Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said solemnly, "I don't have time to explain, sister school doctor, please send us back to the city first. It's very important and urgent, and I'll tell you about the masquerade next time."

Ju Chuan Shizuka nodded in disappointment, "Okay..."

She kicked the accelerator, and the blue mpv flew out immediately, and quickly disappeared into the night.

In the shadows by the side of the road, on the top of the church building with dimly lit lights, a young priest with red hair sat on the cross on the top of the church, watched Lin Yuanfei and others leave from a distance, and closed the Bible in his hand with a smile.

"What an interesting guy..."

Watching Lin Yuanfei and the others leave, Kotomine Shirou smiled brightly, "It's even more interesting than expected."



The warm sun shines on the big soft bed.

Miyamoto Rei slowly opened her eyes, looking at everything in front of her, a little confused.

Familiar bedroom, familiar picture.

Are you home yet?

But she knew before...

In front of her eyes, she seemed to be recalling some horrible scene, and a trace of fear flashed in Miyamoto Rei's eyes.

She swallowed, lifted the quilt on her body, and got out of bed wearing loose sheets like this.

Because she heard the urging voice of her mother downstairs.

"Get up quickly! Li, I'm going to be late!"

The voice of my mother urging me to get up was extremely warm in this warm morning.

Miyamoto Rei subconsciously pushed open the bedroom door and rushed out, rushing down the stairs.

Standing in the living room on the first floor, she stared blankly at the busy mother in the kitchen, and at the familiar back of her mother, she shed tears in a daze...


Hearing her soft call, the busy mother suddenly turned her head, revealing the ferocious, burnt, bloody ugly face under the wig.

There was a weird smile in Freddy's mouth.

"Good morning, dear girl."

The hideous evil ghost with burns all over his body laughed and tore off the women's wig on his body, revealing the dirty red and green sweater and his ugly face.

"Long time no see, miss me?"

Chapter 100

Raccoon City Municipal Hospital.

In the dark ward, there was a dead silence.

The cold night wind blew the curtains on the balcony, bringing a bit of coldness into this dark room.

There was a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.

On the only bed in the ward, a young girl was sleeping quietly.

The victim of the serial murder that happened a few days ago not only lost her beloved boyfriend in that unfortunate murder, she was also attacked by the murderer and fell into a deep sleep.

Although the doctors have already stitched up the girl's wounds, the girl's various indicators are also healthy standards, and she should have woken up long ago.

But this girl named Rei Miyamoto was still lying quietly on the hospital bed, without any sign of waking up.

She was the only survivor of the Elm Street serial murders who survived being attacked by the murderer, and she was also the last child on Elm Street.

In the outside world, countless people are waiting for her to wake up.

The media, the public, the police...all want to get information about the serial killer from this girl.

In order to protect her safety, the police station even sent police officers to take turns to protect her day and night.

But the girl on the hospital bed had been in a coma for almost a week, completely comatose like a vegetative state.

The policemen on duty in the corridor outside the door were getting impatient after so many days.

There were even faint rumors in the hospital that the girl would never wake up again.

But in the dead of night, when most people in the hospital had already fallen asleep, the girl on the hospital bed trembled and slowly opened her eyes.

She stared blankly at the ceiling above her head, slowly sat up straight, and looked at the quiet and silent ward in front of her.

There was a few seconds of silence.

The low laughter of the evil ghost in the nightmare seemed to still be lingering in his ears.

She unconsciously stroked her neck, where the cold touch of the devil's sharp claws seemed to remain.

If you don't do what the monster says...

Miyamoto Rei swallowed, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

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