Fu Jiang under the black skull mask let out a low laugh, "Thank you for the hospitality~~ Mr. Lin Yuan, your taste really fascinates people, people like you more and more~~~ah~~~ I really want to treat you Eat it whole, taste your taste well, come on my dear, they will make you so comfortable to heaven, they will eat your whole into your throat~~~"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes.

Well, now there are already two sluts in the team of five.

One Yuno, one Tomie.

Without saying a word, he slapped Fu Jiang on the head, without any brutality.

"Eat, eat, eat! Eat your second uncle! Are you full of rice green liquid? Can you be more serious?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "Didn't you also see those two evil spirits in the forest just now? If you continue to make trouble, we will really have to gg. Please cooperate a little bit. If you want to flirt, we can talk about it after the evil spirits are dealt with." Didn't you say that you like me? Do you want to deliberately ruin my affairs, and then watch me be killed by evil spirits?"

Fu Jiang saw through Lin Yuanfei's thoughts with a smile, "Honey, you want me to cooperate with you in dealing with monsters, right?"

Lin Yuanfei snapped his fingers, "You're so smart, that's what you mean. At least please don't run around and jump around for a while, and come to the city with us obediently, ok? We don't have time to delay, we will go to the city to find you later." Let's get some rest, change clothes and bandage the wound, and we're going to fuck Freddy."

"Until then, please don't do bad things... ok?"

Lin Yuanfei said so.

Fu Jiang blinked playfully, "Then if he is obedient and cooperates, will my dear be willing to accept him?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "It's impossible to accept it, and it's impossible to accept it in this life. But I can promise you a small condition within the acceptable range... How about it?"

Like cleaning your basement a bit better...

Fu Jiang tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "It's ok, as long as you don't regret it, my dear, I will really be willing to listen to you obediently and be a little dumb for a while. But the condition..."

Fu Jiang licked his lips and said with a smile, "It doesn't take long for people to eat my dear Ou Jinjin, just ten minutes~~ If my dear can persist for ten minutes. I am still very confident in my oral skills. .”

Lin Yuanfei had a dark face, "Confidence in your size! Are you really a slut? Can you make some normal requests? Don't you know that you have been cracking down on pornography and illegals recently? Change your request, change your request, this request is absolutely not acceptable. "

Fu Jiang tilted his head and thought about it again, and couldn't help sighing.

"Well then... people can only settle for the next best thing."

Fu Jiang seemed to be very regretful and said, "I can't eat dear Ou Jinjin, so dear, can I kiss him? Give him a few loving kisses?"

Fu Jiang said aggrievedly, "If you continue to lose the nourishment of love like this, the beauty of the family will dry up..."

Dry ass... And if you are really not beautiful, it will be a blessing for the country.

Lin Yuanfei said with black lines on his face, "Well said, but I refuse..."

"Yes! No problem! Promise you!"

A sudden voice sounded beside Lin Yuanfei.

He looked at Yuno next to him with a black face, "Promise your sister! Can you stop making trouble?"

Yuno stared back at him without giving in, and said, "It's this time, what are you still doing? What's wrong with a kiss? Will a kiss kill you? You are a big man, can you stop being coy?" Like a girl? It's just a kiss, as if you have suffered a lot...It's disgusting."

Yuno had an undisguised disgust on his face.

Lin Yuanfei choked heavily.

"What's wrong? Can't men be chaste? Can't men be clean? My wife Yuno-san, your thinking is very wrong, let me tell you! You are objectifying men!"

Yuki looked at them helplessly, "Can you not quarrel? Why do you quarrel every time you open your mouth..."

Lin Yuanfei snorted unhappily, "It's not that I want to quarrel...your sister teases me first! The one who teases first is cheap!"

Yuno looked indifferent, "Say it again!"

Fu Jiang on the side sighed and said, "Honey, please don't ignore me, please? Leave me alone and flirt with other girls... If you do this again, I will really be jealous."

Lin Yuanfei looked back at her and said, "Anyway, no matter how much I say, I won't kiss you! Not even once! This is a matter of principle!"

What if I kiss you and get charmed?Yuno's little girl was not at all worried and kind.

She just wanted to provoke Lin Yuanfei to agree to Fu Jiang. If Lin Yuanfei kissed Fu Jiang and Fu Jiang would be charmed, she wouldn't have to worry about someone robbing her of her sister...cut!

Only idiots will fall for this kind of low-level trick!

Lin Yuanfei continued to pretend to be a gentleman with a straight face, "My first kiss was for my beloved lover! Kissing without love is as disgusting as eating shit!"

Yuno sneered, and continued to provoke Lin Yuanfei, "You speak so grandly, but you are actually timid and afraid of getting into trouble. You dare not kiss Fu Jiang at all!"

"Bah! I want you to take care of it!"

Lin Yuanfei said confidently, "My heart and deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice! I don't need to explain to you!"

The voice fell, and the phone rang.

Lin Yuanfei quickly connected the phone.

"Oh Brother Cheng, okay, okay, I'll be there soon."

Then Lin Yuanfei hung up the phone and looked back at Fu Jiang.

"I'm running out of time, don't ink, make a new request," Lin Yuanfei urged impatiently, "I'll give you one last chance, if you mess up again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chapter 99 No time to explain, get in the car

Facing Lin Yuanfei's ferocity, Fu Jiang blinked pitifully.

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