"So your deception tactics failed?" Yuno looked at Lin Yuanfei, gently stroked the blade of the boning knife, and smiled meaningfully, "Sure enough, this disgusting and vicious man still wants to kill him. It's better... Sister, don't you think so?"

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously put the wooden knife horizontally in front of him, and then glared back at Yuno—you f**k hinting to me again?I'll blow your dog's head off!

Yuno smiled - did I hint?I'm expressly expressing this, Hayashi Yuan-senpai.

Yuki felt a headache when he saw the two confronting each other again.

"Hayashi Yuan-kun! Yuno!"

Like a kindergarten mother yelling the name of the child who made a mistake, Yuki said with a big head, "Please stop bickering, please? Now is not the time to quarrel! What will Mr. Takagi do? You should discuss it carefully." Take a moment! The police are coming soon, and you are still arguing here... Please be more mature, don't be so childish, okay? It's urgent!"

When my sister spoke, Yuno immediately snorted softly, but didn't answer back.

Lin Yuanfei accepted it as soon as he saw it was good, and continued to talk about business.

"In this case, we can only use the ultimate move..."

With that said, he walked up to Fu Jiang, who was tied up, and grabbed Fu Jiang's shoulder.

Then he looked at the foolish and silly teacher Takagi.

"Then who... Takagi-sensei, look over here, your goddess is in my hands."

Lin Yuanfei said, and put the wooden knife across Fu Jiang's neck, "Do you want to witness the scene of your beloved goddess being beheaded by me?"

Teacher Gao Mu suddenly looked terrified, "No! Don't hurt the goddess, don't hurt her!"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei kicked Mr. Gao Mu away who was rushing towards him.

Then threatened.

"Shut up! If you make any extra noise, I will kill your goddess!"

In an instant, like pressing the mute button, Takagi-sensei hurriedly covered his mouth in horror, trembling desperately but dared not make any sound at all.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yuki and Yuno, and sighed, "Oh, look, I'll just say this trick works, right?"

Then he looked at Mr. Takagi who was covering his mouth desperately, not daring to make a sound, and said.

"Next, we can take you along, but you are not allowed to make any extra noise, and follow my command throughout. If you dare to disobey, I will kill your goddess! Do you understand?"

Takagi-sensei covered his mouth with a terrified expression and nodded vigorously, but he didn't dare to make any sound.

Lin Yuanfei looked back at Yuki Yuno, "Okay, we can go now."

Yuki glanced at Takagi-sensei who was desperately trying not to speak, and was a little uneasy, "Is it really okay to take Takagi-sensei with me..."

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, "There is no other way. Time is running out. Didn't you hear the sound of police sirens coming down the mountain? I estimate that the police will seal off the road and search the mountain in ten minutes at the most. We didn't Takagi-sensei is running out of time."

"Anyway, with Tomie in our hands, Takagi-sensei is definitely better than a well-trained puppy...Right, Takagi-sensei?"

Teacher Takagi behind the three of them nodded desperately, just like Huskies.

Yuki sighed, "Takagi-sensei is so pitiful..."

Yuno lowered her head silently, with a complicated expression, without saying a word.

The five disappeared into the dark mountain forest again.

Chapter 94 The Umbrella is Online Again

The cold night wind blows in, and the flashing red and blue police lights cast Akagi Xianzheng's face into a gloomy and uncertain face.

Inside the raised cordon, he looked at the black BMW parked in front of him, with a gloomy face and said nothing.

Inside the car, there are police officers collecting clues.

There are also police officers not far away to maintain order.

The rustling sound of the walkie-talkie sounded, Akagi Xianzheng connected the communication, and then heard the search team's report.

"Not found? No one found?"

Akagi Xianzheng's expression was a little annoyed, "Is it possible that those people can still fly? Their car is parked here, and they haven't gone far at all. So many of you haven't found any clues? What are you doing?"

The subordinate on the other end of the walkie-talkie was a little flustered, and quickly reported some information on the scene.

After listening to Akagi Xianzheng, he said without hesitation.

"I'll be right there!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the dark mountain forest in the direction of the search team.

When he came to the scene of the crime under the guidance of his subordinates, he looked at the messy forest, the barren land glowing with strange black, and a small pile of powder that appeared out of nowhere in the wasteland, and the dust splashed everywhere. blood...

Akagi constitutional government frowned.

"Is this the crime scene?"

The police responsible for collecting clues quickly reported back.

"It should be the scene of the crime. We found that there were traces of binding on two trees over there. Someone should have been tied to them."

"And there are traces of human bodies crawling and dragging in the bushes over there. The victim's body should have been dragged away from that direction... The only strange thing is that there are only traces of the corpse being dragged, not the assailant. A mark or footprint left by a dead body."

"It's that the victim was dragged away from such a dense bush, and there were no pieces of clothing or blood-stained hair left in the bush... This is very strange. Even if the murderer cleaned up the scene, there is light here. It's so dark and the bushes so dense, it's not logical that he'd be able to clean up all the remains."

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