The three girls were silent for a few seconds, before Yuno asked, "Are you going to lock this guy up temporarily? It's just a glass bottle. Are you afraid that it will be taken out sometime? It can't be so small all the time, right? What if I get bigger and break the bottle and run away?”

Lin Yuanfei chuckled, "I have also considered this."

After speaking, he opened the thermos cup and threw the miniature glass bottle containing the evil spirit into the thermos cup.

In an instant, Freddy stopped barking, jumping, and smashing the glass bottle.

In the glass, the glass bottle containing Freddy sank directly into the holy water.

Outside the closed glass bottle, in all directions, up, down, left, and right were filled with holy water scooped up from the church.

Once this glass bottle is broken...

Freddy's annoyed muffled sound came from the thermos.

"Sooner or later, Uncle Freddy will put you in a thermos too! You bastard!"

It seemed that Freddy was really pissed off, and he wasn't in the mood to talk dirty anymore.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei smiled and didn't respond, "Father, you can live here in the future. As for this thermos, it will be called [Gala's thermos] from now on hahahahahaha..."

Author's message:

ps: The book friend group [Face the North 2 groups], the group number is 281123734, everyone who is interested can come in to chat and ask to play fgo... Anyway, all the reader groups will eventually become fgo groups (indifferent)

Chapter 128 Miss Tomie Doesn't Eat Pig Food

In the dimly lit basement, Lin Yuanfei held up the thermos cup in his hand and smiled badly.

From the thermos, Freddy's muffled groan could be heard.

"You're going to die badly! You bastard! Uncle Freddy's going to kill you!"

The majestic threat of the King of Ghosts on Ghost Street, but now it can't make Lin Yuanfei feel any fluctuations in his heart.

Is it the loss of morality?Or a distortion of human nature?

Please watch the big funny variety show - there is a problem in this world!

However, facing Lin Yuanfei's arrangement, Yuno expressed his opposition.

"I don't agree with you keeping this evil spirit."

Yuno said, "We don't know when this guy will be able to return to his normal size, nor when he will be able to return to the dreamland. After finally catching it once, if we let the tiger go back to the mountain again, it will not be so easy to catch it next time Already!"

Gui Yanye also expressed uneasiness.

"Yes, master, this evil spirit is so terrifying, it would be bad if it escapes again."

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said, "Don't worry, I have my own considerations."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei raised his eyebrows at the girls, obviously there was something inappropriate to say in front of Freddy.

According to Lin Yuanfei's thinking, Freddy will definitely be killed, but it doesn't have to be so fast.

Now they have killed Freddy steadily, as long as they are careful, at least Freddy will not have a chance to escape in a short time.

The most important thing is that Freddy seems to have a certain understanding of Kayako, and after solving Freddy's problem, the most urgent problem facing Lin Yuanfei and the others is Kayako.

Although Lin Yuanfei already had certain plans and intentions, those things were just his deduction based on the current information, not necessarily all of them were true.

To be on the safe side, he wanted to pry some information from Freddy to verify his speculation.

It's just that these things must not be known to Freddy. He must give that guy a glimmer of hope before he can pry out the information he wants from his mouth.

Of course, even if Freddy doesn't cooperate, as this guy is a saucy talker, as long as he keeps chatting and teasing him, Freddy will slip up sooner or later.

If Freddy could control his mouth, he wouldn't be called Freddy.

Lin Yuanfei hummed and smiled strangely, and hung the thermos cup on his waist.

Then he looked at the three girls in front of him, "Who are you going to put on Fu Jiang's headgear? I dare not look back at her now."

Behind them, Fu Jiang in the corner watched the whole development of the situation.

When she was eating before, she seemed to have taken off her headgear, Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to look back at her now.

However, as soon as Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Fu Jiang snorted coldly in disdain.

"Don't allow these sluts to touch me, I can wear it myself."

After finishing speaking, she reached out and grabbed the black goat skull mask at her hand, and put the mask on the headgear with the sound of rattling chains.

Only then did Lin Yuanfei turn his head to look at her.

"Well, you've helped me a little, I heard your shouting in my sleep."

Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Do you have any requirements? If it is within my ability, I can consider satisfying you... For example, get you some comic books to pass the time?"

Fu Jiang sneered, "Is this how you treat your savior? Keep locking me here? My dear, you are really ungrateful."

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands helplessly, "If you say that, we can't talk about it... I can't let you out to endanger the world just because you saved my life, right?"

"It can even be said that even if I really let you go, you are willing to harm others and let me go obediently? Impossible!"

Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "Everyone is an adult, don't be so naive, okay? What should I do? I owe you a favor, I admit it, but let you go out or something, that's absolutely wrong." It's possible, you should die as soon as possible."

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