"You're no master at all! Are you, Freddy?"

Gui Yanye slowly spat out the name.

"Lin Yuanfei", who was struggling in pain in the forest, immediately stopped struggling and sat up.

"Hey... finally found it? My little princess."

"Lin Yuanfei" grinned grimly, grabbed his head with his right hand and tore it forcefully, tearing off a layer of skin.

The severely burned, hideous and ugly body underneath was exposed.

Freddy laughed strangely, "It's really dangerous, Uncle Freddy's head was almost chopped off."

As he spoke, he twisted his neck, and the wound that was almost cut in two, with only the last bit of flesh hanging on, healed immediately.

"But the master-apprentice game is officially over," Freddy stood up with a smirk, "Now, it's Uncle Freddy's turn to kill you."

Chapter 115 Freddy's Small Teaching Classroom

In the quiet living room, there was a dead silence.

Lin Yuanfei and the others stood in their respective positions, quietly looking at the sleeping girl, their eyes filled with worry.

The clock on the wall has reached 4:45 in the morning.

An hour has passed, and there are still ten minutes left.

But the last ten minutes were the longest.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Gui Yanye who was sleeping in the middle of the living room, and couldn't help swallowing.

Lin Yuanfei was probably the one who was most worried about Gui Yanye among the few present.

According to the plot of the original "Sun on Campus", although Gui Yanye has practiced Juhezhan since childhood, her body is actually very sick, and she belongs to that kind of weak and weak girl.

Because of this, she can only practice the Iai Slash that kills with one blow.

Her body could not support her to fight and practice for a long time.

This reason is probably also the main reason why the original owner of the body refused to accept her as a disciple.

After all, Feitian Yujianliu was originally a swordsmanship aimed at burly men. Although Feicun Jianxin was thin and weak back then, he had the aura of a pig's feet... no, it was a protracted battle.

And Gui Yanye, this delicate, sick and weak little princess, do you expect her to practice Flying Swordsmanship?

I'm afraid that if he couldn't even release the nine-headed dragon flash, he would have lost his strength and passed out.

If such a girl is accepted into the sect, the original owner of the body will probably be beaten to death by the ancestors of Feitian Yujianliu - let you ruin the reputation of the sect.

Lin Yuanfei didn't think that Gui Yanye could pull Freddy out of the nightmare. The reason why he agreed with Yuno's plan was that Gui Yanye, a silly girl, insisted on trying.

With this silly girl's personality, if you don't let her try it, she might be unconvinced and try it secretly by herself.

Wouldn't it be more troublesome then?

So it's better to let Gui Yanye try it under the monitoring and protection of himself and others, so whether it succeeds or not is a good thing.

If it succeeds, everyone is happy, and everyone shoulders shoulders to kill Freddy, the evil heretic.

It doesn't matter if it fails, at least let Gui Yanye try it, and let her experience how terrifying Freddy is, so that she won't be unconvinced and insist on secretly trying it by herself.

Anyway, I was watching from the side, and there was nothing wrong with it.

...Of course, that being said, Lin Yuanfei was still very worried, for fear that Gui Yanye would accidentally be killed by Freddy in the dream.

That would be really cool!

Seeing that the time was getting closer and the sky outside was getting brighter, Lin Yuanfei began to feel a little uneasy.

After all, he was the one who agreed with Yan Ye Rumeng. If something happened to the little girl, Yuno might not care, but Lin Yuanfei would definitely feel extremely guilty.

Seeing the sleeping Gui Yanye frowned and turned over, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help swallowing.

"Then...then what..." Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but finally said, "How about we wake up Yan Ye? I always have a bad feeling..."

Yuno glanced at him and said, "You guy... you're not as strong as a girl, even classmate Gui Yanye is more reliable than you!"

Lin Yuanfei's expression froze, and he was about to confront this perverted girl accusing her of sickness, but at this moment, Yan Ye on the sofa had a new change...

"Hehehe... Yan Yejiang, Yan Yejiang, your knife is really ruthless."

Freddy stood up with a strange smile, turned his head, and the neck that was almost split in two quickly healed.

Touching the wound with his left hand, Freddy raised his sharp right claw and licked the sharp claw.

"But the game is almost over, it's Uncle Freddy's time!"

Freddy laughed, and the moment the laughter fell, the handle of the samurai sword that Gui Yanye held tightly in both hands suddenly twisted and became longer, and a long black tentacles grew out.

Then, the unsuspecting girl was wrapped around her hands by the black tentacles.

But it's not over.

This is just the beginning.

Freddy in the forest laughed wildly, and pulled hard behind him, as if tearing off a set curtain, the entire forest was torn off by him.

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