest.

A biting chill climbed up everyone's body.

Lin Yuanfei's limbs felt cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Fuck... Fuck!

He clearly felt some kind of cold and terrifying thing crawling fast in the mountains and forests, approaching them quickly, that strange and frightening feeling of terror, like the end of the world.

Lin Yuanfei began to believe what Freddy said.

That's right, they are the targets of Kayako's curse.

If Jiaye really crawled over, they would definitely be the first to kill them.

As for the fight between Freddy and Kayako?That may have been a scene that Lin Yuanfei and the others could not see.

Feeling the biting chill that was getting colder and colder in the air, Lin Yuanfei grabbed Yuki who was beside him, and jumped into the barren land not far away amidst Yuki's exclamation.

In an instant, that pervasive icy chill in the air seemed to disappear.

The wind howled in the dark mountain forest around them, the trees shook, and countless trembling leaves made strange rustling sounds in the darkness.

Incomparable horror.

But standing on this barren land with a radius of three meters, he no longer felt any icy chill.

It seems that this place is completely independent in another world.

Even the weird gust of wind cannot be felt here.

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