"That was about half a year ago..."

In the basement, upon hearing Fu Jiang's words, Lin Yuanfei's heart sank slightly.

half year ago……

It's this time again?

Within half a year, Freddy appeared, Fu Jiang appeared, the cult priest appeared, and the two rituals came to Raccoon City... Why did so many supernatural events appear one after another in a city that was relatively calm half a year ago? What about his weird powers?

Lin Yuanfei frowned.

He began to listen carefully to Fu Jiang's story.

However, the experience Fu Jiang told was not much different from what Lin Yuanfei knew.

At the beginning, Fu Jiang in this world didn't seem to have such an uncontrollable terrifying charm and terrifying vitality.

But an incident happened half a year ago that completely changed everything.

At that time, Fu Jiang failed to seduce the teacher, and was killed by his classmates during an outing.

However, Fu Jiang did not die completely.

Every piece of her body that was chopped up at that time regenerated into a brand new Fu Jiang.

And the newly proliferated Fu Jiang all have that kind of weird and terrifying charm, which can charm all men.

This is the origin of the Fu Jiang series of stories, and the general process is not much different from the original comics that Lin Yuanfei knows.

The only thing he cares about is [half a year ago] at this point in time...

In the past six months, all kinds of supernatural phenomena appeared one after another in Raccoon City. Is there something to guide it?

But Lin Yuanfei asked Fu Jiang, but couldn't get the result.

Because Fu Jiang obviously doesn't care about all this.

She was just wandering around leisurely, leisurely enjoying those men's pursuit of her, enjoying the pleasure of playing with different men in applause.

Don't think about why you mutated, and don't guess the reason for all this.

She just enjoys the pursuit of men leisurely and lazily, constantly changing different boyfriends, changing to new boyfriends after she gets bored...or being killed and dismembered by her previous boyfriend.

Although generally speaking, the ending is the last one.

"So... one last question."

Lin Yuanfei stared into Fu Jiang's eyes and asked, "How many Fu Jiangs exist in this world now? Besides Raccoon City, are there other Fu Jiangs in other places?"

Facing Lin Yuanfei's question, Fu Jiang, who had always known everything, was silent for a few seconds.

Then chuckled.

"My dear, you are not satisfied with being alone, do you want to find a few more to sleep with?"

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei heard deep hatred and jealousy in Fu Jiang's words.

This jealous woman even hates and loathes her other clones.

She hates all women who are prettier than her, and is jealous of all women who live better than her. If the two rich rivers meet, there will never be a peaceful coexistence.

When two rich rivers meet, they will definitely fight each other until one dies.

This is Fujie's nature.

So in the face of Lin Yuanfei's question, Fu Jiang naturally refused to answer.

"I won't answer this question for you, dear, when people don't love you anymore, maybe I will be in the mood to tell you the whereabouts of those other bitches."

"But before that, no matter what, I won't tell you."

Fu Jiang spoke very seriously.

Rarely serious.

Lin Yuanfei and her looked at each other for a few seconds, and understood what Fu Jiang was afraid of.

This witch is obviously afraid that she will capture other Fu Jiang to replace her, right?

Although for Lin Yuanfei, no matter which Fujiang is the same, after all, these Fujiangs share knowledge and memory, have the same personality, and have exactly the same body.

But for Fu Jiang itself, if it is not her but another Fu Jiang who stays by Lin Yuanfei's side, then everything will change.

emmmmm... It may be a bit abstract to say so, so let me give you an example.

If you have a wife you like, but one day your future self crosses in front of her, there will be two of you in front of your wife.

As far as your wife is concerned, these two men are her husbands, they have the same memory, the same body, the same personality, and they are exactly the same from the inside out.

But as far as you are concerned, seeing other men in close contact with your wife or even having sex... Even if it is your future self, probably not many people can accept such a thing, right?

If you think about it this way, have you reached a consensus with Fu Jiang?

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, after all, this was the jealous nature of creatures.

Even a cat will be full of jealousy and hatred towards the owner's newly adopted cat, let alone a living person.

Although Lin Yuanfei really wanted to know how many rich rivers there were in this world, and the general whereabouts of those rich rivers, but since the rich river in front of him refused to speak, he had no time to ask the other party for the time being.

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