At this time, Yuki said, "Takagi-sensei has no family."

Yuki said, "Ms. Takagi divorced his wife a long time ago, and he has no children around him. He has always lived alone, so there is no need to worry about his family calling the police."

Lin Yuanfei's expression was a bit embarrassing - this tm sounds so miserable.

Subconsciously, Lin Yuanfei vigorously shook the thermos in his hand, and Freddy's muffled screams came from inside.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Bastard! Stop shaking! I'm going to throw up! Stop...quick stop, bastard! Little samurai! Don't shake it!"

Lin Yuanfei glared at the thermos, and said, "If you bastard hadn't killed Teacher Gao Mu's daughter back then, would he have become so miserable? It's a shame not to throw you into the holy water to evaporate! I should have Throw you into holy water and evaporate!"

In the vacuum flask, Freddy's tit-for-tat curses came.

"I tm should have shot you into the wall too!"

Lin Yuanfei's face darkened, and he shook the thermos more vigorously.

The thermos, and immediately Freddy's screams came again.


Lin Yuanfei stopped immediately, "Are you fighting with me?"

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched into a sneer, "You can fight with me and try!"

After speaking, he shook the thermos more vigorously.

Shaking until Freddy's screams became a little weak, Lin Yuanfei stopped shaking, stared at the thermos cup and sneered.

"How is it? Demon Lord... Bah! Master Fu, are you still fighting with me?"

In the vacuum flask, Freddy's humiliating voice came.

"You... you won! Little warrior!"

Then Freddy shut his mouth and said nothing, probably sulking at himself.

Lin Yuanfei laughed out loud, incomparably refreshing.

The wind is turning!

Freddy, you have today too!

The villain-like laughter made the girls on the side speechless.

They didn't know how to evaluate the interaction between Lin Yuanfei and Freddy. The villain in the legend has his own way?

I always feel bad for Freddy...

After Lin Yuanfei had finished entertaining Freddy, he hummed happily, put the thermos back on his waist, and said.

"Everyone, get ready, get a good night's sleep, and let's go to open coconut later."

That posture is like the team leader who has just finished brushing Yogg-Saron sitting at the gate, saying to everyone who is taking drugs to replenish their state-everyone take a break, let's go brush the Lich King later.

Gui Yanye looked astonished, "Master... Master..."

The little girl said worriedly, "But your injuries..."

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei was covered in bruises and covered in blood.

To be honest, with so many injuries, ordinary people would have been lying down long ago.

However, Lin Yuanfei was naked at this time, with a jumper belt wrapped around his body, and said with a serious face that he would go to brush the coconut later...

Yuki couldn't help but sighed, "Lin Yuan-kun, do you really want to go today? Can your body still hold up?"

From the previous confrontations, idiots could tell that Kayako was much stronger than Freddy!

Lin Yuanfei looked at the time and sighed, "I also want to rest for a while, and I also want to wait for my injury to recover before going. But time waits for no one! Comrades! Imperialism will never die, We cannot afford to slack off for a single moment!"

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's righteous shouts, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Hello? Is Mr. Lin Yuanfei at home?"

Everyone in the room was stunned for a second, and then looked at Lin Yuanfei at the same time.

Lin Yuanfei was even more confused.

"Huh? Looking for me? Is the community sending warmth?"

Saying that, he put on the tattered clothes and went to open the door with Yuki and the others.

The moment the door was opened, five or six guns were aimed at him at the same time.

"Don't move! Police!"

Chapter 130 The Shimada Family

The moment the door opened, the warm sunlight almost blinded Lin Yuanfei's eyes.

What blinded his eyes even more was the five or six guns pointed at him at the same time outside the door.

Six policemen, at least six policemen, all pointed their guns at him.

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