I used to be equipped with a three-dimensional mobile device to cut down giants

I once wielded a great sword to terrorize the abyss

I used to drive Teigu to participate in the revolutionary assassination

Until I tried to cheat the gun of Gungnir in Gensokyo, and was bombarded by magic from Scarlet Moon

Today, I am—Illya, Queen of Arms!

Chapter 106 Human Nature Limits Your Imagination

At three o'clock in the morning, Raccoon City was as desolate and quiet as a ghost town, with no pedestrians on the streets.

It's not just Raccoon City, most cities in the world are pretty much equally desolate at this point.

It's just that it's particularly obvious here in Raccoon City.

After all, the several vicious killings that have occurred in the past six months have already made the residents panic.

No middle school in Raccoon City has club activities anymore.

After school ends at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the school will immediately force the students to go home to avoid the danger of the students staying outside for too long.

Lin Yuanfei drove the Honda of my wife's family slowly on the desolate streets of the city. The two sides of the streets were as desolate as the road leading to hell, and no pedestrians could be seen.

At this point, even the police officers who were assigned to be temporarily on duty were mostly drowsy.

Because he didn't have a driver's license, Lin Yuanfei carefully avoided the police stations along the way, fearing that the police would stop him for investigation.

After all, driving outside at night is problematic no matter how you think about it.

The destination of the three is the municipal hospital in Raccoon City.

It's actually not far from my wife's house, and it takes less than ten minutes to arrive.

Lin Yuanfei parked the car on the side of the road, the three of them got out of the car and locked them, and immediately ran towards the hospital building under the dark night.

The city hospital at three o'clock in the morning was very quiet, not even a single person could be seen in the huge hospital hall.

Lin Yuanfei and the others went straight to the inpatient department, and then met the female nurse on night shift.

The female nurse looked at the three young men and women who visited in the early morning curiously and warily, and asked.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lin Yuanfei said anxiously, "Nurse sister, we are Miyamoto Rei's classmates. Do you know which ward Miyamoto Rei is in? We want to visit her."

The nurse glanced at the three of Lin Yuanfei and said, "Sorry, we don't accept visitors now, and the patients need to rest. The three of you can go back first and come back tomorrow during the day."

Lin Yuanfei looked anxious, "But it's very dangerous now! Someone is going to kill Rei Miyamoto! It may be tonight! We have to remind her!"

The nurse's expression turned serious.

Because Rei Miyamoto, as the star of recent public opinion and the last survivor on Elm Street, is considered a little famous in the hospital.

In order to protect this survivor, there are even different policemen on duty outside Rei Miyamoto's ward every night.

As soon as Lin Yuanfei said that someone was going to assassinate Miyamoto Rei, the nurse immediately stood up.

She said, "You guys wait here? I'll call and ask."

After finishing speaking, the nurse picked up the hospital's internal phone and dialed the duty desk on the floor of Miyamoto Rei's ward.

After talking about the situation here and there in a low voice, she hung up and nodded, looking at Lin Yuanfei and the others in front of her.

"Don't worry, I've already asked someone to confirm," said the nurse, "There won't be any problem."

However, the three of Lin Yuanfei stood at the door and waited for less than ten seconds before the phone on duty rang.

After the nurse answered the phone, she just said a few words, and she was shocked.

"What? Rei Miyamoto is gone?"

She raised her head in horror, and looked at Lin Yuanfei and the others.

"Okay... okay, I know... I'll just let them wait."

After hanging up the phone, the nurse took a deep breath and calmed down before looking at Lin Yuanfei and the others.

Explained the situation.

"The nurse on duty went to check and found that Ms. Miyamoto Rei was missing, and the ward was empty and no one could be seen. The two policemen who were in charge of Ms. Miyamoto's safety said that they would come down immediately and wanted to consult you about the situation. The three of you Please sit over there for a while."

The nurse said and pointed to the chair beside her.

The three of Lin Yuanfei looked at each other, and they all saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Rei Miyamoto disappeared?

And the police even arranged for the police to protect Rei Miyamoto's safety?Now two policemen are coming down to question them?

Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei turned around and ran away.

Behind him, followed by Yuki, who was out of breath, and Yuno, who had a gloomy face.

The three tacitly ran out of the inpatient department building, and the nurse, who had just finished working, looked dull.

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