"Hey... Hey!" The nurse couldn't help but yelled out, "Where are you going? The police are coming down soon!"

However, upon hearing her call, Lin Yuanfei and the three of them ran even faster...

When the nurse rushed out anxiously, Lin Yuanfei and the three of them were no longer visible under the dark night.

She stood at the door of the inpatient department in bewilderment, not knowing what was going on, let alone why the three young men ran so fast.

In the dark shadows on the other side, the three of Lin Yuanfei ran out of the hospital without daring to stop, and then got into the white Honda car parked by the side of the road.

With a quick action, he inserted the key and ignited the ignition, Lin Yuanfei kicked the gas pedal, and the white Honda car rushed out immediately.

After driving to the corner of the intersection ahead, Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief.

"Damn... the police actually arranged for someone to protect Rei Miyamoto? I was almost entangled by the police."

In the case of the three of them, it would be very troublesome if they were entangled by the police.

First of all, they couldn't explain how they knew that someone was going to assassinate Miyamoto Rei.

And now that Freddy has obviously made a move against Rei Miyamoto, at such an important moment where every second counts, there is no time to chat with the police about the case.

After finally beating Freddy to the point of death, he would not take advantage of his illness to kill him. After he had killed a few more people and regained his strength, he might not have such a good chance to kill him next time.

Never waste your time with the police.

Lin Yuanfei drove the Honda car away from the hospital and drove slowly through the city.

His expression was a little dazed.

"Rei Miyamoto is missing? Left the hospital? Isn't it... Can Freddy still kidnap him?"

No matter what Lin Yuanfei thought, he didn't remember that Freddy had the power to manipulate reality and kidnap living people in reality.

Yuno in the back seat was silent all the way, and finally spoke at this time.

"Maybe she left by herself," Yuno said.

Lin Yuanfei was a little strange, "Hasn't Rei Miyamoto been in a coma all this time? How could she suddenly wake up and run away? Besides, she didn't stay in the hospital obediently when she woke up, why did she sneak out at night?"

Yuno showed a sneer, "Maybe Freddy thinks that she is not enough to commit suicide, so how many more people do you want to kill?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, and understood Yuno's meaning.

"Do it... don't let it go..."

Lin Yuanfei's back felt a little chilly, "Even if that woman is a little more realistic, she can't do it to this extent, can she?"

Chapter 107 Yuki is a Good Girl (Fifth Watch)

"Even if the woman is a little more realistic, she can't do it to this extent, can she?"

After hearing Lin Yuanfei's comment, Yuno smiled coldly.

"What's so difficult to understand? No matter how innocent other people's lives are, what does it matter to me? If you help Freddie kill a few more people and he can let his sister go, if I have no way to deal with it, I will do nothing. Help it kill without hesitation."

After finishing speaking, Yuno looked at Lin Yuanfei with a half-smile.

"And didn't you guys say several times that you would help Freddy kill people in exchange for Freddy not killing you? You have such thoughts yourself, why are you pretending to be a good person now?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little angry.

"I've said it's a plan to slow down the troops! A plan to slow down the troops! No matter how inhumane and unreliable I am, Lin Yuanfei, I won't cheat others for my own survival!"

Yuno smiled strangely, "Pervert senior means you are a good person, right? This is really a surprising discovery."

"I thought that after going through so many things, you should have understood the reality of being a villain long ago. I didn't expect you to put your head down and pretend to be an ostrich... Tsk tsk tsk... It's ridiculous."

Lin Yuanfei glared at Yuno in the rearview mirror angrily, and said, "Where the fuck am I looking like a villain? Don't splash sewage, okay?"

Yuno counted with her fingers, "You kidnapped Akiko-senpai to the basement of my house, and you also locked a beautiful girl named Tomie in the basement for confinement in a secret room."

"Beating up a group of men and taking away their goddesses, kidnapping the teacher at the school, getting that innocent teacher involved in a horrible supernatural event and scaring him into a fool, and now he continues to bully the teacher who has been scared into a fool .”

"The most important thing is, you are such a disgusting guy, you dare to covet my beautiful and beautiful elder sister... You say you are not a villain, what are you? A good person who slays demons and demons?"

Faced with Yuno's accusation, Lin Yuanfei's expression froze—as if it was really like this?

However, in the next second, he realized that he was a little annoyed.

"Isn't that what I was forced to do in a hurry? And you are clearly changing the concept!" Lin Yuanfei said loudly, "The reason for kidnapping the student council president is..."

"Okay sister, let's stay away from this perverted villain." Yuno obediently hugged her sister and rubbed against her, completely ignoring Lin Yuanfei's explanation, "He is too disgusting."

That posture is clearly the standard of not listening, not understanding, not accepting excuses, anyway, you are just stupid [beep] not explaining.

Lin Yuanfei, who was about to explain in anger, suddenly felt as if he had been punched in the air, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

This is because he maliciously distorts the facts and turns into Rufeng pretending to be deaf and dumb. He is definitely a veteran of trolling people on the forum!

Yuki knocked Yuno on the head angrily, and said, "Yuno! You're being naughty again!"

Yuki said angrily, holding her younger sister's ears vigorously, and Yuno, who had a well-behaved face, suddenly let out a painful cry.

"Woo... sister... sister, I was wrong... pain, pain, pain... sister, let go..."

Bingjiao, who was fierce and cruel in front of Lin Yuanfei, is as cute as a kitten in front of Yuki.

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