Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

"Li? Where are you now? What happened? Why are you crying?"

Takashi Komuro's expression became serious, "Aren't you in the hospital?"

"Did someone bully you?" Komuro asked anxiously, "Where are you now?"

Li on the other end of the phone was sobbing and weeping softly, "I...I'm alone on Elm Street, Xiao, come and find me, I'm so scared. I'm so scared...Come here and stay with me, okay? "

Komuro immediately jumped off the bed and said loudly, "Don't worry, I'll come to you right away! Stay where you are."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

At the same time, Li on the other end of the phone raised her teary face.

In the darkness, the light on the phone's display screen reflected her face in a cloudy and uncertain way.

The yellow-haired young man who was chatting with his friends not far away glanced at him and took a puff of his cigarette. "Beauty, are you done calling? We're leaving."

Rei Miyamoto squeezed out a forced smile, "Please... please wait a little longer..."

After taking a deep breath, she looked at the borrowed mobile phone in her hand again.

After a few seconds of silence, she called another friend without hesitation.

"Woooooooooo... Yan Ye? I'm Li..."

The mournful cry sounded again.

Chapter 101 Night in Raccoon City

The blue mpv drives silently in the residential area of ​​the city.

Nights in Raccoon City are quiet.

After nightfall, there are no extra pedestrians to be seen on the empty streets, only the dim street lamps illuminate the deserted long streets.

Although it is a small town in the countryside, it still has a certain popularity during the day.

However, once night fell, the wandering figures on the street quickly disappeared, desolate like ghosts, and only the lights in the houses declared that there were still living people in this city.

This change started in the last six months.

After the new year was over, the entire Raccoon City was gradually shrouded in a strange shadow.

Before the serial murder case on Elm Street was solved, someone inadvertently broke into the cult's sacrificial scene and was brutally sacrificed.

The powerlessness of the police is extremely glaring in these cases. They were unable to find out any relevant clues, and they could neither solve the case nor arrest the murderer.We can only issue safety warnings on TV day after day, warning residents not to wander outside after nightfall.

The grievances of urban residents have long been growing in rumors.

The police in Raccoon City have been completely reduced to the bottom of the chain of contempt in the city, and no one thinks highly of them.

However, the murderer is still at large, and the cult's sacrifice still seems to be held somewhere in the city.

The shadow hidden in the corner of the city is silently eroding the life of the city.

Even the logo of the building with the umbrella looks a lot darker in the dark night.

Sitting quietly in the blue mpv, looking out the window at the gloomy and deserted city streets, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but wryly smiled as he listened to Brother Cheng's narration.

The center of the city is the Umbrella Corporation, there is a Kayako haunted house in the residential area, Tomie wanders around the city, and there is a videotape of Sadako waiting for someone to watch, Freddie on Elm Street just killed all the children on that street , and the so-called cult sacrifice is probably not a good thing... Lin Yuanfei was surprised that there were so many living people in Raccoon City with so many messy elements added up.

Living in such a dangerous place, you can still live so happily, Brother Cheng, you still have time to go around and shoot guns... The residents of Raccoon City are really strong!

——I just don’t know if you can continue to be strong after knowing the truth.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, watching the street scene outside the window receding continuously, the blue MPV driving into the residential area, silently digesting the new news that Brother Cheng got here.

At least, I got new information from Brother Cheng.

The weirdness of Raccoon City started in the past six months.

And Freddy's first murder, the death of the first Elm Street victim, was more than three months ago.

The activities of the cult also started in the last month or so.

Before that, the residents of Raccoon City lived a normal life.

Although there is a videotape of Sadako Yamamura and a haunted house of Kayako in the city, these two do not seem to affect the lives of the residents of Raccoon City.

The few vicious incidents that really made the residents of the whole city panic, only started in the last six months.

And the two ceremonies came to Raccoon City, and they came here suddenly during this period of time... emmmm...I always feel that there is something strange about it.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously glanced at Fu Jiang in the car, and suddenly thought of an important question - he hadn't asked about Fu Jiang's origin and past yet.

The world view of this world is so chaotic, Fu Jiang's experience will definitely be different from the original book.

As one of the monsters, this guy might be able to learn some new information by asking her.

It's just that it's not easy to ask in front of Cheng Ge and Ju Chuan Shizuka.

Lin Yuanfei could only sigh, silently put this question in his stomach, and waited for the MPV to reach its destination.

The destination of their trip is my wife's house. After all, the house on Elm Street is too dangerous. What if Yuno is targeted by Freddy again?

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