But Lin Yuanfei didn't expect him to defeat Freddy in the dream, he just needed to delay until Yuki and the others found out that something was wrong and came to shake him to wake him up.

Until then, just stay alive!

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, fantasized and tried to create something new.

The Feitian Yujianliu swordsmanship before and the sky lock just now are all fakes that he imagined out of thin air.

If it is in the state of lucid dreaming, people can indeed achieve subtle manipulation of dreams.

It's just that this kind of fantasy is a little bit difficult...

Ahead, the grinning Freddy once again turned into a dozen ferocious ghosts and rushed forward, forming a mighty army of ghosts.

However, this time Lin Yuanfei did not panic.

He took a deep breath, stood where he was, and tried to concentrate.

With the faint golden light emerging, golden ripples appeared behind Lin Yuanfei.

The sky lock glowing with golden light flew out, but it was torn apart by those grinning Freddys in an instant.

Freddy, who rushed to the front, had already rushed in front of Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei took a step back subconsciously, raised his right hand, and a huge shield like blooming petals appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei out of thin air.

The blazing sky covers the seven-layered ring!

Six layers of defensive forces were deployed in front of Lin Yuanfei, and Freddy, who was at the front, slammed into him heavily.

Then, a golden light flashed in Lin Yuanfei's hand again, and he summoned a dazzling holy sword—the sword of vowed victory!

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei waved the holy sword in his hand, and slashed angrily.


Endless golden light flooded everything.

The vast shock wave is mighty in the strange bloody world.

All the Freddys on the entire altar were submerged by the huge shock wave and evaporated instantly.

The huge impact torrent even rose into the sky, forming a huge golden beam of light.

In the gust of wind, Lin Yuanfei stood on the altar, but without hesitation, he threw away the sword of vowed victory in his hand, panting tiredly.

Does this imaginary creation only work on Freddy once...

The previous Feitian Yujian style swordsmanship, and the later Sky Lock, seem to only have one effect.

So Lin Yuanfei threw away the sword of vowed victory without hesitation.

In front, as the surging golden light dissipated and the spreading shock wave disappeared, Freddy's figure struggled to "grow" out of the altar's soil.

"What a spectacle! Little samurai!"

Freddy said with a strange smile, "Your imagination is really unconstrained! It's much more imaginative than Uncle Freddy's. You are indeed a young man! Hahahaha!"

Freddy laughed strangely, his malnourished and thin body stood on the scarlet altar, looking so fragile.

But in the next second, Freddy's body quickly began to swell.

"But Uncle Freddy can do similar tricks! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Amidst Freddy's strange laughter, its body began to rapidly expand and grow, and finally turned into a huge giant with a height of [-] meters.

It lowered its head, looked down at Lin Yuanfei who was as small as an ant on the altar, and said with a strange smile, "Come on! Let's have a confrontation over the dominance of dreams! Little warrior, do you have enough imagination? The same trick will not work against Uncle Freddy again! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Chapter 123

In the crimson and strange world, the air is filled with the smell of sulfur and blood.

These two flavors were twisted and deteriorated under the scorching heat, and finally mixed into a disgusting smell.

However, Lin Yuanfei was no longer in the mood to pay attention to that disgusting smell.

In front of his eyes, the gigantic fifty-meter-high evil spirit was like a skyscraper, overlooking him condescendingly.

The ear-piercing laughter echoed like thunder in the blood-red world, making one's scalp tingle.

Seeing the grinning evil spirit stepping up to him, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and frowned forcefully.

get bigger!get bigger!get bigger!

He desperately fantasized about the scene where he also becomes bigger, but his brain still couldn't provide an intuitive image.

He watched helplessly, seeing that the gigantic soles of the grinning ghost were about to be pressed down, but Lin Yuanfei's body did not change at all.

Obviously, not everything can be done by imagination even in the dream world!You must have an intuitive impression in order to create something imaginary out of thin air!

The huge soles of his feet had already pressed down on the top of his head, suppressed like Wuzhi Mountain, and the dark shadow had enveloped Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly and raised his hands to the sky.

"Ruyi Golden Hoop!"

In an instant, golden light flashed out of thin air in the blood-red world, and a huge golden cudgel appeared directly in front of Lin Yuanfei.

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