
As Lin Yuanfei yelled loudly, the golden cudgel immediately began to swell and become bigger, and in an instant it became a huge iron pillar with a thickness of five meters, directly resisting the soles of the demon's feet stepped on from above.

But Lin Yuanfei knew that the golden cudgel would not last long, he jumped lightly, and a cloud of somersaults flew to his feet, carrying him and rushed out instantly.

However, the moment he rushed out of the coverage of the soles of his feet, Freddy's huge soles had crushed the huge golden cudgel, and stepped heavily on the altar.


Amidst the deafening bang, the whole world seemed to be about to overturn, and a strong earthquake occurred.

The pale yellow somersault cloud carried Lin Yuanfei and rushed out, quickly rushing to the edge of the crimson world.

However, behind Lin Yuanfei, the gigantic fifty-meter-tall evil ghost chased after him with a grinning grin.

Even though it was a gigantic monster more than [-] meters high, its running speed was unimaginable to ordinary people, and its movements were extremely agile.

Every time Freddy landed, the ground trembled crazily.

As he ran wildly, countless demons and monsters soaked in blood pools and magma in the bloody red world were all screamed and trampled to death by him.

In the strong wind, Lin Yuanfei's speed has reached the limit.But Freddy, who was chasing after him, was not thrown away at all, and even got closer.

Obviously, the power of somersault cloud is gradually losing its effectiveness.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth, and a golden light appeared under his feet.

Glorious Ship!Vimana!

The glorious boat of gold and emerald appeared at Lin Yuanfei's feet, replacing the light yellow somersaulting cloud.

The new fantasy creation immediately widened the distance between Lin Yuanfei and Freddy again.

But Lin Yuanfei was not overjoyed, because he knew that such an advantage would not last long.

Soon, Vimana's advantage will be lost like a cloud of somersaults, and Freddy will catch up in no time!

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei turned around and faced the gigantic monster chasing him frantically behind him.

A golden light appeared in front of him.

A weapon with a terrifying and destructive aura appeared in his hand.

It has both a hilt and a gauntlet, and its length is similar to that of an ordinary longsword.But the most critical part of the "sword body" is far from the traditional sword.

In the bloody and weird world, three columns engraved with dark red runes are closely connected, and the blunt blades are twisted into a spiral shape, hooking together to form the body of the sword.

The strange wind bursts in the surrounding spiral sword body, and the space seems to be unstable.

Freddy, who was chasing, widened his eyes and smiled in surprise.

"Hey! Good stuff! Good stuff!"

Freddy yelled with a strange smile, "Samurai, you have a lot of knowledge! These things can't be imagined out of thin air, can they? Things imagined out of thin air will never have such powerful power, there is no intuitive Yingxiang, you are absolutely unable to create such a powerful thing out of nothing...Little warrior, have you really seen these terrifying things with your own eyes?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at it with a cold face, and did not answer the guy's question.

He held up the Deviant Sword in his hand, stared coldly at the laughing and chasing evil ghost in front of him, and shouted angrily.

"The world is deviant! The first star! Let me smash this world together! Freddy!"

The power to destroy everything surged, and the terrifying wind tore apart everything in this blood-red world.

The deviant sword that slashed out without hesitation angrily tore apart everything in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

In the scarlet sky, countless cracks appeared.

In the gust of surging wind, Freddy laughed and was overwhelmed by this terrifying force, and the huge body with a height of [-] meters was evaporated out of thin air without any resistance.

At the same time, what was evaporated was also the strange scarlet world where Lin Yuanfei lived.

The icy wind blows towards my face.

The heavy snow all over the sky is slowly falling.

A round of bright moon hangs high in the sky, and Vimana, the golden hand of radiance, leaps over the top of the silver snow mountain, leaving a faint flight path in front of the huge silver moon.

In the dark snowy night, Lin Yuanfei threw away the Biyi sword in his hand, looked in all directions coldly, and took a few breaths.

a little tired...

Even creating things in the void in the dreamland seems to put a heavy load on the body, Lin Yuanfei actually felt a little tired.

Probably, it is the exhaustion of mental will, right?

After all, confronting such a terrifying evil spirit in a nightmare and concentrating on creating creations in the void put a very heavy load on the brain.

Lin Yuanfei panted, standing on the golden boat of brilliance, coldly scanning the surrounding wind and snow.

He waited for Freddy's next attack.

He was not surprised by the sudden change of scene.

In this dream world, anything can happen.

He just stood on the boat of brilliance and continued to fly, scanning the surroundings coldly with full concentration, guarding against any possible sudden attacks.

However, after a long time, Freddy did not appear again.

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