A roar full of ferocity and rage echoed in the hall.

"No one is allowed to move!"

"Whoever dares to move! I'll blow his dog's head off!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became weird.

The six policemen looked terrified, and Nobunaga Shimada looked stunned.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shimada Nobunaga said, "Mr. Hayashihara, you... please don't get excited?"

Nobunaga Shimada cooperatively raised his hands up and became a qualified hostage, "If you accidentally cut me somewhere and hurt me, you will never be able to get out of Raccoon City. So please don't be impulsive, okay?" What's the matter, let's put down the knife and talk slowly, how about it?"

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "I can't get out of Raccoon City alive? Hey... Is the Shimada family so cheating? It's a pity that I, Ye Liangchen, like to say no to people who think they are outstanding!"

After finishing speaking, the knife in his hand was directly pressed against the skin of Shimada Nobunaga's neck.

At this distance, as long as he gently pulls, this guy will be cold.

This time, cold sweat finally dripped from Shimada Nobunaga's forehead.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you... please don't get excited, let's talk about something, there is no misunderstanding in this world that cannot be solved, I believe there must be some misunderstanding between us, don't get excited, okay? I really No malice towards you."

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "You have no ill intentions towards me? I believe this sentence, but unfortunately you have no ill intentions towards me, your wife may not... Ask her if you don't believe me!"

Hearing this sentence, Shimada Nobunaga looked confused, "What do you mean?"

He subconsciously looked at Fu Jiang beside him, "Honey, isn't this guy your friend? Why would he say that?"

Fu Jiang smiled and looked at him without saying a word.

Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Do you know what your wife wants you to arrest me for? She wants to cuckold you, you green turtle! I already knew your wife had something wrong with me , once I get caught, do you know what will happen? She will try her best to rape me, let me creampie her, fuck her to orgasm, and your head will turn green Ah! If you don’t believe me, ask her!”

In an instant, all eyes in the hall were focused on Fu Jiang - except Lin Yuanfei.

Nobunaga Shimada and the six policemen all stared blankly at the glamorous Tomie next to him.

Shimada Nobunaga said subconsciously, "Honey, what this guy said is false, right?"

However, under the stunned gaze of the seven men, Fu Jiang said with a smile, "No, what he said is true. Nobunaga, I really love this man named Lin Yuanfei very, very very much. If I can't get him , I would rather die, if I can't see him, I will have heartache day and night, sleepless nights, I really can't live without him..."

"Nobunaga, didn't you say that you are willing to give everything for me? Aren't you willing to help me resolve all my troubles? Didn't you say that as long as I can be happy, you are willing to make all sacrifices for me?"

Fu Jiang looked at Shimada Nobunaga pitifully, and said, "Are all your words false? You don't actually love me at all? Everything you said is deceiving me? Nobunaga, don't you love me so much?" ?”

Shimada Nobunaga panicked, "No! Honey! I love you! I love you so much! You are my everything! You are my goddess! All the meaning of my life! For you, I am willing to give everything !"

Fu Jiang immediately put on a gentle smile, "Well, I know that. Nobunaga is the best, and I like Nobunaga the most."

Shimada Nobunaga's expression suddenly became fascinated.

However, Fu Jiang continued, "...So, Nobunaga, do you want to watch others not get their favorite man and happiness? Obviously I love Lin Yuan-kun so deeply, others may not be able to understand, but if it is Xin If you grow up with me, you will definitely support me to be with Lin Yuanjun, right?"

Facing Tomie's questioning, Shimada Nobunaga looked away in pain.

"I...I..." The second generation of Quan, who was originally handsome, trembled with pain at this moment, and seemed to be caught in a battle between heaven and man that was difficult to make a choice.

However, Fu Jiang still said with a smile.

"Nobunaga, did you stop talking? Why didn't you talk? Is Nobunaga reluctant to let me go and let me get the happiness I deserve?"

"You're so selfish. You clearly agreed to do everything for my happiness. Now that my happiness is close at hand, Nobunaga is still hesitant. He even refuses to let me embrace happiness, and wants to stop it. I get happiness."

"It's disgusting... Nobunaga is really a selfish little man..."

Tomie whispered softly, and every word he said pierced Nobunaga Shimada's heart like a sharp knife.

When she finished her last sentence, Quan Erdai in Lin Yuanfei's hands was already pale and bloodless.

Even Lin Yuanfei believed that if he let go of his hand now, this unlucky second generation Quan would probably collapse to the ground because he couldn't bear the blow.

However, even if this guy is so miserable, Fu Jiang continues to make up his sword and be aggressive.

"Nobunaga is so selfish... He's so trusted by people, and he said such nice things to make people happy, so it's all lies?"

"People are still thinking that no matter what happens at that time, even if I become Lin Yuan-kun's exclusive meat weapon, and completely change into the shape of Lin Yuan-kun from the inside to the outside, they will remember Nobunaga in their hearts. Everyone will remember a boy named Shimada Nobunaga who was the best to others..."

"I didn't expect that Nobunaga had been lying to others..."

"It was a promise to give everything for love, but it turned out to be all lies..."

"It's ridiculous, I took it seriously before, Nobunaga, you are such a big liar..."

After Fu Jiang whispered all this, Shimada Nobunaga in Lin Yuanfei's hands seemed to be about to collapse.

Even Lin Yuanfei couldn't bear to look at that pale and miserable appearance, and couldn't help but let out a loud shout.

"Bitch! Shut up!"

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head and yelled, "If you still have a bit of decency and shame, shut up! An honest man dug up your family's grave? Killing people is nothing but nodding, you're going too far!"

Chapter 133 The Shimada Family Disgusted You

In the luxurious hall, Hayashi Yuanfei, who was holding Nobunaga Shimada as a hostage, roared angrily, speaking righteously.

Fu Jiang, who was yelled at by him, was smiling and extremely glamorous.

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