The place where the two were located turned into a terrifying dungeon burning with flames.

On the walls stained with countless blood, there are many horrible torture props.

Those bloody torture tools seemed to have abused many people, and they were stained with shocking dark red blood.

On the other hand, the samurai sword in Gui Yanye's hand has turned into a huge wooden stake, and more black tentacles have grown from the wooden stake.

Those black tentacles not only bound the girl's hands, but also bound the girl's feet, neck, waist, and her whole body.

While the girl cried out in pain, she was tightly tied to the huge stake.

Those tentacles entangled and bound her were still wriggling, and some hideous and twisted demon heads kept popping out of them, as if each tentacle was a demon.

Freddy, who had changed into the executioner's costume, laughed wildly.

"Yan Yejiang, don't you want to learn Feitian Yujianliu swordsmanship? I'll teach you!"

As he spoke, he held up a sharp, shrunken katana sword—so small it was almost a dagger.

Holding up this sharp katana dagger, Freddy laughed wildly, "Let me show you the legendary flying sword style first! Flying knife flash!"

After speaking, Freddy threw the sharp katana dagger forcefully.

The cold blade flew across the dark dungeon, and landed heavily on Gui Yanye's shoulder.

In an instant, blood spurted out.

The girl screamed in pain.


The girl screamed and wanted to struggle subconsciously, but the black tentacles that bound her were tightly bound.

She couldn't break free at all.

She watched in horror as Freddy not far away raised another samurai sword—this time the samurai sword was no longer the shrunken dagger just now.

The long and narrow blade and the sharp blade are clearly a real samurai sword!

Holding the samurai sword, Freddy laughed maniacally, "Did you learn that trick just now? Now Uncle Freddy will teach you another trick! Flying swordsmanship! Hundred-step flying sword!"

After finishing speaking, the bloody ugly devil smiled strangely, and viciously threw the huge katana at the girl's heart...

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The girl screamed in horror and was woken up by someone shaking her vigorously.

"Yan Ye? Yan Ye? Are you okay? Wake up!" A familiar voice sounded in his ear.

The girl raised her head in a daze, and found Lin Yuanfei's extremely worried face in front of her.

The dark dungeon, Freddy, the ghost, the flames...all of those things are gone.

She was standing and sitting in the living room, and in front of her was Lin Yuanfei who shook her awake and looked worried.

"Yan Ye?" Lin Yuanfei asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

The girl stared at him blankly, and was stunned for a few seconds.

Then, cry.

"Woo... Woo!" The girl hugged Lin Yuanfei instantly, crying loudly at the top of her lungs, "Master! Master!"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

This... what's the situation?

But watching this scene helplessly, Yuno couldn't help but let out a bit of disdain.

On the other hand, Yuki had a gentle smile on his face.

Smile, very happy.

It seems that he is also happy that Gui Yanye escaped from death.

2 The tragic field of Shura among monsters and evil spirits

Chapter 116 Miss Sadako is on the way to ride a horse

What is it like to be thrown into the arms of a beautiful girl?

Unfortunately, Lin Yuanfei was unable to answer this answer before.

As a loser in his twenties who has never even held a girl's hand, let alone being thrown into his arms by a girl, he has never even gotten close to a girl.

After all, even breathing is a crime in a dead fat house. What if you are caught as a tram idiot because you breathe too close to a beautiful girl?

Japan has recently started legislation in this area, which is super dangerous!

So Lin Yuanfei has always been indifferent to girls.

But today, Lin Yuanfei felt the embrace of the beautiful girl solidly.

The warm and fragrant touch of nephrite jade, the faint fragrance that was so close at hand, made him stunned for a moment.

Uh... I am the pig's foot halo finally activated?

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