Chapter 86 Confronting the Evil Ghosts ([-])

In the dark mountain forest, the icy wind disappeared at some point.

The trees that had been swaying wildly in the strong wind all calmed down, and the ear-piercing rustling sound of leaves shaking could no longer be heard.

However, a bitter chill spread in the air.

It seemed that the harsh winter had arrived earlier, and the three people standing in the forest all felt the icy chill.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck—

It seemed to be the sound of a joint being twisted, and it seemed to be a monster with a broken joint crawling on the ground. The strange sound resounded in the forest, which was creepy.

The strange sound after another seemed to be beating the hearts of everyone continuously, and the breathing of the three of them couldn't help but become rapid.

Lin Yuanfei's face was extremely pale.

That pale, strange figure slowly crawled out from the gloomy bushes.

With the appearance of the other party, the entire mountain forest seemed to be in winter, and Lin Yuanfei felt a chill that seemed to freeze his soul.

Gaga Coconut...

When this guy appears, must he have such a terrifying aura?The legendary halo of fear?

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and subconsciously clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

This is the only weapon he can fight against evil spirits, and he desperately snatched it back when he rescued Yuno before.

The appearance of Kayako now proves that his decision is correct.

Without this wooden knife, they would have no power to fight back against Kayako.

Of course, even with the wooden knife, Lin Yuanfei didn't have much chance of winning...

A dead child, Toshio, who was torn apart by Freddy's hands, could already send him flying four or five meters.

But now crawling out of the darkness is Kayako, who is more terrifying than Junxiong...

Lin Yuanfei's expression was a little gloomy.

The black skeleton in the wasteland smiled coldly, "Samurai, now is the time for you to show off your sword skills. If you don't have amnesia and you have that broken wooden knife in your hand, maybe you still have a chance .”

Lin Yuanfei glared at it, and said, "You killed her son, do you think it will let you go?"

The pitch-black skeleton laughed loudly, "So you want me to kill it with you? Impossible, impossible! Little samurai, human beings are different from evil spirits, she will definitely kill you first. I just need to stand aside and watch it kill you happily, and I don’t have to do anything, how easy is it? Hahahahaha... Uncle Freddy wants to have a holiday too."

In the darkness, that pale and strange shadow slowly crawled out from the forest, with a long trail of blood trailing behind it.

At this time, the three of Lin Yuanfei didn't even need to cover their eyes with their fingers, they could see the strange and terrifying figure of Kayako with just naked eyes.

The distorted limbs, the pale color, the terrifying eyeballs of resentment, the long hair dragging on the ground, and the scarlet blood that dotted the pale body...

Kayako was brutally killed and dismembered by her husband Takeo Saeki, and his whole body was roughly stuffed into a bag.

And how does a person fit into a bag?

Of course, breaking her limbs and bones, squeezing her into a ball...

So what Lin Yuanfei and the others saw was a horrible thing crawling on the ground with its limbs twisted, its bones broken and collapsed, and it looked extremely weird and disgusting.

Seeing the moment Kayako crawled out, Yuki couldn't help screaming, and took a step back, her face pale.

Yuno took a deep breath, resisted the pain in his left shoulder and raised the water gun in his hand, and the holy water of the church sprayed out.

However, the holy water that frightened Freddy passed through Kayako's spiritual body out of thin air, and the creepy crawling female ghost was not harmed in any way.

Lin Yuanfei laughed miserably, "This thing seems to only work on Freddy..."

If the holy water could threaten Kayako, Junxiong would never dare to enter the church.

Before, Junxiong bravely followed him into the church, proving that the things in the church, whether it was holy water or crosses, had no effect on it.

In fact, the Kayako in the original book is so terrifying that it is beyond common sense.

It can kill in front of the shrine of the Buddha, pulling the victim into the shadow of the shrine, completely ignoring the god and Buddha.

This kind of performance hardly exists in other supernatural horror movies.

Perhaps if the gods and Buddhas really come to the world, this terrifying evil spirit can be exterminated.

However, it's just something like holy water, probably won't touch Kayako at all...

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

"Freddy!" Lin Yuanfei shouted, "Do you want revenge? Real revenge, go and kill all the guys who burned you to death, instead of only killing their children like now. Can't touch them at all..."

"Go and kill all the guys who brutally burned you to death and made you scream and die in pain! Let them pay for their actions! Do you want to?"

Lin Yuanfei's loud shout stunned the skeletons who had already sat down to watch the show in the wasteland.

Then he laughed, "Little samurai, what on earth are you trying to say? Are you going to avenge me? But the little cutie in front of you is almost crawling on your face, can you still walk out of Qiu Mingshan alive?" ?”

In front of Lin Yuanfei and the others, that strange, pale and terrifying shadow had already climbed to a distance of ten meters away.

Lin Yuanfei and the others were even able to see clearly the disgusting twisted joints of that lump.

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