In addition, the basement of my wife's house is a good place to detain Fu Jiang. Lin Yuanfei doesn't plan to return to Elm Street until he solves Freddy's problem.

Along the way, Ju Chuan Shizuka was busy driving, laughing with Lin Yuanfei and the others from time to time, but was fooled by Lin Yuanfei.

As a social person whose skills of talking to people and talking nonsense to hell have already been maxed out, it is not difficult to fool Ju Chuan Shizuka, who is naturally dumb.

Until the end, Ju Chuan Shizuka did not realize that Lin Yuanfei and his group were really seriously injured.

Brother Cheng found out, but he was interrupted by Lin Yuanfei before he could say anything.

Then under the hint of Lin Yuanfei winking, Brother Cheng didn't expose him for the time being.

It's just that when the blue MPV stopped at the door of my wife's house and Lin Yuanfei and others started to get off, Brother Cheng was a little worried.

"Hi! Lin Yuan!"

Looking at Lin Yuanfei's blood-stained back, Brother Cheng couldn't help shouting, "Your hand..."

Brother Cheng said, pointing to his left hand, indicating Lin Yuanfei's injury, " it really all right?"

Brother Cheng looked worried.

Under the dim street light, Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly, "Relax! It's okay, I know it. You should hurry home with Teacher Shizuka, and don't stay outside for too long."

Brother Cheng sighed, "Anyway, call me anytime if you need help."

Brother Cheng said loudly, "I'm on call!"

"Oh, oh, I see, you go back quickly," Lin Yuanfei smiled and waved goodbye to Brother Cheng, standing in front of the gate of my wife's house and watching the blue MPV go away.

Then he sighed helplessly.

Brother Cheng... With your words, I can't let you die even if I risk my life!

He turned around and found that Yuno and Yuki were waiting for him at the gate, and beside him stood Mr. Takagi with a stockings hood.

As for Fu Jiang who was wearing a mask, the cloth stuffed in his mouth was finally removed at this time, and his ability to speak was restored.

Fu Jiang said with a smile, "Honey, your friend is very loyal."

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, "Don't think about Brother Cheng, you bitch! It's okay to harm others, if you dare to harm Brother Cheng, I will throw you out to feed Jia coconut."

Fu Jiang let out a chuckle, "Ga Coconut? That female ghost who can only giggle and hiccup? If she can kill me, it will be very powerful."

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent, "It's probably not a problem to kill a clone of you. The people slaughtered by Gayako are all evaporated in various senses, and there will be no hair left. Your division and proliferation will not matter to her." use."

Fu Jiang blinked, "So powerful? Why don't you throw him out to feed her, my dear?"

"Didn't my dear want to kill him a long time ago? Or..."

Fu Jiang licked his lips with a smile, "...My dear, you actually speak fiercely, but you still hate him?"

Chapter 102 I Have a Bold Idea (Fifth Watch)

" dear, you actually talk fiercely, but you still hate him?"

Amidst Fu Jiang's chuckle, Lin Yuanfei let out a pooh.

"I don't kill you because you are useful, understand? You bitch!"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei walked directly to the door of my wife's house.

Yuki also opened the door with the key at this time, and Yuno escorted Fu Jiang in.

Lin Yuanfei was next, followed by Mr. Takagi wearing a stockings hood.

The five people entered the hallway, changed their shoes, and then entered the living room.

Yuki went to look for the small family medicine box, while Lin Yuanfei sat on the sofa.

Teacher Gao Mu originally wanted to get close to Fu Jiang, but was glared at by Lin Yuanfei, "Go and squat in the corner over there."

So Takagi-sensei obediently walked to the corner of the living room and squatted down.

It's not that Lin Yuanfei abused him, but that there is really no time to take care of Mr. Takagi now that the enemy is in front of him.

What if Mr. Takagi accidentally snatched Tomie away?

Don't look at this guy as well-behaved as a pug now, but that's because his goddess was held hostage by Lin Yuanfei.

As long as there is any chance to save Fu Jiang, it is estimated that Mr. Takagi will try his best to save Fu Jiang.

Lin Yuanfei would not be so stupid as to be deceived by Mr. Gao Mu's superficial cuteness, and he is not bald.

After Mr. Gao Mu was assigned to sit in the corner by Lin Yuanfei, Yuno pushed Tomie onto the sofa, and then sat beside him.

She almost held Fu Jiang close to her body, and did not give Fu Jiang any chance to escape.

At this time, Yuki also took out the family medicine box.

She cleaned Yuno's wound first, and then applied medicine and bandages.

After the younger sister's injury was treated, Yuki began to clean the wound, apply medicine and bandages to Lin Yuanfei.

It's just that Lin Yuanfei's injury was much worse than Yuno's.

There are four blood holes in the left arm and five blood holes in the left leg. Although the temporary bandage was done in time, the wound has almost formed a thick scab to stop the bleeding.

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