In the black snowy night, there is only the sound of cold wind howling across the ground.

Looking at this dead, deserted and desolate world of ice and snow, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help frowning.

This Freddy... ran away again?

Chapter 124 Dreams and Reality

In the cold and windy world of ice and snow, a glorious ship of gold and emeralds rowed across the night sky.

Faint white snowflakes are slowly falling from the night sky.

Lin Yuanfei stood on the glorious boat on the king's throne, overlooking the ground below, frowning tightly.

He felt like he had been flying for a long time, and he had been waiting for a long time, but Freddy never showed up.

In the pitch-black world, the figure of that evil spirit could no longer be seen.

It seemed that the other party had really been vaporized by the Deviation Sword along with that crimson world.


Lin Yuanfei swallowed his saliva, and his spirit became more tense.

Freddy is absolutely invincible and undead in the dream, if he can be solved so easily by himself, then it is not Freddy.

Since that guy doesn't show up now, he must be holding back some big trick in the dark...huh?and many more!Why is the floor so soft?

Lin Yuanfei, who was in deep thought, suddenly realized something, and quickly lowered his head.

I saw that the boat of brilliance under his feet turned into a mass of twisted and wriggling flesh and blood.

His feet were stepping on the soft lump of meat.

Lin Yuanfei's expression changed instantly as the pungent smell came over his face.

not good!

He jumped out subconsciously, wanting to escape from this flesh and blood boat flying in mid-air.

However, the body was floating in mid-air, and before he could remember to create new creations, the huge boat of flesh and blood began to twist and deform rapidly, and countless tentacles grew out of it, tightly entangled Lin Yuanfei.

"Hey hey hey! Hey hey hey hey!"

Amidst the familiar strange laughter, Freddy's body grew out of the disgusting lump of disgusting flesh.

He looked up at Lin Yuanfei who was entangled in tentacles and held up in the air, and said with a strange smile, "Little warrior, you are distracted! You know that the same thing can't have a second effect on Uncle Freddy, Why do you dare to stand on this spaceship for so long? You simply don't take Uncle Freddy seriously!"

Obviously, during the time when Lin Yuanfei was on guard, Freddy secretly corrupted the Shining Ark and transformed this creation that belonged to Lin Yuanfei into its own.

Under Lin Yuanfei's gloomy gaze, Freddy grinned and said, "Now, General! Let Uncle Freddy educate you well, what does it mean to respect the old and love the young! How dare you resist Uncle Freddy? Be good! You must educate yourself!"

Amidst Frye's strange laughter, all kinds of hideous instruments of torture grew on the countless twisted and wriggling tentacles.

Those instruments of torture were all under the control of the tentacles, surrounding Lin Yuanfei in the middle.

And Freddy looked up at Lin Yuanfei in mid-air, and said with a big smile, "It's Uncle Freddy's time now!"

With a slight flick of its finger, a tentacle flew out immediately, and the red-hot iron growing from the tentacle immediately pressed on Lin Yuanfei's chest.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Amid Lin Yuanfei's shrill screams, a puff of charred black smoke rose from his chest.

In the air in the basement, there was a stench of roasted meat out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jiang, who was chained in a corner, struggled harder.

She struggled and shouted, trying to recall Lin Yuanfei's consciousness.

"Lin Yuanfei! Wake up! Wake up!"

However, the boy who was sitting with his back to her lowered his head and held the two knives in his arms, obviously sleeping soundly.

Although he was sweating profusely and trembling in his sleep, and seemed to have suffered unspeakable pain in the nightmare, no matter how Fu Jiang shouted, he couldn't wake him up.

Watching all this happen, Fu Jiang gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and roared loudly at the entrance of the basement.

She completely left her modesty and image of a lady behind.

"Help! She's dead! She's about to die! Lin Yuanfei is going to die soon! Come and save her!"

This time, her voice was finally heard by people outside.

Several girls appeared at the entrance of the basement.

"What is this Fu Jiang calling? Perverted senior, you finally can't hold back the perverted animal desire in your heart, do you want to rape Fu Jiang?"

Yuno was the first to walk in.

She habitually ridiculed Lin Yuanfei.

However, after seeing the scene in the basement, Yuno's expression suddenly became serious.

"Not good! The pervert fell into a dream!"

Yuno immediately rushed to Lin Yuanfei in the basement, looked at the glaring burn marks on Lin Yuanfei's chest, and frowned, "He was caught by Freddy!"

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