"My dear, don't be so fierce..."

Fu Jiang said tremblingly, "What you want to do, people will listen to you obediently. Don't be fierce, okay..."

Lin Yuanfei's face was full of black lines, "I said, don't waste time... Are you ignoring my words? Say it quickly! What request do you want, this is the last chance!"

Fu Jiang blinked his eyes, "Didn't he say it? Dear, what do you want him to do, he will obediently listen to you... As for the request..."

Fu Jiang let out a low laugh, "... owe it first, dear, didn't you say that you are very busy now? Then let's go first, and I will talk about this request after I think it over."

"Don't worry, dear, don't worry, people will never make such requests that touch the bottom line, and they will never make things difficult for you."

"After all, my dearest is my favorite~~~"

Fu Jiang is as gentle as water, and looks extremely caring and sensible.

But Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but rolled his eyes - and agreed, you think you are Zhao Min?

But since Fu Jiang is willing to cooperate obediently, let's not expose her for the time being.

Anyway, this time the matter is over, doesn't it depend on the mood whether to agree to Fu Jiang's request?

Even if it's a usury, you don't have to worry about dying.

What's more, this usury can be repaid if you want, and if you don't want to repay, you can't repay it. If he wants to go back on his word, can Fu Jiang bite him?


Lin Yuanfei glared at Fu Jiang, "Then I'll untie you, don't do anything bad to me."

After thinking about it, he was still a little worried, and put the cloth back into Fu Jiang's mouth.

Then, while untying Tomie's rope, let Yuno and Yuki hold her from left to right.

In this way, even if Fu Jiang wants to run or makes a small move, Yuno can stop it in time... perfect.

The five of them continued to walk towards the road, and soon saw a blue MPV parked by the side of the road.

Well, a more advanced van, the one with a lot of space.

Lin Yuanfei walked over first, and sure enough, he saw Brother Cheng standing on the side of the road waiting with a worried expression on his face.

As soon as Lin Yuanfei came out, Brother Cheng was startled.

"I'll go! Lin Yuan?"

Brother Cheng said with a look of shock, "You were really hunted down? Why are you covered in blood?"

Lin Yuanfei waved his hands with a look of displeasure, and said, "Stop talking about this, let's move quickly."

While talking, Lin Yuanfei secretly glanced at the driver's cab.

Brother Cheng's friend is...

Blonde hair and big breasts, a beautiful face that looks familiar.

Fuck!Shizuka Ju Chuan?The big tits school doctor?

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw Ju Chuan Shizuka, the cow school doctor also saw him.

The school nurse blinked her eyes, and then showed a surprised smile, "It turns out that the friend Ito-san mentioned is you... Hayashihara-san, let's meet again."

Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded, what is this unfolding?Why would Brother Mao Cheng get mixed up with Ju Chuan Shizuka?

Could it be because of his own reasons that Brother Cheng didn't connect with Gui Yanye's line, so he changed the line?Walked the line of the school doctor?

At this time, Yuno and Yuki also "supported" Tomie who was wearing a skull hood and came out, followed by Mr. Takagi wearing a stockings hood.

Seeing the appearance of these four people, Brother Cheng was taken aback again.

"Ghost... ghost!"

Obviously, he was frightened by Fu Jiang's skull mask.

But in the next second, Brother Cheng's eyeballs straightened.

"Eh? Not a ghost?"

He looked up and down at Fu Jiang's slender and uneven figure, and smiled like an idiot, "Lin Yuan, your friend is very beautiful."

Lin Yuanfei hated iron for being weak and knocked Brother Cheng on the head, with a helpless expression on his face.

You haven't seen the human face yet, how do you know she is beautiful?

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei pushed Brother Cheng into the car and said, "There's no time to explain, get in the car quickly."

The main reason is that he is afraid that this guy will be seduced by Fu Jiang if he continues to watch it?

Fu Jiang's charming power seems to be particularly effective for Brother Cheng... Is there a special bonus for perverts?

This brother Cheng will die on the third leg sooner or later.

When Lin Yuanfei forced Chengge into the co-pilot's seat, Ju Chuan Shizuka also opened the car door, and then watched Yuno and Yuki escort Tomie into the car, and then watched Mr. Takagi, who looked like a bank robber, also got into the car Got in the car, slightly confused.

"Eh? Hayashi Yuan, your friends are so strange."

The school nurse made a puzzled voice, "Why are you all dressed up so strangely? It's blood and masks... Did you just attend a masquerade party?"

It seems that this naturally dazed and confused school doctor has not realized the seriousness of the matter.

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