After a pause, Lin Yuanfei added, "I'll feed you everything I catch, which just saves me the money to buy food for you."

This is the most appropriate way Lin Yuanfei thought of to deal with Fu Jiang.

Fu Jiang hates each other, but Fu Jiang can never be killed, any piece of meat or even a drop of blood will regenerate a new Fu Jiang.

So in this case, Fu Jiang is the only one who can deal with Fu Jiang.

Anyway, Fu Jiang's resurrection and multiplication take time, and the multiplication process also needs to absorb nutrients instead of multiplication out of thin air. The more pieces are cut, the slower the multiplication will be.

Then after catching the new Fu Jiang, you only need to chop her up one after another, and then feed the Fu Jiang in the basement to eat until one of the Fu Jiang is eaten up, so that a Fu Jiang can be eliminated.

As long as Lin Yuanfei has enough time, he can even catch all the Fu Jiangs and feed them to this Fu Jiang in the basement to eat.

At that time, there will be only one Fu Jiang left in the world, the Fu Jiang locked in Lin Yuanfei's basement.

Then Lin Yuanfei, being careful not to be charmed by the other party, imprisoned the other party and fed her regularly to ensure that she would not die. In this way, only the last Fu Jiang was left in prison in the world, and he could no longer go outside to harm others .

What?What do you think Lin Yuanfei will die in a hundred years?

What else can I do, of course, pass Fu Jiang to his children to be sealed and imprisoned.

Anyway, if Fu Jiang is not dead, she will not split, and Fu Jiang will never take the initiative to split and multiply other Fu Jiang.

As long as Lin Yuanfei is careful enough, he can seal Fu Jiang forever and prevent her from going out to harm the world.

In this way, passing on from son to grandson and grandson to great grandson can at least ensure that Fu Jiang will not go out to endanger the common people for hundreds of years.

emmmm... Speaking of which, why does it feel like my plan is like the mysterious demon-sealed family that is often seen in various novels and movies.

In the forbidden area of ​​the family that has been passed down for many years, the evil and terrifying demon king is secretly sealed. From the first generation of patriarchs to the present day, the task of the demon sealing clan is to seal the demons.

However, one day, a creature named the protagonist inadvertently broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sealing Clan, and witnessed the demons were about to break away from the seal.For the livelihood of the world, the protagonist, with the help of a beautiful beauty, a big breasted senior sister, and a beautiful rich lady, sealed the devil, protected the peace of the world, and captured the hearts of beauties!

...I tm became the background board of the protagonist?

Lin Yuanfei held the two knives in his arms and sighed, thinking that Fu Jiang was really troublesome.

Is it the rhythm of being entangled by the other party for a lifetime?After all, now that you know the horror of Fu Jiang, you can't just sit idly by, right?

Lin Yuanfei yawned and thought helplessly.

If you have a chance in the future, go and see if the bigwigs in this world can solve Fu Jiang's problem.

After all, (yi) is a moon world.

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Fu Jiang asked curiously.

"Honey, are you sleepy?" Fu Jiang asked curiously.

Lin Yuanfei yawned, and said, "Yesterday I was busy all afternoon and all night, can I not be sleepy? Even if I stay up all night playing games, I have to go home and sleep after I get off the plane at the Internet cafe at eight o'clock? I stay up all night fighting ghosts, You can't sleep now, do you know how sleepy you are?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Anyway, you don't understand, why tell you this?"

Lin Yuanfei yawned, and after sitting sleepily for a while, he couldn't help raising his head to look at the entrance of the basement, feeling a little confused.

Hmm... time seems to be delayed for a long time, right?What are Yuki and the others doing outside?Why haven't you come down for so long?

Lin Yuanfei sat there and waited for a while, but Yuki and the others still didn't come down, which made him a little strange.

He stood up and said to Fu Jiang behind him, "Eat first, I'll go outside and have a look."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei walked up the small stairs in the basement with the two knives in his arms.

However, when he reached the end of the stairs, he pushed the door hard and found that the door could not be pushed open, as if it was locked.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment.

ha?The door is locked?What is this operation?Who did it?

Lin Yuanfei began to slam the door hard.

"Yuki! Yan Ye! Open the door!"

Lin Yuanfei slammed the door hard, shouting loudly, "Which one of you locked the door? Who did this prank? Open the door!"

However, no matter how hard he slammed on the door and how loudly he shouted, no one answered him from behind the door.

No Yuki's voice, no Yuno's voice, no Gui Yanye's one's voice.

Behind the iron gate, it was like a completely desolate world without anyone responding to him.

Lin Yuanfei smashed the iron door so loudly that the sound of knocking on the door could resound throughout my wife's house, but still no one came to open the door.

No one even came to ask him what was going on.

Behind the iron gate, there was a dead silence, and there was no breath of any living person at all.

Lin Yuanfei's hand gradually dropped, and he swallowed anxiously.

Damn... what's the situation?

Have you been calculated?

Who did it?


But does it do her any good?She is also being targeted by Freddy now, everyone is a grasshopper on the same boat, even if Yuno wants to turn her face, she won't be dragged to the scene.

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