Yuno continued to hold her fire ax and stood on the other side.

Yuki was still standing at the door, which was convenient for escaping and could also block Freddy's escape route——Yuki held two water guns in his hand.

In the water gun, there is the remaining holy water from the previous use.

Since holy water can work on Freddy's body, does it also work on his soul?

Lin Yuanfei and the others planned to give it a try.

In this way, after making preparations and putting Gui Yanye on the watch with the alarm clock adjusted, everyone returned to their positions and prepared to start monsters.

Gui Yanye was lying on the small sofa in the center of the living room, holding her samurai sword, slowly closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

It seemed that she fell asleep quickly.

After all, it was four o'clock in the morning, and everyone was sleepy.

However, Gui Yanye, who had her eyes closed, couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Freddy, Kayako, Evil Spirit, Master, Rei Miyamoto, Takashi Komuro's death...these messy elements were constantly rolling in her mind, bringing to this little girl who had never been in contact with the supernatural world. a huge impact.

After a while, Gui Yanye suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"No... no," she said, clutching her chest, "Master, I'm under a lot of stress and can't sleep."

In the corner, Lin Yuanfei, who had a samurai sword in his left hand and a wooden sword in his right, looked at her and sighed.

"It's normal to have a lot of mental stress... Hey... Forget it, let's do this first."

Lin Yuanfei said, and glanced at the other people in the room, "The plan is terminated, everyone should rest for a while. We will discuss the new plan later."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked towards the only door in the living room.

Yuki standing at the door was a little confused, "Lin Yuan-kun, where are you going?"

Lin Yuanfei looked back at Gui Yanye who was sitting on the sofa, and said, "I'm going to get something."

Then he yelled at Gui Yanye, "Come here, Yan Ye, I have something to show you."

The little girl who felt guilty because she ruined the plan raised her head in astonishment, and looked at Lin Yuanfei in front of her.

"Master?" Gui Yanye was a little confused, but subconsciously got up and walked over with the knife in his arms, "Do you have anything to show me?"

Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door and walked into the aisle.

As he walked, he said, "Don't you want to practice the Flying Sword Style with me? I remembered that there is a cheat book under my bed. I will give it to you first. You can take it back and have a look."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he saw that Gui Yanye had also followed, so he closed the living room door behind his backhand.

In the empty corridor, only Lin Yuanfei and Gui Yanye were left.

The dim light fell on the two of them, and Gui Yanye was a little dazed.

"Cheats? Does the master have such a thing?"

Lin Yuanfei glanced back at her and grinned, "Of course! If there is no secret book, how did the inheritors of Feitian Yujianliu practice the way of sword? I will give you the basic part first, and you can take it back slowly. Study it, and when you've learned enough, I'll teach you the formal Flying Swordsmanship."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, an incomparably bright smile.

Chapter 114 Killing the head

In the dark corridor, Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly.

Behind, is the closed door leading to the living room.

The sound insulation of this room seems to be very good. After closing the door, Gui Yanye can't hear the sound in the living room.

Holding the samurai sword in her arms, she watched Lin Yuanfei turn around and walk up the stairs, and subconsciously followed.

"Master, are you really willing to accept me as an apprentice?" Gui Yanye was a little delighted, "Have you changed your mind?"

Lin Yuanfei hummed a happy song while climbing the stairs.

Then there is still time to answer the girl's inquiry.

"It's impossible to change your mind, Yan Ye, you are so cute and beautiful, why am I willing to reject you, Master?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled, and his smile was unusually bright and kind, "I rejected you several times before, but it was just to test you. Since you are so determined, why does the master reject you? The Feitian Yujian flows in your hands, It will definitely flourish!"

Being a little shy by Lin Yuanfei's praise, Gui Yanye subconsciously hugged the samurai sword in his arms, and lowered his head shyly.

"Thank you...thank you, master," the little girl whispered, her ears turning red.

Lin Yuanfei continued to climb the stairs, "Talk about Xiaoyan Ye... well, Yan Yejiang, you don't object to me calling you that?"

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "Yan Yejiang, do you know what is the most important thing if you want to become a descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?"

Gui Yanye was startled, and shook his head, "I don't know... Master, can you tell me?"

Gui Yanye's eyes were full of determination, "As long as you tell me, this disciple will do it no matter what!"

Lin Yuanfei glanced at her with a smile and said, "It's actually very simple."

Lin Yuanfei's footsteps stopped, "The stairs are over."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the girl beside him and licked his lips, "If you want to become a qualified successor of the Feitian Yujian style, you must have a one-on-one duel with the master!"

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