Under Gui Yanye's astonished eyes, Lin Yuanfei forcefully opened the door of the room at the end of the stairs.

Then what appeared in front of their eyes was a ginkgo forest with ginkgo leaves constantly falling.

The warm sunlight falls in the forest, and pieces of golden ginkgo leaves fall in the humid air, one after another, dancing in the breeze, like spirits floating in the sky.

Lin Yuanfei stepped into the door and into the woods.

The outfit on his body has become a set of samurai armor from the Edo period.

Combing Tsukiyo's hair, stepping on wooden clogs, with a long and narrow knife slung around his waist.

Standing in the ginkgo forest with fluttering leaves, Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at Gui Yanye who was several meters away.

At this time, Yan Ye was also standing in the forest where ginkgo trees were dancing.

The room, the living room, the corridor, the stairs, the gate...all these things disappeared, as if they didn't exist.

Gui Yanye lowered his head and found that his clothes had also changed into a kimono from the Edo period.

She was also wearing wooden clogs, holding the family samurai sword in her arms.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei opposite in astonishment, Gui Yanye was a little uneasy.

"Teacher...teacher?" In the girl's heart, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

But what's wrong?She couldn't figure it out.

On the opposite side, Lin Yuanfei had already pulled out the long knife at his waist with a serious expression.

"The body can die, but the name of a samurai cannot be abandoned," Lin Yuanfei, dressed in a Japanese-style costume, clenched his long knife with a serious expression, and said sternly.

He slowly assumed a duel posture, pointing the sharp blade at the girl in front of him.

Among the ginkgo leaves falling all over the sky, Lin Yuanfei said with a serious face, "...Yan Yejiang, do you know the heart of a warrior?"

That stern look was in stark contrast to the previous hippie smile.

Gui Yanye stared at him blankly and shook his head.

"No...don't know..."

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, took a low drink, and said, "The so-called warrior's heart is to go forward! Only those who stick to their heart and go forward can become the successors of the Feitian Yujian style!"

He pointed the blade at Gui Yanye, who was a few meters away, and shouted, "Let's fight! Yan Yejiang, if you win, I will admit that you are the true heir of Feitian Yujianliu!"

Among the ginkgo leaves falling all over the sky, Gui Yanye stared blankly at Lin Yuanfei who was a few meters away, and the strong sense of disobedience became more and more serious.

No... no... no!There must be something wrong!

Absolutely not!There is definitely a problem!

There must be something wrong!

Gui Yanye's expression began to become anxious.

Her hand holding the sword also began to tremble, and her eyes began to wander, as if she wanted to find something.

However, Lin Yuanfei in front of him has already rushed over with a sneer.

"It's not a good habit to be distracted during a duel! Yan Yejiang!"

Lin Yuanfei grinned grimly, and fiercely slashed at the girl's neck with the sharp long knife.

That merciless ultimate move was clearly aimed at killing people.

The girl with a startled expression took a step back subconsciously, "Master...Master?"

The girl looked terrified.

And that merciless knife had slashed viciously at the girl's fair neck.

Lin Yuanfei smiled ferociously on his face.

The moment the eyes of the two sides intersected, Gui Yanye's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the blade came out of its sheath...


There was a crisp knife sound, and the forest under the sun flashed a icy cold light.

Home cut!

The sharp blade cut a cold arc in the sun, and a fallen ginkgo leaf split into two silently.

At the same time, the grinning head was cut open.


In the blood splattered, Lin Yuanfei screamed in pain, clutching his blood-spraying neck and crazily backed away.

He writhed in pain on the ground, his body twitched crazily, and let out a shrill scream.

"Ugh! My head! My head!"

Lin Yuanfei wailed in pain, and looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief, "Yan Ye! Why did you hurt me?"

He seemed to have been betrayed, and his eyes were extremely painful.

However, the girl just looked at him coldly with cold eyes.

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