Then, under the watchful eyes of Mr. Gao Mu, the goddess who escorted him walked into the basement... Oh my!Isn't this really what the villains do?

Lin Yuanfei looked at Gao Mu teacher awkwardly, feeling deeply helpless.

But Mr. Takagi, you have to believe me, I really have no interest in your goddess.

Kidnapping is not my wish, and imprisonment is unpredictable.Chattering and multiplying to the end, Lefu's destiny is restored... So wet, so wet.

Escorted Fu Jiang into the basement, and after hanging the demon girl on the four iron chains that locked Lin Yuanfei before, the one who let Wo Xing become Fu Jiang.

Lin Yuanfei stood in front of her, condescendingly looking down at the imprisoned weak beauty at her feet, and smiled coldly.

snort!Feng Shui turns around, Fu Jiang, when you locked Lao Tzu here, you didn't expect that you would have such a day, did you?

Yuno and Yuki were cleaning up the sundries in the basement.

To be honest, there wasn't much in the basement either.

Except for a few boxes stacked in a corner, everything else is small.

Considering that Lin Yuanfei's injury is relatively serious, and he is still an important candidate to face Freddy later, all Yuki did not let Lin Yuanfei participate in moving things, but let Lin Yuanfei rest and recharge his batteries.

Behind me are the busy figures of my wife and sisters.

Lin Yuanfei squatted in front of Fu Jiang and said, "Well, Fu Jiang, let me ask you a question."

Lin Yuanfei finally had the opportunity to ask that question, "What was your past life experience like? Can you talk to me? For example, when did you discover that you have the ability to split, and how many times you were killed, How many individuals were split? I remember that the memories and experiences of you split individuals are shared, right?"

Fu Jiang sat in the corner, wearing the black goat's skull mask on his head.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's question, she let out a chuckle.

"Honey, you really put a lot of effort into investigating people... so you have noticed me a long time ago? This is really flattering and heart-thumping."

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Who is in the mood to investigate you? Don't be narcissistic, okay? I just inadvertently remembered some urban anecdotes. Come on, Fu Jiang, let's talk while there is still time. How is life?"

Fu Jiang glanced at him and smiled like a fox—although Lin Yuanfei still couldn't see this smile.

"If I tell you everything, my dear, how do you plan to reward him?" Fu Jiang licked his lips and said, "There is no reward at all. I really can't think of anything."

"Well... tell me, what kind of reward do you want," Lin Yuanfei said, "As long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you depending on the situation."

Fu Jiang blinked playfully, "Really? As long as people are willing to say it, my dear is willing to do it?"

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, "The premise is not to go too far! And within my ability!"

Fu Jiang laughed softly, "I know, I know, don't people know what kind of person my dear is? It will definitely not make it difficult for you, she is the most considerate."

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help rolling his eyes again - it wasn't that he wanted to roll his eyes, but that what the witch said really made people want to roll their eyes!

Tomie is the most considerate person?

This kind of flirtatious woman who is greedy for pleasure and selfishness, and all the words to describe bad women are not inconsistent with her, said she is considerate?

Mom!Then what I saw must be a fake Tomie.

However, Lin Yuanfei waited for a long time, but Fu Jiang didn't speak.

Lin Yuanfei got a little impatient waiting.

"By the way, haven't you decided what request you want to make yet?" Lin Yuanfei looked at the time and said, "Time is running out, please hurry up?"

Fu Jiang tilted his head and thought for a while, then sighed in frustration.

"But people really can't remember it for a while...My dear, why don't you owe it first like before?"

For some reason, Lin Yuanfei always felt that there was a dangerous light in Fu Jiang's squinted eyes, and he smiled like a fox stalking its prey, "Why don't you owe me another wish, my dear? Wait until I think it over." ?”

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei seemed to see a huge sinkhole in front of him waiting to jump into it.

At the bottom of the pit is the smiling Fu Jiang.

Uh... can't it?

Lin Yuanfei was a little guilty, but the next second he stiffened his neck again.

I'm not Zhang Wuji, I'm afraid of shit!At worst, I will regret it later!Shameless people have nothing to fear!

How do you say that?There is no need to talk about morals and morals with this kind of evil heretics, we stand shoulder to shoulder... Ahem... Don't care about the agreement or not, just trick her to tell the truth first.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Fu Jiang with a serious face, "Okay, no problem, I promise you, and I owe you another promise. As long as your request is not excessive and within my ability, I can do it... Now we can start?"

Fu Jiang looked at him with a smile, and chuckled, "My dear, you don't want to agree to it now and regret it later?"

Lin Yuanfei looked serious, "How is that possible? Am I that kind of person?!"

Fu Jiang looked at him with a smile, and just looked at each other for a few seconds.

Fu Jiang's smile gradually disappeared, and he let out a sigh of unknown meaning.

"Then let people see how honest and trustworthy my dear is..."

She raised her head and looked at the ceiling above her head, as if remembering something from a long time ago.

He said calmly, "That was about half a year ago..."

Chapter 104 Tomie's Jealousy

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