Staggering, Takagi-sensei was pushed onto the road.

Under the dim street light, he looked back in confusion, only to see that Lin Yuanfei and the others had already sneaked away.

There was a rustling sound in the dark bushes, and then quickly disappeared into the distance.

On the empty asphalt road, Mr. Gao Mu stared blankly at the direction where Lin Yuanfei and the others disappeared, and opened his mouth.


He murmured, and then rushed into the woods.

shouted in panic.

"Goddess! Goddess! Goddess! Don't leave me behind!"

Staggering, he rushed into the rugged mountain forest, but accidentally slipped on his foot, and suddenly screamed and fell out.

Gululu rolled several times in the forest, and Gao Mu-sensei rolled to a person's feet in a panic.

In the darkness, he raised his head blankly, and saw clearly the person in front of him... the beautiful woman wearing a skull mask next to him.

Teacher Takagi was surprised.


Lin Yuanfei looked at him with helplessness.

"You are haunted..."

Chapter 93 I'm a Puppy

In the dark forest, Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at Mr. Gao Mu who was at his feet with a happy face.

However, Mr. Gao Mu, who had rolled around in the forest just now, with a bruised nose, swollen face and bloody face, felt no pain at all. He cheered in surprise, and rushed towards Fu Jiang like a child.

"Wow! Goddess!"

Without saying a word, Yuno rushed over and kicked Takagi-sensei aside.

His eyes were a little gloomy.

"This guy really should be killed!"

Yuno said expressionlessly, "Let him keep shouting like this, and the police will come and catch us right away."

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly and said, "Let me try."

With that said, he walked up to Mr. Takagi and squatted down.

Looking at the idiot in front of him clutching his stomach and screaming in pain, he said, "Well... Teacher Takagi, can you understand me?"

Teacher Gao Mu raised his head aggrievedly, and when he saw Lin Yuanfei's face, he suddenly looked terrified.

"No...don't kill me...I didn't kill people...don't kill me...what happened back then has nothing to do with me..."

Teacher Gao Mu yelled in horror, while desperately shrinking into the corner, obviously very afraid of Lin Yuanfei, whose face was covered in blood.

The feeling guy still remembers when Lin Yuanfei said he wanted to kill Freddy when he faced Freddy just now.

No wonder you are so afraid of yourself...

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly and said, "Don't get excited, Mr. Gao Mu, I won't kill you. We are good friends, aren't we?"

Teacher Takagi was taken aback, "Good friend? What is that?"

"A good friend is... Anyway, I won't hurt you, so you can rest assured, right?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled like a big bad wolf fooling the little white rabbit, "Teacher Gao Mu, we used to play together a lot, have you forgotten? You also said that you would help me with anything, don't you remember? You have always listened to me, you can do whatever I ask you to do, you are very obedient, and our relationship is very good... Do you remember?"

Teacher Takagi looked at him blankly, "It' that so..."

"Of course," Lin Yuanfei said with a bright smirk, "It's more real than Pearl! When have I ever lied to you? Never! Just like you have always listened to me, I have never lied to you either. !"

Takagi-sensei nodded suddenly, "That's right..."

Yuki on the side subconsciously grabbed her sister's hand with a look of disgust.

"Sister... This guy is so good at deceiving people, nine out of ten he is a lolicon who often deceives little girls. Stay away from him! Be careful of being deceived by him!"

Lin Yuanfei, who was fooling around foolishly, heard this sentence, and his face was darkened——Bah!Lolicon?You are insulting my personality!

I'm not a lolicon, I'm a royal sister!

Long live Miss Yu!Long live Onoko!

However, the stupid teacher Takagi looked back at Tomie who was tied up next to him, and suddenly shook his head again.

"No! No! I don't know you!"

Teacher Takagi said loudly, "I don't listen to you! I only listen to the goddess!"

After finishing speaking, this guy crawled towards Fu Jiang next to him with a smirk like a male dog in estrus.

"Goddess... Hehe... Goddess... I am your puppy... I only listen to you, talk to me quickly..."

Seeing Takagi-sensei crawling over with a silly smile, Yuno stood up again and stopped in front of Takagi-sensei, and took out the bone-chopping knife again.

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