An unspeakable chill enveloped them.

The icy breath froze the souls of the three of them.

Lin Yuanfei felt that the blood in his limbs was not flowing smoothly.

He swallowed, and shouted loudly, "I am definitely not this guy's match by myself, but aren't you here? Let's work together to kill her first, and then I will go to Elm Street to help you kill!"

"You can only kill underage children, but I don't have that restriction. Those guys who burned you to death, I will help you find them one by one, and then kill their whole family! How? It's a good deal Bar?"

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, "This is something that only I can do. Even if it is Rei Miyamoto that you hold hostage and control, how could she, a timid and selfish girl, help you kill so many adults?"

"But I'm different! Although I've lost my memory and forgotten my sword and martial arts skills, my physical fitness is still here. It's not a problem to kidnap and torture a few living people!"

Lin Yuanfei pointed to Teacher Gao Mu who was tied to the tree beside him, and said loudly, "Did you see that guy? He was also one of the people who participated in burning you to death! I tied him here!"

"If you want, I can cut off his head right now!"

Chapter 87 Facing the Devil ([-])

"If you want, I can cut off his head right now!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Mr. Gao Mu, who was tied to a tree not far away, struggled desperately.

He widened his eyes in horror and struggled desperately.

However, with the rag stuffed in his mouth, he couldn't even utter a cry for help, he could only utter a painful "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

In the dark mountains and forests, the icy cold spread everywhere.

The strange and pale figure slowly climbed five meters away.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

Amidst the strange and piercing voice, Kayako raised his head.

The face completely covered by the black hair couldn't see the expression clearly, but everyone could clearly feel the resentment, terror, and chilling gaze.

Lin Yuanfei found himself unable to move...

The pervasive coldness seemed to freeze his body, depriving him of his ability to move.

It seems that they have become immobile statues.

Lin Yuanfei looked terrified.

This Kayako still has this kind of skill?Is it possible to deprive a person of the ability to move physically by approaching a certain distance?

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Yuno and Yuki obviously fell into the same deadlock.

Yuno, whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss, let out an intermittent voice, "Move... move... no..."

Obviously, Yuno was struggling to even speak.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and shouted with all his might.

"Freddy! Think it through! I'm going to be cold!"

Perhaps because of his stronger body, when Yuno and Yuki couldn't even speak, Lin Yuanfei was still able to roar loudly.

In the middle of the three-meter-square wasteland, a pitch-black skeleton sat on the ground, with a leisurely posture as if watching a play.

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's shout, the skeleton's head creaked and turned around, as if shaking his head.

In the void, Freddy's hey laughter sounded.

"Although your proposal is very tempting, Uncle Freddy still refuses you."

"The little cutie in front of you is more troublesome than you imagined. Last time it tried to drag your soul away. Unfortunately, your soul was already in a dream at that time, so I can repel it once with home advantage."

"Now... its body is not here, even if I tear it into pieces, I can't hurt it. On the contrary, if Uncle Freddy's body is damaged by it, it will be bad luck Yes."

"Uncle Freddy really doesn't want to provoke such a scary guy for you, a slippery brat."

"Although it will be difficult to meet such a cute and interesting guy in the future, but for the happiness of Uncle Freddy, you should obediently let him kill him."

"You're so smart, you found Uncle Freddy's Achilles' heel in just two days. If you don't die, Uncle Freddy will be very worried, hehehehe."

Freddy laughed, seeing that Kayako had climbed to Lin Yuanfei's feet, it raised a bare black bone claw and waved it, and said with a low smile.

"Farewell, little warrior."

As the voice fell, the pale and strange figure stretched out two terrifying arms, directly grabbing Lin Yuanfei's feet.

In an instant, an icy chill spread to Lin Yuanfei's limbs and bones.

His soul and consciousness seemed to be frozen, and he could only watch the things at his feet crawling towards his body in a daze and horror.

The piercing chill and unspeakable nausea made Lin Yuanfei's eyes spin.

He felt himself being dragged by a terrifying force again, as if he was about to be dragged away from this body...

However, at this moment, the broken wooden knife in his hand suddenly overflowed with a little warm power.

Starting from his hands holding the knife, that warm force quickly spread to his entire body.

The warmth dispelled the chill, Lin Yuanfei seemed to be back in front of the stove, and he couldn't help shivering for a moment.

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