However, Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent.

——Fu Jiang asked you to find me?It looks like my whereabouts were also provided by Fujie?

But if this Fu Jiang really wanted to trouble me, he should have done it long ago, right?It's impossible to delay until now... Is there actually a delay in the memory sharing between Fu Jiang?Not shared in real time?

And if the memories between Fu Jiang are shared in real time, if other Fu Jiang wants to arrest him, the Fu Jiang in the basement should give a warning. It is impossible to sit back and watch Lin Yuanfei be caught by these policemen.

But now Lin Yuanfei is controlled by these policemen...'s a bit big.

Now the six policemen following behind are all holding guns, ready to fight at any time.

Obviously, Fu Jiang still reminded this group of guys that Lin Yuanfei was not easy to deal with.

Although Lin Yuanfei has Bigu Qingjuro's body, he doesn't have Bigu Qingjuro's memory and martial arts.

Otherwise, let alone six people with six guns, you can get away with sixty people with sixty guns.

Although it is not impossible to fight with only six people, but now Lin Yuanfei is covered in injuries all over his body, and he really can't add new injuries.Otherwise, dragging a debuff that is inconvenient to move, how to fight a skeleton-level boss like Gayako.

Lin Yuanfei decided to reason with the person in front of him!

Then wait for the opportunity.

He said indifferently, "Your lover? My friend? Tell me something? Are you kidding, Mr. Mayor, I don't drive uu, how could I know your wife?"

Shimada Nobunaga was confused again, "uu car? What is that?"

"It's the bus!" Lin Yuanfei said bitterly, "Mayor, you really have very little knowledge and experience! You can also be the mayor in this way? Do you rely on the shady ones?"

Shimada Nobunaga said with a serious face, "Of course not! My election as mayor was definitely not based on shady scenes, but on my outstanding personal charm! And my money! Our Shimada family is very rich!"

That virtue has a sense of acquiescence that "I never care whether he has money or not when I make friends, and he is not as rich as I am anyway".

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "Rich? Is it your ability to be rich? You think you are Batman! I really don't have time to talk nonsense with you here. I have to go back to get rid of the magic guards, destroy the wraiths, and save All the people in the world, please don’t waste my precious time, please? If your wife has anything to say, let her speak quickly, and I’ll leave after I finish, ok?”

Shimada Nobunaga shook his head helplessly, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan is really... full of the demeanor of a punk."

This is the first time that Nobunaga Shimada has cursed, and it seems that his tolerance for Lin Yuanfei has reached its limit.

Just like that, Nobunaga Shimada looked at the piano in the room... The voice of the beautiful woman sitting in front of her instantly softened by a hundred tunes, making Lin Yuanfei almost have goosebumps.

"Dear~~~ Mr. Lin Yuan has arrived, why don't you come to see him? He seems to dislike me very much..."

Come on, don't guess, this grandson has already been charmed by Fu Jiang.

And seeing how this guy was fascinated by Fu Jiang, it was probably because of Fu Jiang's face that he could endure Lin Yuanfei's rudeness all the time.

Eh... I want to stimulate him so that he can come over angrily.

As long as this grandson dares to step within three meters of him, Lin Yuanfei is confident that he can hold this grandson named Shimada Nobunaga before all the police react.

It's a big deal to play another wave of hostage-taking and kidnapping basement tricks!I am proficient at this operation!

After hearing Shimada Nobunaga's gentle call, the long-lasting beautiful piano sound in the room finally stopped.

Then, amidst the sound of the stool moving back, the girl behind the piano smiled and stood up.

The azure blue soft dress was dragged behind her, as beautiful as an angel who descended to the world, and as elegant as a goddess on a mural.

She walked over step by step like this, every second was shockingly beautiful, like a beautiful cg with a million dollars a frame!

It's just that Lin Yuanfei didn't have the chance to watch all of this.

He lowered his head firmly, not daring to look in the direction of Fu Jiang.

Behind him, the moment the group of policemen saw Fu Jiang, they all showed amazed expressions, their eyes were dull and their faces were fascinated.

"Wow! Angel!"

Lin Yuanfei heard such obsessive murmurs.

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei's body rushed out.

The speed was reaching the limit, so fast that no one could react - mainly because all the attention was attracted by Fu Jiang, and the reaction was delayed for a second or two.

A second or two is nothing to ordinary people, but to a master like Lin Yuanfei (with his physical fitness), it is very important.

Shimada Nobunaga, who looked at Tomie with a smile, hadn't reacted before Lin Yuanfei grabbed his neck and picked him up.

"No one is allowed to move!"

Lin Yuanfei held a long knife and pinched Shimada Nobunaga, with a fierce look on his face, "Who dares to move! I'll blow his dog's head off!"

Chapter 132 The Honest Man Digged Your Ancestral Grave?

Just as the sound of the piano stopped, the hall that was quiet and peaceful ten seconds ago, full of petty bourgeois sentiments, instantly turned into a kidnapper's crime scene.

Six policemen stood at the door dumbfounded, all subconsciously holding up their guns, but no one dared to shoot.

In the direction they were pointing at, Lin Yuanfei pinched Shimada Nobunaga's neck viciously, and dragged him in front of him to block the gun.

And the knife at his waist was unsheathed without hesitation.

The cold blade lay across Shimada Nobunaga's neck.

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