In the middle of the wasteland, seeing Lin Yuanfei jumping in, Freddy's corpse let out a low roar.

"Samurai! You are really not cute this time! Not cute at all! Totally not cute! Super not cute!"

In the skeleton's eye sockets, there was a bloody red light.

"Uncle Freddy's going to slit your chest open, dig out your intestines, and strangle you with your guts! Then dig out your heart and feed it to the little girl next to you! With your Her stomach was stuffed with visceral flesh and blood! Let you pay for your recklessness!"

Faced with this cold and evil threat, Lin Yuanfei raised the cup filled with holy water and smiled reluctantly, "It's not certain who will die, Freddy, we haven't officially started the fight yet, so you're so sure that you can fight?" win?"

After Lin Yuanfei's voice fell, Yuno who was behind Freddy directly swung the fire ax in his hand and slashed viciously at the black skeleton.

The sharp fire ax drew a icy light in the darkness, with both ruthless and precise force.

However, Freddy seemed to have seen the sneak attack a long time ago, and the fire ax slid away silently when he swung it.

The pitch-black skeleton twisted into a weird arc, avoiding the sneak attack with an absolutely impossible strange shape.

At the same time, Freddy's left hand grabbed back and pierced Yuno's left shoulder viciously.


In the splash of blood, Freddy laughed wildly and pulled out his five black bone fingers, piercing Yuno's heart cruelly.

But behind it, Lin Yuanfei roared and rushed forward.

No weapons, no preparations, purely to divert Freddy's attention to rescue Yuno, Lin Yuanfei roared and rushed towards the pitch-black skeleton.

However, Freddy's skeleton twisted into a terrifying arc again, lightly dodging Lin Yuanfei's pounce, and the sharp black bone fingers still grabbed Yuno in front.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

A shrill scream resounded in the forest.

But not Yuno.

The moment Lin Yuanfei's attack was dodged by Freddy, a cross was thrown out by Yuki and hit Freddy's spine directly.

In the darkness, a dazzling golden light lit up.

The originally ordinary cross hit Freddy's pitch-black spine, and it released a dazzling golden light.

Freddy screamed and fell to the side, not only failed to pierce Yuno, but even Toshio, whose right paw had been raised all the time, fell to the ground.

A disgusting and foul-smelling black breath emerged from the bone hit by the cross.

Freddy screamed and roared in pain, "You unlovable bastards! How dare you treat Uncle Freddy like this...Uncle Freddy is angry!"

The pitch-black skeleton struggled to get up, as if it wanted to continue killing.

But Yuno, who was bleeding crazily from her left shoulder, rushed over with a cold face, completely ignoring her injuries.

The sharp fire ax fell viciously, hitting the pitch-black skeleton directly, and the pitch-black skeleton that had managed to get up was smashed down directly.

This time, Toshio who had been holding on to Freddy's right paw finally jumped out struggling in the confusion.

The pale little boy screamed terribly, and the moment his feet touched the soil, the black death aura spread outward again.

Freddy roared wildly.

"So your mother didn't teach you not to enter other people's houses?"

Freddy yelled, "You disrespectful bastard! I've had enough of you! Let Uncle Freddy take you to Disneyland!"

It roared angrily, and it didn't even have time to care about the three of Lin Yuanfei next to it.

The roaring skeleton rushed fiercely at the pale little boy, and pierced Junxiong directly with ten sharp bone fingers.

Then tear it hard——

Amidst the screams of the evil ghost, the pale little boy was torn into pieces that exploded.

Terrifying waves of air spread to the surroundings, and dark evil spirits raged in the mountains and forests—those were the death breaths erupted from the torn apart evil spirits.

In the berserk shock wave, Freddy roared crazily.

"Come on! Bastard little warrior! I've finished killing this kid, now I'm going to kill you!"

It looked at Lin Yuanfei viciously, but at this time Lin Yuanfei had already rushed out of the wasteland dragging the seriously injured Yuno.

The cold gust of wind was blowing against the bodies of the three of them.

In the dark forest, Lin Yuanfei stared coldly at the black skeleton in the middle of the wasteland.

The two sides fell into a brief calm.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

A strange and piercing voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

The opposing sides turned their heads sideways at the same time, looking into the dark forest.

cluck cluck cluck - cluck cluck -

Amidst the terrifying sound of a broken joint, a pale shadow slowly crawled out from the darkness.

The bitter cold froze everyone's souls at the same time.

Gaga Coconut...

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