The more Lin Yuanfei thought about it, the more something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

He began to smash the wooden door in front of him harder, fearing that something might happen to Yuki and the others outside the door.

Maybe Kayako came to attack him while he was away?Or some other monster?

After all, this Raccoon City is full of evil, no matter how you think about it, there are big problems!

Lin Yuanfei panicked and slammed on the door harder and harder, and the sound of slamming on the door became louder and louder.

Finally, it seemed that he heard his crazy banging on the door, and Yuki's weak muffled sound sounded from behind the door.

"Lin...Lin Yuan-jun..."

Then, the door was opened.

Lin Yuanfei rushed out in panic, but saw a girl covered in blood lying at the door.


The moment he saw Lin Yuanfei, Yuki raised his head slightly, stretched out a hand in pain and grabbed Lin Yuanfei's ankle, and murmured.

"It's Freddy... Freddy, he caught... took Yan Ye..."

After saying the last sentence in pain, the girl's hand fell weakly in front of Lin Yuanfei.

That soft body gradually became cold.

Chapter 120 The Nine-Headed Dragon Flashes

At the door of the basement, Lin Yuanfei was stiff and frightened.

The moment the girl's hand dropped, he rushed over in panic and hugged Yuki vigorously.

Shouting the girl's name loudly.

"Yuki! Wake up! Yuki, wake up!"

However, the girl closed her eyes tightly and did not respond to his shouts.

Five horrible wounds left deep on her back, as if she was scratched by some horrible monster.

Lin Yuanfei knew that it was Freddy's right paw...

The bone-deep wound and the blood gushing out crazily soon formed a small pool of scarlet blood at the feet of the two, and it continued to spread outward.

Lin Yuanfei shook the girl's body vigorously, but the girl was unable to give him any response.

Breathing stopped, heart stopped beating, and even the body gradually cooled down.

Undoubtedly dead.

The unspeakable pain almost tore Lin Yuanfei's soul.

Holding the girl's body in his arms in pain, he let out a heart-piercing scream.


Suddenly, he put down the girl's body in his arms, and rushed out the door like crazy.

On the blood-stained aisle, there was a headless corpse—Takagi-sensei.

His head, which still looked stupid even in death, rolled into his favorite corner.

On the face of the human head, there was a terrified expression before death, as if he had seen something that even a fool would be afraid of.

And next to the shoe cabinet in the entrance, sat a girl covered in blood. The huge fire ax split her head, and the sharp ax blade cruelly penetrated into the depths of the brain. The huge fire ax hung on the girl like this. on the head.

On the girl's body with her head bowed, the ax handle hanging on her head was still dripping red blood.

As for the girl's battered corpse, it was covered with countless large and small blades.

Utility knives, kitchen knives, short daggers, hatchets...these common sharp weapons were all inserted into the girl's body, making her look like a hedgehog.

As for the girl's schoolbag full of murder weapons, it fell to the side, and it had already become empty.

It is obvious where the murder weapons stuck in the girl's body came from...

Even Lin Yuanfei couldn't bear to see Yuno's horrible death.

He gritted his teeth and rushed out of the gate.

Outside the door is a bloody world.

The scorching flames were rolling in the magma.

There are also some pools that are bubbling and bubbling. They are not magma, but blood pools that exude a strange smell.

Ugly demons, ferocious monsters, these things were bathed in the magma blood pool, and let out a comfortable low growl.

The smell of sulfur and blood rushed towards his face, Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at the hell-like world in front of him, and saw the ugly ghost dragging Yan Ye at the end of his vision at a glance.


Lin Yuanfei roared the name angrily and rushed to the only bridge in front of him.

This is the only way to the depths of the crimson and strange world. There are many human bones scattered on the bridge. It seems that many unfortunate people have been dismembered by demons here.

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