"I think she makes a lot of sense."

After speaking, under Lin Yuanfei's dumbfounded gaze, my wife Yuno opened the door and walked in.

He went straight to Yuki and sat down.

"Student Gui Yanye's plan is perfect, and I agree."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her with a look of astonishment, "Aren't you guarding outside Elm Street? When did you come in?"

To this, Yuno's reaction was very calm, "I heard your plan, since there is already a solution to Freddy, then I don't have to be afraid of the curse on Elm Street. It can even be said that if Freddy dares to target Me, that just saves us trouble, and I can dream to drag it out and kill it."

Lin Yuanfei felt as if he had heard some strange information—heard?How did you hear it across a long street?Bug on me?

Depend on!

Lin Yuanfei stared at my wife Yuno, who was opposite, and said, "Did you install a bug on me?"

Yuno looked at Gui Yanye directly as if she hadn't heard his words.

"Then... get ready, Gui Yanye."

Yuno said seriously, "We're going to kill Freddy now!"

Chapter 113 Master has a baby for you to see

"Then... get ready, Gui Yanye. Let's kill Freddy now."

Yuno said to Gui Yanye seriously.

Lin Yuanfei on the side was very distressed, "Hey! Don't ignore my words! You perverted sister-in-law! Are you bugging me?"

Yuno turned her head back coldly, looking at him coldly, like looking at a dirty cockroach.

"Installing a bug? On you? Don't disgust me, okay? You are a disgusting thing like a sewer rat. You feel dirty when you see it, and you still have a bug on you? Who do you think you are? Don't feel bad about yourself. That's great, okay?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second - it seemed to be the reason.

I'm not Yuno's crush, why is she bugging me?To pretend is also to wear on Yuki's body...

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and glanced at Yuki, feeling a little distressed.

Such a good girl, why does she have a sister who is a sick sister?

And this perverted sister is still called my wife Yuno... You can say that your name is Sagiri or Kosaka Kirino!Why do you call my wife Yuno?

In the future, not only will I have to take on the side plot of saving Brother Cheng, but I will also save Yuki who was imprisoned by my sister in the secret room, right?

Yuki didn't understand Lin Yuanfei's worries at all, she was smiling stupidly, obviously she didn't know how scary her sister's name was.

After all, there is no such animation as "Future Diary" in this world... Hey... let's remind her a little bit another day.

Lin Yuanfei thought so.

The main reason is that the current main task is to beat up the dog in the water and hunt down Freddy, so it is not suitable to have a bad relationship with my wife Yuno for the time being.

The great leader Chairman Mao said that we must rely on the poor peasants, unite with the middle peasants, neutralize the rich peasants, and eliminate the feudal exploiting class step by step.

Now Freddy is the biggest enemy, and it would be very stupid to fight in the den without killing him first.

The four of Lin Yuanfei began to discuss the battle plan.

"In order to prevent the time from dragging on and Freddy regains his strength, I suggest that we start the decisive battle here."

Yuno said, "Anyway, even if some furniture is broken in this room, it's fine."

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, "This is not your home, of course it's none of your business to break the furniture!"

However, Lin Yuanfei also agreed with Yuno's proposal.

——The main reason is that he doesn't quite believe that Gui Yanye, a weak girl, can really pull Freddy out of his nightmare.

So when Lin Yuanfei planned to wake up Gui Yanye first.

Compared with fighting monsters, the girl's life is the most important thing!

Especially a beautiful girl like Gui Yanye is simply a non-renewable resource.

Freddy can fight anytime, Gui Yanye will be very uncomfortable if he dies here.

After the three of Lin Yuanfei made a rough arrangement, they were ready to start the monster.

They first closed the door and locked the windows, and then moved out all the unnecessary clutter in the living room to make room for fighting.

Although there are not many sundries in this living room, it is deserted and empty, and the original owner of the body is simply an ascetic who has no interest in life.

In order to defend himself, Lin Yuanfei even took out the samurai sword that was found earlier.

This samurai sword was the saber of the original owner of the body, and Lin Yuanfei didn't take it seriously.

But now that he knew the identity of the original owner of the body, he realized that the knife in his hand might be a famous knife!

The nine-character Kanesada of the two ceremonies can break the barrier, so the saber of the descendant of Feitian Yujian should also be very powerful, right?After all, it is this chaotic worldview.

If someone told Lin Yuanfei that this knife was actually a treasure from the world, he wouldn't be surprised now.

Just like this, with a sword in his left hand and a wooden knife in his right, Lin Yuanfei stood in the corner with a serious face, ready to open the monster.

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