She covered her ears, screamed in pain, and repeatedly begged for mercy.

"Sister, I don't dare anymore... woo woo... My sister let go... It hurts..."

Yuki glared at her angrily, and then let go of her hand like iron, just like an old mother who sees her children make mistakes...cough cough...

Then Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei with some concern.

"Lin Yuan-jun, don't make excuses, she likes talking nonsense the most."

Yuki said earnestly and obediently, "I know the reason for what Lin Yuan-kun did. Others misunderstand you, but I understand you... Lin Yuan-kun, don't be sad, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side .”

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment, slightly moved.

My heart is warm, but also a little sour, with mixed flavors.

What is the most touching thing in this world?Nothing is better than when you are misunderstood and discriminated against, there is such a gentle, well-behaved and sensible girl who can understand you, support you, and help you.

It's just that creatures like men just want to save face.

Although Lin Yuanfei was so touched that he was dying, his face was tense, and he even changed the topic quickly, for fear that he would be discovered by others if he delayed a little longer.

"What worries me now is the whereabouts of Rei Miyamoto."

Lin Yuanfei brought the topic back on track, "Whether she was hunted down by Freddy, or she wanted to lure more people to get Freddy to kill her, we need to know her whereabouts. As long as we can find She has hope."

Speaking of business, Yuno also became serious.

"Raccoon City is so big, it is completely impossible for us to find Rei Miyamoto."

Yuno said, "But if she wants to lure someone to kill Freddy, there is a place she must go."

"Em Street!" Lin Yuanfei also understood Yuno's meaning, "If Freddy wants to kill someone, he must let the other party stay on Elm Street for a while. And judging from the current situation, it is impossible to spend less time , if Freddie would be watching you if you passed Elm Street at night, a lot of people would have died long ago."

"So people who are being targeted by Freddy have to live on Elm Street for a long time at night. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than one or two hours, or even longer."

Lin Yuanfei said, "In addition, Freddy can only kill [children] under the age of eighteen, so the target range is even narrower."

"We just need to go to Elm Street and wait, and see which minors come to Elm Street without sleeping at night, and we will know who was lured by Miyamoto. Then we will be able to catch Miyamoto if we follow this line. Li's whereabouts!"

Lin Yuanfei's speculation was reasonable, but Yuki reminded him a little uneasy.

"But we have been delayed for so long... Mr. Lin Yuan, can we go to Elm Street in time?"

Yuki said worriedly, "We were delayed in the basement for more than three hours, and it took a long time to come back from Mount Akina. During such a long time, I don't know when Rei Miyamoto escaped quietly. Wan What if she has lured other people to be killed by Freddie during this time?"

Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

Indeed, Yuki was right to worry.

They had been delayed for so long coming down from Qiu Mingshan, and they had been delayed returning to the city for so long, and it was almost dawn now.

During this whole night, if Freddy and Rei Miyamoto moved fast enough, the victim would have already been unlucky.

Lin Yuanfei had a headache.

"Anyway, let's go back to Elm Street first."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Yuno first stay outside Elm Street to avoid being watched by Freddy. Yuki and I go in to see if anyone will come to Elm Street after three o'clock in the morning."

Author's message:

ps: Do you think I only have three shifts?In fact, I am five o'clock!

Chapter 108

Yuno did not object to Lin Yuanfei's arrangement.

At first, Lin Yuanfei thought that this sister who accused her of being sick would shout something like "I will go forward and retreat with my sister", and they would go to Elm Street together for life or death.

But since she didn't make trouble, Lin Yuanfei was also happy to relax.

After putting Yuno down at the entrance of Elm Street, Lin Yuanfei drove the car into Elm Street.

Yuno was in charge of monitoring the entrance here, and Hayashi Yuanfei led Yuki into Elm Street.

Compared with other residential areas in the city, this side of Elm Street seems more gloomy.

I don't know if it was a preconceived illusion, but Lin Yuanfei always felt that this place was gloomy, as if there was a Freddy secretly staring at them.

Lin Yuan flew very slowly, and the two of them looked at the streets and houses on both sides, wanting to see if there was anything strange.

Let's see if we can find any clues.

But this time, things went more smoothly than expected.

Not long after they entered Elm Street, they saw a clue...

Guiyan leaves.

This little girl who had a strange agreement with the original owner of Lin Yuanfei's body was standing alone in front of the gate of No. 44 Elm Street, holding a samurai sword in her arms, as if she was waiting for someone.

Dim streetlights fell on her body, and the beautiful girl standing quietly in the deserted street looked as beautiful as a delicate CG scroll from a distance.

But Lin Yuanfei has no time to appreciate this beautiful scene for the time being.

In other words, he doesn't have time to appreciate the aesthetics right now, he just thinks it's gloomy - this Elm Street is gloomy, and there are evil spirits haunting it, little girl, aren't you afraid of bad luck if you run out alone?

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