He was as happy as a child, and he stretched out his hand to grab the food on the coffee table with excitement, but Yuki slapped his hand.

Yuki glared at him and said, "You can only eat after washing your hands!"

Teacher Takagi looked at Yuki with grievances, then looked at the rich food on the table, hesitated for two seconds, and finally turned around obediently to wash his hands.

Lin Yuanfei was very smart and went to wash his hands early. At this time, he had finished washing his hands and came back. A man and three women sat down around the coffee table, making preparations for the plan while eating.

The place to open the monster was finally chosen by them in the basement.

The main purpose is to prevent that fellow Freddy from escaping when the situation is bad. Freddy in the airtight basement can't escape at all.

While Lin Yuanfei and the others were having breakfast, Mr. Gao Mu also ran over after washing his hands.

However, this guy seemed to have fallen in love with the corner position. After taking a large piece of cake and a bottle of milk, he ran to squat in the corner and started eating.

That looks like a husky.

Gui Yanye looked a little surprised.

"This...Teacher Takagi...has been transferred?" Gui Yanye looked at Lin Yuanfei with a subtle meaning.

Lin Yuanfei glared back at her, and said, "The little girl is full of messed up mind? How about a healthy mind? Does he want to meddle in my affairs like this? Even if I want to teach, I won't. Teach him such a rough old man?"

Yuno on the side nodded seriously, "It makes sense, after all, he is a perverted senior, even if he wants to humiliate and teach, the target must be his weak school girl or disciple, and he will definitely not treat the greasy Chinese Older men are interested."

Lin Yuanfei snorted, you, a sick girl, have the face to splash my sewage?Could you please piss and take a picture of yourself?Who in this room is the kind of pervert who confines, trains, and trains love objects?

Yuki just rightly shifted the smell of gunpowder in the room at this time.

"Lin Yuan-kun, if you are free, go and deliver some food to Miss Tomoe," Yuki said, "She has also been hungry all night, and she is very uncomfortable."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the breakfast of the common people in front of him, and snorted slightly, "That vanity-loving Bichi wouldn't eat this kind of common food."

But having said that, Lin Yuanfei, who had already finished his breakfast, still packed up and took away Fu Jiang's breakfast and prepared to send it to the basement.

As for Yuki and the other three girls?

Come on, how can such a delicate and beautiful girl eat food as fast as Lin Yuanfei.

Creatures like girls, no matter how hungry they are, they will eat slowly.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei took Fu Jiang's share of food and left the living room and walked into the basement.

In the dim light, Fu Jiang was locked in the corner of the basement.

It was still the strange headgear of the black goat. After hearing the sound of Lin Yuanfei opening the door, Fu Jiang raised his head subconsciously.

"Oh? Honey, are you back at last?"

Fu Jiang let out a chuckle, "And brought me breakfast? My dear, it's really considerate."

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, walked up to Fu Jiang and put down his breakfast.

"I can't let you starve to death, can I? What if you starve to death and reproduce a new Fu Jiang?"

But Fu Jiang said with a smile, "Isn't that still Fu Jiang? Honey, it's okay if you continue to starve her?"

Lin Yuanfei was too lazy to quarrel with Bichi, sitting in front of Fu Jiang holding a wooden sword and a samurai sword, and said with his back to Fu Jiang.

"Hurry up and eat, we are going to start monsters after eating."

Fu Jiang picked up the food, but he didn't show any obvious disgust or dislike as Lin Yuanfei said... Although the woman frowned in disgust the moment she picked up the food, Lin Yuanfei couldn't see it and didn't bother to go Look.

He listened to the sound of chewing food and the rattling of the chain behind him, and sat silently, holding his two knives, adjusting his mentality and preparing to kill Freddy.

Fu Jiang suddenly sighed softly.

"Honey, what would you do if someone else [me] came to you?" Fu Jiang asked softly.

Hearing this question, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second.

"Other you? Uh...you mean that the other Fu Jiangs know about me and want to trouble me? Are they still trying to save you? Aren't you very hostile to each other?"

Behind Lin Yuanfei, came Fu Jiang's chuckle.

"Although we hate each other, those whores will never come to save me, and are even happy to watch me laugh. But...it seems that some whores are starting to be interested in you, my dear."

"This is not good news..."

"Honey, you have to be careful next~~"

Chapter 119 Lin Yuanfei's Ancestral Meat X Device

"Honey, you have to be careful next~~"

After hearing Fu Jiang's words, Lin Yuanfei felt a little dizzy.

Gan!Otherwise, Fu Jiang is coming to trouble me?Too much!

I'm so busy now, how can I have time to take care of the bullshit between you two!

I'm not going to trouble you guys, but you guys actually want to take the initiative to trouble me?

These Fu Jiangs are birthday stars who eat arsenic, and they are tired and crooked!

Lin Yuanfei sneered and said, "Don't worry, I will catch as many people as I come. At worst, this basement will be full."

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