"Stop! The sword is the second life of the swordsman. You want me to abandon the sword, do you want me to abandon the chivalry?"

The policeman looked confused, "What's the mess?"

At this time, Lin Yuanfei had a thermos cup hanging on his waist, and he was holding two knives in his arms, a wooden knife and a real knife. No matter how strange the shape looked.

As for Lin Yuanfei's strong resistance, the policeman had to ask his superiors for instructions.

After all, it is very dangerous for Lin Yuanfei to go out with such a shining samurai sword.

However, after the other end of the walkie-talkie was silent for a while, Saito Kazu's voice came.

"Mayor Shimada said it's okay, it's okay to let him carry a knife."

Only then did the two policemen give up their idea of ​​confiscating Lin Yuan's flying knife.

Lin Yuanfei snorted in a low voice——If I really want to run, I can crush you two weak chickens with my bare hands!Still need a knife?ridiculous!

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei sat in the police car and watched helplessly as the group of police cars cleared the way and took him to a small manor in the urban area in a very ostentatious way.

Damn!A manor in the city?It is indeed a semi-capitalist and semi-feudal Japan!The mayor is simply too arrogant.

If this were in China, a county magistrate would have been reported to death long ago in such a luxurious place! (The administrative level in Japan is county level > city level, and cities in Japan are equivalent to counties in China)

Um, that is to say, the Chinese equivalent of Raccoon City in Japan is... Raccoon County?

Suddenly revealed a breath of poverty ah.

Sighing, Lin Yuanfei was escorted into the manor by the policemen and came to one of the small attics.

After walking into this luxurious hall decorated in western style, Lin Yuanfei heard the melodious sound of the piano.

The direction of the piano sound was a piano in the hall, and Lin Yuanfei's angle just happened to be able to see a blurred silhouette of the player.


Lin Yuanfei immediately lowered his head.

Even if it was just a vague silhouette, and even the woman's temperament was different after wearing a high-end evening dress, Lin Yuan still recognized the identity of the witch immediately.

Is he being targeted by other Fu Jiang?

Lin Yuanfei planned to run away.

However, he was still planning a way to escape when another man in the hall stood up with a smile on his face and said, "Our guest is finally here."

After finishing speaking, this guy walked up to Lin Yuanfei and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin Yuan, you are my guest, so you don't need to bow your head."

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent - you think I bowed my head because I was afraid of you?Stupid [beep]!You, a brain-dead cliff, have been charmed by Fu Jiang!

Author's message:

ps: Master Mother came to call me after knowing about the stupid cat. I heard that it cost more than one thousand (actually three thousand) to treat this cat, and it almost didn’t explode... emmmmm... the only good news, When I went to see Stupid Cat today, it seemed to be getting better. I hope it recovers soon. If it gets sick again, it will run out of money!

These days, the poor are not qualified to keep cats.jpg

Chapter 131 Nobunaga Shimada is Rich

In the luxurious and luxurious hall, the piano is playing beautiful music.

On the clean and translucent floor, even human figures can be printed.

No matter the appearance or the interior of this place, every detail and every corner reveals the breath of money.

Moreover, there are many such magnificent houses in this manor.

It is estimated that a piece of furniture in this room can cover the salary of an ordinary working class for a month, right?

Tsk... the evil capitalist society.

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head tightly, not daring to raise his head, for fear that if he accidentally saw Fu Jiang over there, he would be tricked.

And in front of him stood a smiling man.

Nobunaga Shimada, the mayor of Raccoon City.

A young guy who looks not even much older than Lin Yuanfei.

However, he is already the mayor of a city... the second generation of Quan!Absolutely did not run away!The second generation of power!

In places like Japan, this kind of guy is too common.

After all, it is a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist society where the son of a carpenter is a carpenter and the son of a fisherman is a fisherman. It is not too uncommon for the son of a chaebol boss to be the mayor.

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head firmly, and said, "Mayor Shimada, you have something to do with me? But I really don't want to know you, do I?"

Lin Yuanfei, who lowered his head, looked groveling, but the words he said were unexpectedly tough, "Let's not mess with the river, you're out of your mind and you want to trouble me? I'm busy, okay? I don't have time for you. What a waste of extra time on this branch!"

The smile on Shimada Nobunaga's face froze - what did this groveling brat say?Need a beating?Anyone in Raccoon City who dared to talk to him like that would have been played to death by him long ago.

However, as a member of the Shimada family, even if he was already so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, he had to maintain enough restraint and self-cultivation—even if it was just a matter of face.

With a dry cough, Shimada Nobunaga said.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, it's not that I want to find you, it's just that my lover has something important to tell you, so I asked Officer Saito to invite you. Don't be afraid, we have no malicious intentions."

Shimada Nobunaga spoke very sincerely, and that personable appearance made people feel no trace of disgust.

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