Then he asked.

"Do you know who I am?"

Takagi-sensei looked at her stupidly, and showed a foolish smile, "Eh...hehehehe...Hua girl..."

Lin Yuanfei almost didn't spit out.

"Is this guy possessed by the Japanese invaders?"

Without saying a word, Yuno slapped Mr. Takagi's face with three slaps.

Still indifferent, "Say! Who am I?"

Teacher Takagi blankly covered his red and swollen face from the slap, looked at the indifferent Yuno in front of him, froze for two seconds, and opened his mouth...


"Wow! It hurts...Hua girl hit me...It hurts...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Lin Yuanfei was completely helpless, "This guy is really stupid."

Yuno turned around and glared at him, "Are you so sure? What if he is pretending to be crazy?"

Lin Yuanfei stared back without showing any weakness, and said, "Then what do you say? Continue to run around with this lunatic? Wouldn't it be easier to expose?"

Yuno took a deep breath, took out a bone-chopping knife from his backpack, "Let's dismember the body."

Yuno said indifferently, "Chop him into several pieces, and then bury him. This autumn mountain is deserted, and no one knows where he was buried."

Before Lin Yuanfei said anything, Yuki was already angry.

"Yuno!" Angrily calling her sister's name, Yuki said, "How can you have such dangerous thoughts? Teacher Takagi is already very pitiful, why do you still want to hurt him? What you do is simply cruel!"

"That's right, that's right, cruel and cruel," Hayashi Yuan echoed, "Yuki is right, we can't hurt Takagi-sensei, he's already miserable."

Yuno laughed, "When you traded Mr. Takagi's life with Freddy, why didn't you say Mr. Takagi was innocent?"

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, "That's a tactic to delay the attack! Do you understand the tactic to delay the attack? Do you think I will really kill Takagi-sensei to please Freddy? It's ridiculous! Although I, Lin Yuanfei, don't have much integrity, at least I have this basic humanity. There are still some!"

Lin Yuanfei was confident.

Yuki sighed, a little helpless, "Don't quarrel anymore, okay..."

Seeing the incompatible two people in front of him, Yuki said helplessly, "The situation is so critical now, the police probably have already started searching the mountains, aren't we going to flee? Why are you still in the mood to quarrel here? Lin Yuan-kun, Don't bicker with Yuno every day like a child."

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and snorted dissatisfied - what's the fun in the game if you don't spray your teammates?

...I completely forgot that I said before that playing games and trolling teammates is the most mentally retarded behavior.

At Lin Yuanfei's feet, Fu Jiang, who was bound by five flowers, twisted slightly at this moment, as if his sitting posture was uncomfortable.

But when Fu Jiang moved, he immediately attracted Lin Yuanfei's attention.

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head and looked at this witch wearing a horned skull headgear, his eyes lit up.

"Hey... I have a way to test whether Takagi-sensei is really stupid or not."

As he spoke, he pushed Tomie in front of Mr. Takagi, and then pulled Tomoe's skull cap off.

In an instant, Tomie's beautiful face appeared in Mr. Gao Mu's vision.

Takagi-sensei, who was originally crying, froze for a moment, and let out a dumbfounded voice...


Although he was tied up, Mr. Gao Mu still excitedly rubbed towards Fu Jiang in front of him.

While struggling, he let out a silly cry.

"Wow Goddess! Goddess! I really like it! Goddess!"

Lin Yuanfei quickly put the hood back on Fu Jiang, and Yuno on the other side also tacitly stuffed the rag back into Teacher Takagi's mouth.

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly and said, "Even when he saw Fu Jiang, he had such a silly and silly character...It's hopeless, Mr. Gao Mu is really crazy."

Yuno was silent and didn't speak.

Lin Yuanfei made a decision, "Well, let's drive Mr. Gao Mu away later, let him walk along the road, and he will definitely meet the police. This way he can attract the attention of the police, and we will lose one How about the oil bottle...?"

Yuki nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

Yuno was silent for a few seconds, and then said slowly, "I just hope this stupid teacher won't reveal our whereabouts..."

Obviously, Yuno also agreed with Lin Yuanfei's plan.

So Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "Then let's set off quickly, we've almost had a rest. The road is below, just leave Teacher Takagi there."

The three of them said, left this temporary resting place, and continued to feel down the mountain.

In the dark forest, Lin Yuanfei dragged Tomie and Takagi to lead the way, with sisters Yuno and Yuki behind.

The five people soon came to the side of the road that Lin Yuanfei said.

Qiu Mingshan is very quiet at night, and it seems that there are not many people racing here tonight.

There was no policeman on the road in front of them, so Lin Yuanfei and Yunoyuki looked at each other, and then untied Teacher Takagi.

Then, with a hard push, Takagi-sensei was pushed out of the bush.

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