Chapter 95 Freddy's Weakness

Under the dark night, Lin Yuanfei and the others stood on the edge of the dark wilderness, watching from afar the police cars disappearing one after another on the road hundreds of meters away.

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally safe..."

Yuki said, looking worriedly at Lin Yuanfei, "Lin Yuan-jun, are your injuries okay? If not, I'll help you go."

Yuno on the side was startled, then his footsteps began to tremble, and his face seemed to turn pale.

"'s not good, sister, I'm a little dizzy..."

She grabbed her sister's hand and murmured, "I seem to have lost too much blood... dizzy... sister, help me quickly, I'm about to fall."

After finishing speaking, Yuno swayed towards Yuki, and buried her face in Yuki's arms.

"Woo... my sister..."

From Yuno's mouth, there came out a murmur that was unclear whether it was a groan or a panting whisper.

Lin Yuanfei looked very helpless——sister, can your acting skills be more exaggerated?

The location where the few people are at this time is at the foot of Qiuming Mountain, behind them is a dark forest, and in front of them is an endless wilderness.

A little further away is the road into the city.

At dusk, the church that Lin Yuanfei had visited was in that direction, and in the dark, even the little lights of the church could be seen from a distance.

Yuki supported his younger sister in his arms, and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"Lin Yuan-kun, should we go?" Yuki asked obediently.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and sat down on the floor.

"Don't rush to leave, anyway, the police have already finished work, we don't have to worry about being discovered for the time being, just wait here for Brother Cheng to come over."

"By the way, take a break..."

Lin Yuanfei took a breath and said, "Yuki, please see if Yuno's wound is serious, and take some simple first-aid measures."

Yuno buried her face in her sister's arms, laying on her side, clearly showing that she was mopping up.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei holding Fu Jiang sitting on the edge of the woods and stroking the broken wooden knife, Yuno asked, "When will this wooden knife of yours be able to kill Wraiths? Didn't you say you couldn't do it before?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the broken wooden knife in his hand and sighed.

"It was really not possible before... I don't know why it suddenly became so sharp. And at the beginning, Jiaye and Junxiong were able to pick it up with bare hands, why did the back suddenly become sharper?"

Yuki glanced at the blood-stained wooden knife, a little confused and curious, "Is it because of the blood on it... Later, when Lin Yuan-kun chopped Wraith, the wooden knife was covered with blood, but there was no blood at first Yes. Will it need to be stained with blood to injure the evil spirit?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "I can't rule out this possibility..."

He looked down at the wooden knife in his hand again, and said, "However, there is no chance to verify it for the time being. After all, there are no resentful spirits to try the knife. Let's try it next time, maybe it really has something to do with blood."

So is this broken wooden knife really mainstream?Or is it blood-fed?Must be fed with blood to unlock the real sharpness?

Uh... why does it feel like this setting looks like a magic weapon of an evil sect?

Where on earth did the two ceremonies get such a broken wooden knife, and there is no instruction manual or anything...

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei was silent, Yuna asked, "You said before that pouring holy water on Freddy's body could kill him, but now it seems that Freddy is obviously not dead yet. Did you remember it wrong? Or do you know The intelligence information is wrong?"

Lin Yuanfei glanced back at her, and gave a wry smile, "I've said it all, I'm just speculating... guessing... But the holy water did harm Freddy to a certain extent, at least we destroyed its body, and we can't even destroy it. Let go of the souls of those children that it devoured. Even if Freddy can survive now, I guarantee that he must be in a miserable state, otherwise he will not run away so decisively, and the cliff will take revenge on us on the spot of."

"And if the main body is destroyed, the last remaining one should be Freddy's Wraith."

"Coupled with the fact that it has lost those innocent souls it devoured, the current Freddy can be said to be unprecedentedly weak. As long as we kill it one last time, it is estimated that it will really be gg."

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's analysis, Yuno's eyes were a little cold.

"How to kill it? Go to the nightmare? Didn't you say that Freddy is invincible in the dream?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "It's true that Freddy is invincible in the dream, but I actually have a way to pull him out of the dream... as long as we pull him out of the nightmare into reality and kill him, we will win. "

In fact, according to the settings in the original movie, this method is the most convenient, fast and safe.

When Freddy kills, he is between dream and reality.

The person awakened from the nightmare can bring Freddy's hat from the nightmare to reality, and Nancy in the first film of the original film directly dragged Freddy from the nightmare to the real world.

In Dreamworld, no matter how many times you kill Freddy, you can't hurt him.

But in the real world, Nancy burns Freddy to death directly.

However, after hearing Lin Yuanfei's method, Yuki was a little confused.

"Since it's easier to kill Freddy this way, why didn't we use it in the first place?"

Yuki was very surprised, "Lin Yuan-kun, is there any flaw in this method?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly and said, "The biggest problem with this method is that when La Freddy enters the real world, he must have close physical contact with Freddy, but Freddy was so strong before, even if I was close to him It is estimated that it will be cold if it is touched, and every inch is short and every inch is dangerous, understand? It is only now that it has lost all its soul and has become unprecedentedly weak, so we have a chance."

"The previous Freddy devoured the souls of so many children, comparable to the dog's head of the Six Gods costume... Anyway, it means fierce and powerful. At that time, going to have close contact with him in the dreamland was tantamount to courting death."

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's explanation, Yuki suddenly realized and nodded, "So it's like this... I understand, now that Freddy is not so powerful, we have a chance, right?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Yes, that's what it means, Yuki is really smart."

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