Yuki and Gui Yanye also rushed into the basement. After seeing the scene in front of them, Yan Ye rushed over in panic.


She panicked and wanted to wake Lin Yuanfei up.

But Yuno stopped her, "No! You can't wake him up now!"

Yuno said, "It was hard for him to fall into a dream once, and now is an opportunity. Hurry up and find a way to take advantage of this opportunity to drag Freddy out of the dream! The next time Freddy appears again, I don't know when it will be!"

Yan Ye looked at her in panic, "But we haven't made any preparations, how can we catch Freddy!"

Yuki hesitated and said, "Maybe we can tell Lin Yuan-kun by shouting loudly? Even if I fell asleep and fell asleep, it seems that I can hear the shouting in the real world in the dream... The last time I was shaken by Lin Yuan-kun When I woke up, I heard his cry in the dream, just seconds before waking up."

Yuno nodded seriously, "Then let's do this. Let's talk to him loudly and tell him our plan loudly. After [-] seconds, we will wake him up and ask him to stay within the [-] seconds. Time to find a way to catch Freddy."

At this time, Lin Yuanfei, who was sitting there and fell asleep with two knives in his arms, groaned in pain, and blood gushed out from his shoulder.

It seems that he has received new injuries.

Yuki immediately shouted anxiously, "No! Five seconds! Up to five seconds! It's too dangerous to delay for too long!"

After finishing speaking, Yuki yelled directly at Lin Yuanfei who was sleeping, regardless of what his younger sister Yuno said.

"Lin Yuan-jun! Whether you can hear it or not, please pay attention!"

"Five seconds! We'll shake you awake in five seconds! You have to find a way to catch Freddy in five seconds! Follow our plan! Five seconds! Remember it's only five seconds what!"

Yuki counted down loudly.


In the nightmare, Lin Yuanfei raised his head in astonishment, and suddenly heard a distant and indistinct voice from another world.

five seconds...

He could vaguely recognize that it was Yuki's voice, but the content was a little blurred and he couldn't hear it at all.

But Lin Yuanfei instantly understood Yuki's plan.

Trapped in mid-air by the tentacles, he looked down at Freddy at his feet.

His eyes instantly turned cold.


Chapter 125 Happy or Not

In the dark and cold snowy night, a huge bright full moon hung high in the sky.

Among the majestic mountains, the rolling hills are covered with snow.

The icy night wind blows everything in the sky.

However, under the huge full moon, a huge lump of strange flesh and blood was suspended in the night sky.

Countless weird tentacles grew out of the scarlet flesh, and with the wild laughter of the evil ghost, those tentacles danced wildly, like evil tentacles.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy, little samurai!"

Amidst Freddy's crazily laughing, Lin Yuanfei, who was covered in tentacles all over his body, was lifted high in the air, posing in a "big" shape.

Around his body, countless tentacles squirmed.

On the top of those tentacles, there are all kinds of hideous instruments of torture in different shapes.

Every instrument of torture is terrifying and bloody that makes one's scalp tingle.

However, with so many terrifying instruments of torture appearing in front of Lin Yuanfei, the huge psychological pressure can almost make most people collapse.

"Go away! Go away! Go away!"

Lin Yuanfei roared hysterically, struggling desperately, trying to break free from the tentacles that entangled him.

However, those weird tentacles entangled him extremely tightly.

Following the departure of the red-hot iron, an ugly burn mark appeared on Lin Yuanfei's chest.

The unspeakable pain almost tore Lin Yuanfei's consciousness, making him unable to keep calm.


Amidst Lin Yuanfei's screams, a tentacle flew towards him.

At the top of that tentacle was a sharp scalpel.

To put it lightly, the scalpel passed over Lin Yuanfei's shoulder.

Immediately, blood spurted out, and a small piece of minced meat was cut away by the scalpel.


Lin Yuanfei roared crazily and struggled vigorously, but the tentacles were so tightly entangled that it didn't give him any hope of escape.

He desperately wanted to stabilize his consciousness and create new creations, but the trauma of his body tore his spirit apart, and the terrifying instruments of torture that surrounded him brought him an indescribable sense of oppression.

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