After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Fu Jiang didn't speak, but Yuno glanced at him.

"Pervert senior is sober in this regard. I thought you would be so moved to cry and let her go because of the little favor of this bitch monster. Now it seems that you are sober beyond imagination... and mean. Ruthless."

Saying that, Yuno pulled her sister back a step, not letting go of any chance to hit Lin Yuanfei.

"Sister, we need to stay away from this man! It's too selfish, maybe we will be betrayed by him at some point in the future!"

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly—you are holding and stomping, are you trying to praise me or hurt me?

Too lazy to argue with Yuno, Lin Yuanfei looked directly at Fu Jiang, "Well, let's leave without saying anything."

Lin Yuanfei pointed to the wound on his body and said, "I should go out and treat the new wound."

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei had bandages on his left leg and left hand. The injury he suffered in the duel between Qiu Mingshan and Fredica Coconut last night still had a faint feeling that the wound was about to burst.

There was an ugly burn on his chest, and there was even a faint smell of burnt meat in the basement due to poor ventilation.

Moreover, Lin Yuanfei's right shoulder was missing a piece of flesh, and blood was protruding.

The current Lin Yuanfei can really be said to be bruised all over his body.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's miserable appearance, Fu Jiang snorted and said, "Since you won't let me go, then provide me with something normal people eat in the future. At least caviar is required for every meal, and don't take this kind of pig again." The pig food you eat is here to fool me, how about it?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the pile of "pig food" that Fu Jiang said, and felt that his self-esteem as an ordinary person had been greatly contempt-oh god's pig food!

Tomie, do you understand that normal people eat Kobe beef, which is a high-end ingredient with big fish and big meat?

Ordinary people are also human beings, and the poor are also human beings!Don't you treat the poor as human beings?

Lin Yuanfei's heart was filled with the urge to complain.

But how to say that sentence, eating people's mouth is short but manpower is short, Fu Jiang just saved him once, even if he is not happy with Fu Jiang's attitude, Lin Yuanfei can't say anything.

He glared at the watery monster and said, "How about providing you with caviar for five days? I can't guarantee it any longer."

The important thing is that there is no money!I don't know the bank password, why don't I buy you high-end caviar?

And after four and a half days, Sadako will be killed, I don't know if I can survive the test of Sadako, let's talk about it if I am still alive in four days.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei made a conclusion without giving Fu Jiang any room for doubt.

"Okay, that's the decision, I will provide you with caviar for four days, so that you can eat something good!"

Chapter 129 Master Fu was also a decent person before his death (seeking a monthly ticket for the blade)

Caviar, the legendary high-end food.

Anyway, poor people like Lin Yuanfei have only heard the name but not seen the thing, they only know that it is very expensive, very expensive, quite expensive.

After all, it is something that can be regarded as the lowest food requirement by the skittish and vain Fu Jiang, and it will not be cheap no matter how you think about it.

For example, the price of 30 grams of fine beluga caviar is 1200 RMB...well, 30g.

While not all caviar is as expensive, the cheapest caviar is not much cheaper.

Food that the really rich can afford.

Just a small plate of caviar can cover half a month or even a month's wages of ordinary wage earners.

It's not food, it's money!

In the living room of my wife's house, Lin Yuanfei was sitting on the sofa, and Yuki was carefully cleaning his wound.

When the hydrogen peroxide was applied to the wound on the shoulder, many small bubbles appeared on the rolled up flesh, which looked extremely disgusting.

Moreover, the exposed muscle tissue felt a bit cool and tingling, especially when Yu Ji rolled a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide on the wound, the sourness... hiss...

Lin Yuanfei felt that he should kill Freddy?

In the corner of the living room, Mr. Gao Mu squatted there and yelled.

"Wow! So many bubbles!"

He stared at the small air bubbles in Lin Yuanfei's shoulder wound, and said happily, "It's fun! It's fun!"

Lin Yuanfei glared at this guy, "It's fun, you uncle! If you force me, be careful, I will beat you!"

Teacher Gao Mu shrank back immediately, with a look of fear on his face.

"No...don't hit me...I won't say anything..."

Gui Yanye watched the interaction between the two, and said, "Master, this seems to be... the teacher of our school?"

Gui Yanye asked the question he had always wanted to ask, "Why did it become like this? Did something happen?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "He was frightened crazy by Kayako and Freddy... Hey... What a poor Mr. Takagi, who accidentally broke into our exorcism scene, and was directly frightened by the two evil spirits." Crazy, really miserable."

In a few words, he directly picked out his own responsibility, and said it in a sad way, as if he was very sympathetic.

However, in the next second, Lin Yuanfei stared at the idiot in the corner and cursed, "Bastard! Don't look through the trash can! Are you stupid [beep]? Don't look through the trash can!"

Takagi-sensei, who was secretly rummaging through the trash can, suddenly shrank back, with a look of fear on his face.

Like a kid who got caught making a mistake.

Seeing this guy like this, Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, "I don't know when he will return to normal... We can't keep this fool by our side all the time, right? And if he doesn't come home for too long, he The family will definitely call the police."

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