He is like an unlucky prisoner on a torture rack, and new cruel punishments will appear on him at any time.

The huge psychological pressure and pain made him unable to stabilize his spirit to resist.

Below, the demon in the dirty striped sweater let out a mocking laugh.

"Aren't you good at imagining, little samurai, come and re-act Uncle Freddy for some new fun!"

Amidst Freddy's strange laughter, another tentacle flew towards Lin Yuanfei.

However, at this moment, a girl's voice seemed to come from far away from the other side of the world.

The voice was so far away and so vague that people couldn't even hear what she was yelling, but Lin Yuanfei immediately recognized whose voice it was.


The moment he heard Yuki's voice, Lin Yuanfei's body shook slightly, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

Did Yuki and the others discover their situation?

In the next second, Lin Yuanfei vaguely heard something.

five seconds... plan...

The distant shout was too vague, Lin Yuanfei could barely hear these few key words.

But in an instant, Lin Yuanfei understood what Yuki meant.

And at this time, he had already heard the countdown from the far side of another world.


Obviously, time left for him is running out.

After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei's eyes became extremely cold.

He stared at Freddy below, let out a crazy roar.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Freddy!"

In the night sky, there was a small mace at the end of the tentacle that was flying towards him, but the moment the mace was about to hit Lin Yuanfei, a wall of nothingness appeared in the void.

Eighty-one of the Tao!empty!

The void wall couldn't be broken through, and the tentacle hit it heavily, unable to hurt Lin Yuanfei who was behind.

And at this time, the illusory countdown sound came from the other side of the distant world again.


Countless icy sword lights appeared around Lin Yuanfei's body.

Qianfang Remnant Light Sword!

Those shining flying swords tore apart everything, and all the tentacles within a radius of ten meters were cut off.

Lin Yuanfei, who had regained his freedom, roared, and rushed towards Freddy below without the slightest hesitation.

The moment the eyes of the two sides intersected, Freddy yelled angrily.

"Damn little samurai! You won't succeed!"

Obviously, it also realized what Lin Yuanfei wanted to do.

On the huge and ugly mass of flesh and blood, countless tentacles began to squirm crazily, and they all flocked towards Lin Yuanfei who was in mid-air.

At the same time, Freddy's figure began to melt into the flesh and blood below, and it was obvious that he wanted to run away.

But the moment Freddy was about to run away, Lin Yuanfei roared in mid-air.

"Sixty-one of binding Tao! Six-stick light prison!"

Six dazzling light bars appeared out of nowhere, directly locking Freddy who was trying to escape.

Although this [fake product] can only lock it for a short period of time, it is enough for Lin Yuanfei at this time!


At the far end of the world, the illusory countdown sounded again.

Countless bloody tentacles flooded towards Lin Yuanfei, almost filling his entire vision and blocking all his paths.

But the icy sword energy erupted directly in the void.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Hundreds of millions of sword qi erupted at the same time, setting off a violent rain of blood in the sky.

The countless squirming tentacles were all torn into bloody pieces and fell down one after another.

In front of Lin Yuanfei, there was no longer any obstacle.


At the far end of the world, when the final countdown sounded, Lin Yuanfei had already firmly grasped the roaring Freddy.

The angry and roaring Freddy struggled frantically, trying to raise his claws to attack Lin Yuanfei.

However, the moment its claws were raised...

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