At this time, Mr. Takagi was still covering his mouth firmly, and he didn't dare to make any extra noise, so he had to be as obedient as possible.

Lin Yuanfei even started to feel sorry for such an obedient teacher if he had blonde hair and big breasts... Cough cough cough...

Seeing Yuki's worried eyes, Lin Yuanfei felt a little strange, "Yuki? Do you have anything to say?"

Yuki said a little uneasy, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, we... are we really going to bring Mr. Takagi and Ms. Tomie to meet your friends?"

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glanced at the two guys beside him. Indeed, although Fu Jiang was talking with a rag in his mouth and wearing a hood mask on his head, he probably wouldn't be able to charm anyone, but if someone saw her tied-up look Must call the police.

As for Mr. Gao Mu, if Brother Cheng saw it, he would probably have to tell a lot of lies to make it up... it might not be possible.

After all, Mr. Takagi is completely stupid now.

After pondering for a few seconds, Lin Yuanfei looked at Fu Jiang.

"Fu Jiang, lift your leg... well, just lift one leg."

Fu Jiang, who was tied up, lifted his right leg obediently. The black stockings under the miniskirt were extremely smooth. The slender thigh, slender calf, and beautiful arch... Even Lin Yuanfei, who is not foot control, couldn't help swallowing saliva.

He even had an urge to pounce on him, touch it and lick it up...cough cough cough...reserved...

Under the watchful eyes of Sister Yuno, Hayashi Yuan Hiroshi put on a straight face and acted like a gentleman.

Then he reached out and grabbed Fu Jiang's raised leg.

Then, under the astonished gaze of Sister Yuno, Lin Yuanfei stumbled and tore off the stocking.

Under the black goat skull, Fu Jiang's eyes seemed to be smiling, admiring Lin Yuanfei's embarrassment.

——No man can remain calm while taking off Fujiang's stockings.

After finally tearing off the stockings, Lin Yuanfei found that his back was covered in cold sweat.

Holding Fu Jiang's stockings that were still slightly warm in his hand, Lin Yuanfei didn't even dare to take a second look, and directly threw the stockings to the husky-like teacher Takagi next to him with a dark face.

"Use this thing to cover your head! Then continue to be silent."

The silly teacher Takagi took the stockings, which still had Tomie's fragrance and temperature, and was stunned for a second.

Then, as if he had won a five million lottery, he woke up with great excitement and put the stockings on his head.

After putting it on, he even took a deep breath, as if he was reminiscing the scent of stockings on his face, a standard idiot reaction.

If Lin Yuanfei hadn't strictly ordered him not to speak, this fool might have started dancing and cheering a long time ago.

Looking at Mr. Gao Mu who was wearing a stockings hood and looked like a bank robber beside him, Lin Yuanfei nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, then there will be no problem."

In this way, there is no need to worry about Brother Cheng recognizing the identity of Teacher Takagi.

Lin Yuanfei confidently led Fu Jiang to the road across the wilderness, "Let's go, Yuki, we have to meet Brother Cheng."

Behind him, Mr. Takagi, who looks like a bank robber, and... Yuki with a helpless face.

"It doesn't matter what kind of thing this is..."

Yuki sighed with a headache, "Lin Yuan-kun, you are too natural! If we go out like this, will we really not be arrested by the police?"

Author's message:

ps: Twenty updates are over!

Go to eat first, and press my shoulders when I go out. In the past two weeks, I have been coding intensively every day, and I am a little tired around my shoulders. I don’t even have the strength to clenched my hands. The doctor said that it will be better if I press my shoulders... emmmmm... I'll give it a try, and if I'm really in better shape when I come back, then ten more tomorrow.

If the status is still not good, then five more tomorrow.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass blade recommendation, and by the way, book your monthly pass for next month.

The goal for next month is daily [-]D!

(if possible)

Chapter 98 My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror

"Lin Yuan-jun, you are too natural! If we go out like this, will we really not be arrested by the police?"

In the dark and deserted wilderness, the five of Lin Yuanfei walked towards the road hundreds of meters away.

Yuki supported his pale younger sister, who seemed to have lost too much blood, and walked behind Lin Yuanfei, and said helplessly.

"Why do I think your friend will definitely call the police the first time he sees us!"

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glanced at the two sisters who supported each other—mainly Yuki who was constantly being rubbed by the slut sister to take advantage of her.

Said, "Don't worry, I care about myself."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei looked at Fu Jiang in front of him.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuanfei reached under the opponent's black hood and pulled out the cloth stuffed in Fu Jiang's mouth.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but shuddered - shit!This witch dared to lick me!

The moment Lin Yuanfei pulled out the rag, he clearly felt a slippery little tongue gently licking his fingers.

He immediately retracted his hand like an electric shock, and then glared fiercely at Fu Jiang in front of him.

"Are you going to die?" Lin Yuanfei cursed without dignity.

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