will die?

Surely he will die, right?

Definitely going to die, right?

Just like everyone, just like Yong...


The moment he thought of this name, a smiling face flashed in front of Rei Miyamoto's eyes.

Even if she was brutally cut to pieces by the demon Freddy when she was dying, and after knowing the truth, she still smiled and let her run away forever...

"Woo... forever... forever..."

Miyamoto Rei trembled and screamed, and tightly hugged the white-washed sheets, as if this could bring her some warmth.

Why did you die forever?Why?

It's obviously not anyone's fault, it's obvious that no one has done anything wrong, why did Yong die?

Freddy... Freddy...

This devilish name made the girl in the ward tremble.

The low laughter of the evil spirit in the nightmare seemed to ring in her ears again.

——If you think about it a little bit, it's easy, isn't it?Just like back then, just like when you tricked Yong over, it's very simple, isn't it?Hey hey hey hey...

The girl felt like a fish held tightly by fear, struggling hard, but was about to suffocate.

She gently lifted the sheet off her body and got out of bed wearing a thin hospital gown.

In the corridor outside the ward, two police officers were sitting guarding her.

The moment she saw these two policemen, Rei Miyamoto wanted to call for help, rushed out to confess everything to them, and begged them to save her.

But when I think of the demon in the dream...

She swallowed, and the cry for help was swallowed back.

Carefully leaving the door, without disturbing anyone, she quietly came to the roof of the ward.

From here, you can see the small garden of the hospital and the wall beyond.

Outside the walls of the hospital are the streets of the city.

However, after nightfall, the city streets are empty and no pedestrians can be seen, only the dim street lights illuminate the dark long street.

Here, it's the second floor.

Rei Miyamoto looked at such a height, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally did not dare to jump directly.

She returned to the hospital bed, carefully tore off the bed sheet, twisted it into a long strip, and tied it to the edge of the roof.

Just like that, the girl carefully jumped into the garden downstairs holding the hanging sheet.

No one found her.

The hospital at night seemed very quiet.

Rei Miyamoto turned her head and looked around in a hurry, then hurriedly walked out of the hospital.

Her figure quickly disappeared into the eerie darkness of Raccoon City.

No one noticed her leaving.

Until, ten minutes later...

The ear-piercing ringtone of the mobile phone woke up the sleeping teenager in the dark bedroom.

The boy named Komuro Takashi rubbed his eyes, sat up in a daze, and picked up the mobile phone beside the bed.

"Who? Calling so late..."

Takashi Komuro yawned and saw the caller ID on his phone.

An unknown number.

Takashi Komuro answered the phone with some resentment, "Hello?"

However, before he could vent his anger, a girl's mournful cry came from the other end of the phone.

"Woo... filial... filial... woo woo woo woo..."

Komuro Takashi was stunned when he heard the moment of mournful crying.

The resentment of being woken up while sleeping disappeared in an instant, and he no longer felt sleepy, and immediately sat up straight.


Recognizing the voice of his childhood sweetheart, Takashi Komuro was surprised and delighted, "Are you awake?"

On the other end of the phone, the girl's intermittent crying came.

"Woo... wake up... wake up... woo woo woo..."

The girl's crying made Takashi Komuro's heart almost break.

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