Akagi Xianzheng's eyes wandered around the messy scene.

"What are those powders?" Akagi Xianzheng pointed to the pile of powder in the middle of the black wasteland and said, "It looks strange..."

The policeman, who was carefully collecting the pile of powder, raised his head and said, "We haven't tested it yet, but judging from the feel and appearance..."

The policeman swallowed, "...it should be bone meal."

Akagi constitutional government frowned.

He looked around the crime scene in front of him again, with a gloomy and dignified expression.

Strange scene, weird land color, murder scene in the middle of the night, impeccable body collection after the event, strange bone meal, barren forest far away from the city...these messy and weird elements add up...

Akagi Xianzheng remembered the tragedies that happened before.

"Is it another cult sacrifice..."

Akagi Xianzheng murmured.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from the direction where everyone came.

The light of the torch illuminated the darkness, and a smiling man in a white coat came out of the forest, followed by a group of researchers also wearing white coats and holding various suitcases.

"Yo... Section Chief Akagi, what a coincidence, we meet again."

The man with glasses in a white coat smiled and said, "According to the order from above, it seems that this place is about to be taken over by us again."

Akagi Xianzheng looked at each other coldly, and watched the group of researchers in white coats walk into the scene and then opened their white suitcases, and took out the items from the scene of their instruments from the suitcases.

Akagi Xianzheng said with a blank expression, "According to the order from above? Which order from above? I don't remember that the Umbrella Company and the Metropolitan Police Department are in the same system. Who issued your order?"

Daniel looked at him with a smile, without saying a word.

A few seconds later, Akagi Constitutional's cell phone rang.

Looking down at the name on the caller ID, Akagi Xianzheng snorted coldly.

"The Umbrella Company really has great powers!"

Akagi Xianzheng snorted expressionlessly and said, "Let's go!"

This time, without any hesitation, Akagi Xianzheng left with all the policemen present.

Some young policemen who didn't quite know what happened were bewildered, watching the group of white coats suddenly appearing and stealing their jobs, they were all dazed.But seeing that the boss was gone, they could only obediently follow and leave together.

In the dark forest, Akagi Xianzheng answered the phone call of his boss with a blank expression while walking.

"……Ok, I know."

"Okay, let's do it..."

"no problem……"

After finally hanging up the phone with his boss, Akagi Xianzheng looked back at everyone and said, "This place is handed over to the umbrella company, we have to withdraw, let's go back directly, there is no need to seal the road and search the mountains."

The young policemen behind him were all dumbfounded.

"It's withdrawn now? Section chief, we haven't investigated yet!"

Akagi Xianzheng said with a gloomy face, "This is an order!"

In an instant, the other policemen all shut up.

No one dared to say a word.

Ten minutes later, all the police cars in Qiu Mingshan drove away with their sirens flashing, and disappeared into the dark night.

Lin Yuanfei and the others stood on the edge of the dark wilderness, watching the police cars leaving on the road hundreds of meters away, dumbfounded.

"Eh? The police ran away? What's the matter?"

Lin Yuanfei was full of doubts, "Didn't it be agreed to close the road and search the mountains? Those policemen gave up so easily? Are the Japanese police so perfunctory?"

Yuno snorted softly, "If the Japanese police are serious and responsible, then they are not Japanese police."

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed—girl, your words sound very resentful.

What kind of ghost image is the Japanese police among civilians...how come every Japanese you see hates them?

Yuki looked at the police cars leaving one after another, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Great, if the police don't close the road and search the mountains, we don't have to worry about being discovered."

At this time, the three of them were escorting a mob-bound demon girl (Fu Jiang) and a husky-like idiot (Takagi-sensei). It was indeed difficult to deal with the police with these two oil bottles.

However, Lin Yuanfei was still full of doubts that this group of policemen would withdraw so easily.

It is unreasonable for this group of policemen to give up so easily!

I always feel... there must be something wrong with this...

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked back at Qiu Mingshan behind him. Under the dark night, the dark mountain looked like a monster that wanted to devour people.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed.

There is definitely something wrong!

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